Shills are paid to write free online FAQs and walkthroughs for retro games that make them seem "not worth playing". In discussion on forums between SJWs, they even advise each other on control buttons that can be omitted from guides without making the game unplayable. Why? Aren't they most likely to be pirated and emulated anyway?

Source ? OPerhaps with the recent SJW assault on vidya they noticed more and more people were actually content with replaying pre-2010 ganes and wanted to steer younger gamers away from that.

never heard of this, sound weird, like you said people can emulate most stuff anyway but im curious, go into more detail or link some stuff

>control buttons that can be omitted from guides without making the game unplayable

i find this curious, because its not gonna take long to find out anyway, but if you omit shit like this you make your guide easily identifiable as a shit one from this group of retards

I'm playing MGS1 instead of homostuck. SJWs BTFO.

bumping i wanna know more

Got an emulator on my phone and a bluetooth controller. Playing hard mode, no radar.

>but if you omit shit like this you make your guide easily identifiable as a shit one from this group of retards

They're very easy to spot once you know. We're talking things like entire stealth mechanics in 3d adventure games, stuff you would know if you had a manual. Almost all of them "neg" the game every couple of lines like they hate what they are doing

lol i meant to OP i wanna know more :)

yea ok but what is the idea behind this... i can only think they want to push people to play games that are NOT FREE but it seems really really dumb anyway, i cannot find a single valid reason why there would be a single person doing this, even less a group being paid for this

Be careful where ye tread; pitfalls abound.

Video games are for little kids

ok i read all that, even if that is true, its not gonna work... people forget games much faster than music or films... also what a retarded idea anyway, i would love to know who is the group with this idea and how much they are paying

oooooooooooooh, it's indirect Undertale shilling.

That actually makes sense.

Anita FUCKED japanese games by STUPID OPINION over and over again.

I never forgive her.

actually this is the only way of reading this that makes sense

It's about the wider picture. They have abandoned the Undertale project for now- contingent on Hillary's victory. Other plans are in motion.

>Other plans are in motion
do go on

Anita needs to hang.


You can never actually know with these people. Their ideas change day by day. Their goal remains the same however. They HATE us for GG.

Your country is a LARP.


I remeber seeign the other day they were complaining about "entitled consumers" and Steams refund policy being a huge problem for them. Because their games are so shit and short they can be completed before the refund time limit runs out. GG was years ago and they are still not over it. They really don't like that we fought back.

Imagine you spent years, decades, centuries building the most intricate house of cards known to man. You have a throne on its peak which you like to be seated in.

You look down and see a swarm of rats appear,, squeaking "Ethics in Gaming Journalism!".

Uh oh, looks like they're gnawing at the pillars, and it's a very long fall.