/k/ on militias

Is it me, or is the political left so deathly scared of militias?

Any baby killers here part of a militia? What do you guys do that makes the lefties pee themselves?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Racist Assault At A Child's Birthday Party Yields Long Prison Terms In Georgia

>A Georgia judge has sentenced Kayla Norton, 25, and Jose "Joe" Torres, 26, to spend a combined 19 years in prison for their role in a group's racist rampage at an 8-year-old's birthday party — an assault that included shouting racial slurs, making armed threats and waving Confederate battle flags.

>"I'm so sorry that happened to you," Norton told the family that endured the assault, weeping in the courtroom at Monday's sentencing. "I am so sorry."

>After telling the court that she accepted responsibility for her actions, Norton turned to the area of the courtroom where families who attended the birthday party were seated.

>"But I want you all to know that that is not me," Norton told them. "That is not me."

>Norton and Torres, who are not married, have three children together. Prosecutors say they were part of a gang of white supremacists who targeted African-Americans with racist taunts and threatened to murder minorities.

>Any baby killers here part of a militia?
What did he mean by this

they see themselves as the good guys. When they meet people who oppose them and are not afraid of violence it is a shock.

>Is it me, or is the political left so deathly scared of militias?
Because at the bare minimum they can't do their regular shit, or may even be hit for funsies instead.

I mean fucking christ, I remember watching people beat an unconscious man with a shovel back when people were rioting over Milo in berkeley.

>white supremacist
you have to go back.

Nobody claimed racist thugs are logical or rational.

>Is it me, or is the political left so deathly scared of militias?

Only antifa has the right to be a militia! When the right does it, it's evil!

Just stop having fascists if you don't want antifa to exist, it's literally that easy

t. Antifa actual fascist

>Just stop having fascists if you don't want antifa to exist, it's literally that easy

As if they were fighting actual fascists at Berkeley.

I know that the publisher is shitty, but I think that the writer of this article does a good job capturing the average militia member.


Basically, they are mostly tradesmen, ex-military, or long-term unemployed who receive no respect or acknowledgement in modern society. They are aware that they have been made basically culturally and economically irrelevant (with globalization perpetually pushing wages down and automation just around the corner to leave them entirely removed from modern American life). However, for cultural reasons, they are unable to develop a healthy response to this reality, so they go deeper into the rabbit-hole of reactionary politics.

By joining a militia, they no longer see themselves as people destined to a lifetime of minimum wage and disrespect from snotty college kids (who secretly want everyone in the flyover states dead anyway). Instead - they become the noble defenders of civilization, making an entirely unnecessary "sacrifice" of perpetual training/spending on useless weapons that's nominally for society's benefit, but in reality just to prop up their own egos. At its most benign, this behavior simply wastes public resources as law enforcement has to babysit them to prevent violence. However, left unchecked, this sort of anti-social roleplay inevitably morphs a sort of violent power fantasy - usually directed at those who typically produce the slights, real or imagined, that drive otherwise sane individuals to join militias: women and racial or religious minorities

Literally every cent these people spend on LARPing out along the borders would be better spent attending community college, raising a family, investing in a business, or pursuing additional technical training.

This matches up well with my limited real-life experience with militia members. I have yet to meet a single one who lives a healthy, stable life.

>Mother Jones

You're going to have to try harder than that you baiting nigger.

This is the awful part about militias.

Only the crazies stick their heads up high enough to garner the interest of the media. No good militia has ever brought media attention to themselves.

Read the article and tell me that it isn't 100% accurate.

Literally all militia members are sad people running away from substance abuse problems, financial insecurity, or some sort of other personal issue.

>By joining a militia, they no longer see themselves as people destined to a lifetime of minimum wage and disrespect from snotty college kids (who secretly want everyone in the flyover states dead anyway). Instead - they become the noble defenders of civilization, making an entirely unnecessary "sacrifice" of perpetual training/spending on useless weapons that's nominally for society's benefit, but in reality just to prop up their own egos.

Kinda like NEET Sup Forumsfags, then

>usually directed at those who typically produce the slights, real or imagined

But many civilized people support them doing this, making in fact actual defenders of civilization.

>Read the article and tell me that it isn't 100% accurate.
it isn't 100% accurate.

