#resist general

How can I, an European citizen, help in the fight against Trump and the far right?

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Become a dentist. Antifa will be in dire need of them shortly.

You can drown yourself. That will show him.


And how exactly does that help?

Kill yourself publically and say it's because of american pro-trump bullies, free speech and gun culture

alright Sup Forums someone needs to "red pill" you or whatever the fuck it's called on the topic of cuckolding and why this is the new fight for social justice advocacy.

1. Women, not men, have full control over their own bodies, full stop. It's their choice if they choose to have another man fulfill their needs, even if they've made verbal agreements with white men. Women should NEVER be pressured into force monogamy by a man. This is a form of passive rape by men that will be illegal someday soon.

2. White men have for centuries fought to keep black men outside the bedrooms of white couples. If we want to undo these years of racism we need to step aside and not try and control men of color from enjoying the same things that white men enjoy. If a man of color wants to be involved with a white couple that is entirely his choice and to fight it is racism, period.

3. While women should always be allowed to engage in multiple partners without her boyfriend/husband's consent, this is unacceptable for men. White men are in a position of power via the patriarchy, and if a man were to do the same, he could use this as a form of emotional withholding/manipulation of his significant other. This is another form of passive rape that is commonly allowed in society.

I know a lot of you dipshits won't get it but maybe 10% will acknowledge your white priviledge, and will hopefully understand your responsibility in opening up the bedroom to men of color

Don't be obtuse.

Fuck yourself you filthy degenerate antifa traitor. If you want diversity, go to Suddan, and tell them "it seems there is no enough white people there"
Thanks me later faggot.

Yeah but this seems off-topic.

Follow the footsteps of captain america and captain sweden. Welcome refugees and be hyperaggressive against racists on the internet

>, help in the fight against Trump and the far right?

shit posting on this board

Someone post the bait pic.

You cant. SD is about to be the biggest party in cuckland, and the swing toward the new right in Europe is still ongoing, and will be ongoing for a few decades at least. Enjoy your impotence.

Please tell me more.
Should I support Assad?

So much this

Drumpfkins are too insecure and fragile to accept this though

Be swedish.

You can commit suicide. That will surely show the world how evil drumpf and nazis are.

You can also offer yourself to every migrant in hope to repair the damage done by far-right

I'd rather make the far-right suffer.

well, you can't
so you are out of options

>how kin i help
Continue sucking spicy halal dick as you and your countrymen have done for generations

we already suffer your existence, sweden. get hit by a fucking truck.


Kill yourself. Then there will be fewer people for them to hate.

by allah support our brothers in syria!!!

>buy weapons
>arm as many lefties as you can
>give Antifa. the predominant majority of weapons
>teach them to shoot
>train them to think strategically and tactically
>form a formal armed resistance
>take the fight to Trump

That way we can just get this over with. The left can all die just like they want to and the right can kill just like they want to. Everyone's happy.

You should become an Antifa medic, specializing in severe head trauma.

How and why?

Polite sage for shill thread.

Find some rope, tie around neck, tie said rope around a tree of over 10 feet and drop from said tree.

Refer to google or jewtube for help and guidance.

Take the electricity challenge.

Ok, but I enjoy living so i'm not going to commit suicide, sorry.
I just worry about the growing far-right it the US.
My country is doing fine.


see Unless you want to militarize to actually do something you're just pissing into the wind making yourselves look like animals.

With violence, if necessary.

Pull the trigger. Only YOU have the power.

What's the point about that?

fight me Sven

You could kill yourself

by going back to /leftypol/ and being a retard there

come to stockholm, cumskin

You can't stop us. No matter what you do.

Nico-chan knows how to deal with fascist filth.

Take a knife and slit your throat, you swedish cuck. Your martyrdom will show these evil racists.

don't push me Sven

Not even original

Fuck off antifaggot. You're making yourselves look like animals and terrorists. The whole movement is completely opposite what it preaches.

I hope you're just baiting here, but this is no joke.

I'm one of those tweets

Why do you support the destruction of your own people, assuming you're actually Swedish, and not an immigrant?

>actually Swedish
What does that mean?



ethnically Swedish

>Asking stupid questions
Drink bleach sandnigger

'European citicen'...

I c. Your not a native sweede, just another muslim terrorist i bet.

If ure swede ure a schame, since in statistically 15 from now, muslims will be the democratic msjority in sweden

ans the native swedes will get killed, including you.

Petition government for open borders, promote identity politics among minority groups, but tribal and racist for white people. When white people become minority group, tell them its hateful, for them to look for there interest when the majority of people are people of color.

>European citizen
>Fight against those who want to conserve european culture and values

troll/10. Would gas.

>far right
Pick one faggot. The far right has trashed trump since he outed himself as a shabbos goy

You could've at least reworded it a little bit

I can't.

Lots of unprotected sex with migrants. Suck them off, take their load in your anus. All of this will harm and trigger drumpfkins with positive health benefits for you. Win-win

don't fight them, join them