Reminder that INFJ is the superior personalitytype
>tfw INFJ
We're supposed to be all loving,compassionate empaths. I shitpost on Sup Forums 8 hours a day and believe in White Supremacy
>tfw INFJ
>tfw literally Hitler
Funny, I've had fantasies of becoming a national-populist leader and spreading thew word of Finnic supremacy and making the East-Slavs be the same as jews near Finland's rightful borders (see Greater-Finland)
Jesus and Ghandi were INFJ's too
I don't get it
>not ISTP
>not understanding the beauty of W A R and other historically significant shit.
>do this test
>see the famous people
Well fuck you too.
INFJ here, but with social tendancies that sometimes score me as ENFJ or even ENFP. Am I a faggot or a fuhrer? I dunno. I dunno.
You were sent by god to defend our race. You can out-Merkel Merkel at her own game.
famous people
>Erwin Rommel
>Vladimir Putin
>Melania Trump
>Some Japanese samurai
>Some chess grandmaster.
who /ISFJ/ here
close enough
>based Ron Paul
Mbti isn't reliable for shit, use big five instead.
to the point where it is not used as vulnerability ofcourse.
Brb convincing Israel I'm jewish to culturally enrich the country.
Sup Forums is mostly INTJ, lacks empathy and a commitment to truth above all else
>t. INFJ
Got that for ISTP's?
>In any way superior to T
Socialists of all types have piss poor logic, it seems.
Emotion has its own aesthetic logic which takes a certain amount of intellect to comprehend. You can thank F for any and all great art.
shit wrong thread
quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? Quam diu etiam iste furor tuus nos eludet?
Quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia motherfucker
ISFP reporting in
MBTI is outdated.
Trump is F, too. Have you ever heard him speak?
false, MBTI is useful alongside other shit like big five. MBTI is literally proven by neuroscience.
quick rundown on big five?
Rothschild bow down to the big five
You mean INTP?
>not being INTJ
>Proven by neuroscience
It's literally hot reading as opposed to cold reading.
Give answers to a test and receive an extremely vague generic summary that could be fit to anyone based upon those answers.
what the fuck does giftedness even mean
>he bought into Cosmopolitan magazine personality test tier shit
INTP master race
It's based on 5 dimensions, openness (basically creativity and interest in ideas), conscientiousness (orderliness and commitment), extroversion (self evident), agreeableness (how much of a bitch you are) and neuroticism.
ISTP best personality.
It's like they want their militias to fail.
>int pepe
>tfw INFP
>tfw no Tolkienian world of proud, independent races
I'm an INTP, does God also have a plan for me
>tfw no syrian qt gf
(Jordan Peterson is definitely INFJ)
yes. you find the solutions to the big important problems, and then you die childless and alone. or you commit suicide
Peterson doesn't even use this personality test. He thinks it's inaccurate.
So, before you post some stupid shit, sort yourself out and slay the dragon of chaos to save your father from the belly of a whale.
You mean Dostoevsky and Hitler had the same type of personality? No fucking way.
INFJs want to help people help themselves more so than just helping blindly, kinda fits his original actions.
It is bullshit. I just cannot explain why.
Seems like an Extrovert to me
Then again, I'm a sperg with terrible communication skills. Peterson is one of the best lecturers I've ever seen. And Hitler was the GOAT orator
Must be simply my own spergness thats the problem, not the introversion thing
>proved by neuroscience
Care to substantiate those claims?
was referring to this post
ISTP masterrace reporting in
INTJ master race reporting in.
I remember one of the questions asking something like;
>would you stand closer to the wall at a gathering
It's just horoscope tier bullshit.