> There were clear signs of government overreach—the National Security Agency, everyone knew, was spying on us. Then there were the other things Iceman had read about on the internet, like FEMA's construction of internment camps for American citizens. He revered people like Edward Snowden who took action against the government. Iceman started to believe it might be necessary to take up arms someday, not as a soldier, but as a citizen. After joining 3UP, he felt like the hole inside him began to fill. "This is therapy, I guess," he says as we careen down the dirt road. This is his third or fourth border operation. The first time, he was jumpy. "This is all too familiar," he says. It reminds him of Afghanistan. "It's hard to believe, right? We got a war zone in our own backyard." None of the 3UPers have ever actually been shot at in Arizona, but that seems to be of no consequence.

It isn't accurate.

It's funny. For the left being against acknowledging racial differences and stereotyping they sure do it alot.

I'm conservative. It's easy to recognize the pattern that militia members follow - it's the same cultural pressure (insecurity in a world that doesn't value them) that drives people from other demographics to join inner city gangs or terrorist organizations. Fortunately, militia members typically are only really a threat to themselves. I just hope that they eventually find a way to harness their energy into something actually productive.

> The base is tense. During the medical evacuation, the Colorado leadership was in the field. The Arizona guys took charge and refused to stand down once Colorado tried to assert control from afar. Now the Arizona guys gather around their fire pit while Blackfin lectures some of the Colorado crew. "Pride will get you killed," he says, a slight against Arizona's refusal to relinquish control. "Pride will get everyone else killed."

> Bad decisions were made, Blackfin says. Instead of standing around, men should have staked out the perimeter immediately. "Your enemy will kill you at your weakest point. Suicide bombers? They're gonna get you at your weakest time. It's easy and it's effective. As soon as something chaotic happens, you still need to pull security." We shouldn't wait for someone to tell us to do things like this—it should be automatic. "That's what we do here. We're alpha leaders. Even if you don't want to be. You have to be—or you will die."

Join a militia, /k/. You too can play a part in some Boomer's delusional power fantasy.

The RWDS can't come soon enough.
I'd beat up some antifa commie scum for free any day.

The left loves to throw punches but if anyone punches back then they're racist/nazi/white supremacists/fascists.
Honestly, they're pathetic.

Right wing _ _?

>antifa, black bloc, and commies spend literally years going after right wingers, liberatarians, and anyone else using violence and intimidation
>they finally get punched back in the face

To be honest, any adult who decides to dress up in armor and beat strangers with sticks is pathetic, whether they're wearing all black or American flag shorts.

Everyone over the age of 18 who shows up at these protests is a loser.

death squad

Yeah, because fuck actually doing something when the police won't, right?

Oh, like Blackwater in Iraq

Uniforms designed by Hugo Boss.

Look at the livestream - do the people in it look like they have their lives together? Are things going great for them? If your answer is anything other than "No," you're lying to yourself. People participate in these events as an escape from the banalities of their lives. Antifa get to pretend that they're heroes against the state when they're actually indigent children dependent on the very thing they hate. Likewise, the pro-Trump protestors get to pretend they're the champions of normal people, when in reality they're about as far removed from normal people as the antifa are. The truth is that street violence does nothing other than create more street violence. Provocateurs like Cernovich, Milo, and Alex Jones make lots of money selling these sad people a sense of purpose and belonging.

Your mindset is the reason why the left hijacked our entire fucking culture you stupid fuck. The left has been doing this shit for ever and the right just held it's tongue with the occasional protest with signs or occasional rally at the feet of a state capitol or something. Get fucked

What? The right has 100x as many guns as the left


To leftists the idea of getting hit basically doesn't exist, when they meet someone actually willing to fight back they basic experience a world view shattering meltdown. Why do you think they only ever attack homeless women?

I think he meant babby


>mfw you will be punching commies / anarchists in your lifetime

Dude, "militias" scare the shit out of me, at least the majority of them.

Bunch of untrained, alcoholic, barely-educated fuckwits running around in camo and guns.

Now the ones who are actually good, you don't hear about because they're good and know that attention is a bad thing.

The only thing I have to worry about from them is ending up on the wrong side of certain ones because my mom's black.


>The right has 100x as many guns as the left
but the difference is, that the left would shoot any of the so called "nazis"

There are people on the left who want to fucking kill this guy, of course he's not going to want to hand around. He's a pacifist white nationalist.

According to the Supreme Court, I already am in the reserve militia. I don't need to waste my weekends running around in the woods with a bunch of middle-aged losers with beer bellies pretending to be a hero-in-waiting.

>He's a pacifist

I will never understand the obsession with this suicidal ideology.

Yeah bud, you definitely want to end up like the guy on the right. He's got life all figured out. He definitely has a wife, a family, a stable job, and emotionally fulfilling relationships - all the things that the Trump protestors are supposedly fighting to protect.

Except we both know he doesn't. He probably has a bunch of internet strangers who share his commitment to reactionary politics, and to impress them, he'll throw his life away (felony assault charges close a lot of doors) all to punch some other loser wearing black in the face. And people like Cernovich will get lots of views taking about it, and he might even be the subject of a meme, but in real life that guy will just be fucked and even more isolated from mainstream society than he was before.

>user uses speculation
pretty much all the rhetoric of violent revolution is coming from the right you retard.

Because if he wasn't the feds would lock him up faster than you can say "What?"

Jesus Christ, you're full of yourself

lol that's some weapons-grade bullshit right there

When you encourage someone to participate in political street violence or join a militia, you are hurting them. You are encouraging them to destroy their lives.


>everytime communists take power they commit genocide-tier killings
>let just ignore this though and say it's wild "speculation"

Lmao dude, just stop posting.


>Trial reveals racist rhetoric, premeditation by man convicted of shooting Black Lives Matter protestors

MINNEAPOLIS - Months before he opened fire on a group of black protesters near the 4th Precinct in 2015, Allen "Lance" Scarsella had engaged in racist rants about demonstrators in Minneapolis and other cities.
"Someone needs to go down there and make all those dumb (n-word) afraid to leave the safety of their homes," reads one text Scarsella sent March 12, 2015.

Another instant message referred to the Ferguson protesters as "smelly uneducated ignorant monkeys" and included the line "I need to make black parents huddle with their black chimpanzee children in a dark corner of their house, hoping and praying that I pass them by without killing every black in the neighborhood."

Earlier that month, the 24-year-old Bloomington man wrote "black people should be mandated to have a permit in order to reproduce," but that "ghetto trash" would be denied those hypothetical licenses.

In another message from January of 2015 Scarsella described how to get away with killing black men by provoking them.

"You can tempt a chimp to chimp out and then you get to shoot him."

From the same month, "Carry a 1911 mag in the empty pouch so you can reload for me after I kill the first 8 black guys."

In February, Scarsella wrote, "It's cool that the gun I'm getting has been proven to kill black guys in a single shot."

In September of that year, two months before the Minneapolis shooting, a Scarsella text read, "So Rocco come practice for when we have to shoot black guys."

On Nov. 23, 2015, hours before he shot and wounded five protesters, Scarsella sent an instant message complaining that Sam's Club was "packed with smelly brown people walking too slow."

I think the ultimate form of the militia movement is parallel government. Like the early Klan, or the Irish and Italian mobs. When the interests of white blue collar Americans are not being looked out for by the government at any level, groups will organize to see that those interests are served. Who here actually trusts their local law enforcement entity to protect and serve them? The militias want to be the guys you call when your drug dealing neighbors get into another gunfight in your front yard. Or at least the people to prevent the police from chargimg you after you grease the scumbags on your yard.

That's because the "left" has been "winning" for so long that now it's about keeping down dissident sentiment.

lolololol get flat from tyrone throwing bottle on way to rally with rebel flag have to pull shotty to change tire
White Supremacy World Wide.

Jurors also saw a series of videos shot by Scarsella and his friend, Julio Suarez, four days before the shooting incident. It documented their first visit to the protest encampment outside the 4th Precinct, which had formed in the wake of the officer-involved shooting of Jamar Clark.

"We are locked and loaded," Suarez tells the camera, as he displays a handgun. The video was live streamed to Sup Forums's /k/ channel, an Internet bulletin board.

"You have a gun!?" Scarsella exclaims, laughing.

Before that video clip ends, Suarez signs off with, "We'll catch you all later. Stay white!"

In the next video clip, the pair guide their 4-chan audience on a narrated tour of the 4th Precinct encampment on Plymouth Avenue, at times mingling with protesters and looking to find the live streaming photographer for the Unicorn Riot media collective.


And, in fact, the evidence table included police photos of a personal computer Scarsella's home, which was covered with the swastika symbol of Nazi Germany.


>implying the modern lefties in the USA are Maoists
>implying right wing dictators are saints by comparison
>implying there's no US military
don't make dumb false comparisons, especially on Easter.

And this proves--?

Guys, I don't mean to alarm you but there was a racist in Minneapolis, once.

Oh really? Yeah, I guess we don't have shit like interracial marriage, gay marriage, transshit, sex all over our media or a billion other things the left has been championing since the 60's, right?


man, I really wanna sma/k/ a commie now

Getting doxxed like that and thrown in jail for 20 years is what you have to look forward to if you try to Sup Forums in real life

>You are encouraging them to destroy their lives.

Or encouraging them to realize their lives. If they're such basement dwelling losers as you insist then taking to the streets and gaining a voice might be the best thing they ever did. Not everyone can, or wants, to live how you think they should.

I live a very average life. Decent job, keep to myself, etc. That doesn't give me a high horse from which I need to tell people how they should live you self righteous cunt.

awwww someone's a widdle wacist. Put those darkies back in chains, amiright?

It just proves there are /k/ users who specifically want to go out and kill black people. That is all.

>implying the modern lefties in the USA are Maoists
A lot of them, esepcially the antifa and similar fancy themselves that way, yes.
>implying right wing dictators are saints by comparison
Nice ">w-what about"
>implying there's no US military
The US military has been gradually infiltrated with lefty shits from both political pressure and of course the "natural" demographic shifts
>don't make dumb false comparisons, especially on Easter.
Seriously? You're going to pull the
>lol stop staying things I don't like, it is *insert holiday* after all1 XD

The only one stopping you, is yourself.

Did you read the article? Anyone who's ever met a militia member IRL will be able to tell that the reporter was telling the truth about his experiences

I thought "The left has been doing this shit" was referring to militia/street violence, and now you're talking about mainstream media. Are you confused or am I?

>a lot of them
>no proof
>military is lefty

did you pick a bad weekend to quit huffing glue?

these morons avoid any evidence that might put a crack in their fragile worldview. It's intellectual cowardice.

Do you think the 60's "peace protests" were peaceful? Do you think the race riots were peaceful? Do you the Black Panthers were peaceful? Jesus Christ, what kind of history books did you real in school?

You're either retarded and sheltered beyond belief or you're being intellectually dishonest. Go spend some time on a college campus and get to know the antifa types there. They're clarify really quickly any of your concerns.

You're changing the topic every other post. From violence to interracial couples in media back to violence again. Could you even try to construct a coherent thesis or do you just want to keep rambling?

And there are /k/ users into fucking goats and eating feces. Anyone at all could theoretically post here.

You, for example, post unrelated articles.

>this entire thread

Jesus Christ this shithole is literally overrun by Reddit now. Even the non contrarian psuedo intellectual cucks are just /r/the_donald fags

>lol can't prove a claim
Doesn't into logic eh?

And speaking of sheltered, where did you serve that was so infiltrated by lefties?

I'm just laughing at your bizarre imagination at this point. Please, keep going.

>The Right pushed back and won
>In Berkeley, CA, degenerate capital of the world

What a time to be alive, praise Kek.

There are positive plenty of ways to realize your life, joining a militia isn't one if them. Show me an American militia member in the last 50 years who has lived a happy and fulfilling life. I'll wait.

Focus your energy on something productive - street violence and militias are dead ends

oh there was a score? What was the spread for the "winning" team?



Fuck off commie

absolutely this. People who join militias are pathetic. Frustrated with lives that never amounted to much, failing or failed marriages, delusions of grandeur, longing for the structure that military used to provide...

Living in Idaho, I ran into plenty of these types. Not a one inspires anything other than pity.


>oh there was a score? What was the spread for the "winning" team?

Mostly the fact that the right is hyped as fuck, while the antifa guys are literally crying all over twitter because they were forced to retreat and talking about how they need to change tactics to prevent such an utter defeat as at Berkeley.

I'm just guessing, I have no stake in this, I'm a eurotard.

Sorry bro - you just need to sort yourself out, something you'll never do if you're doing loser shit like street fighting


I didn't mention interracial couples in the media you lying little shit. I was talking about the legalization of interracial marriage, the "civil rights movement", the hippie shit, all the commie shit, it's set the norm because they went out and protested, created a shitstorm about it and then when that didn't work, resort to violence to get their way. The "right" in this country, on social issues, even just 50 years ago would be right along side these commie fucks. KYS you dishonest faggot

Militias have been dead for over 20 years.
>right after dylann roof shooting
>Southern monuments/flags get taken down
>driving around with waifu
>got muh battle flag
>actually there two flags becuz fuk u
>dare to exist around darkies
>muh pride n heritage
>nignogs chimp out
>call them niggers
>police come
>nig says "yea dey got guns"
>police find shotgun in muh truck
>no harm, no arrests made
>judge is pic related
>he actually believes the nogs
>sentenced for longer than DA asked for because hate crime
>banned from the county for life
What does this have to do with militias again?

>just guessing
GTFO fritz

Oh yeah, because the pushing for women in combat (feminism), the gay stuff (gay "rights), and the tranny shit (whatever) isn't left at all, right?

Goddamn, btfo

PNW here, question for you:

why fly the flag of losers beaten by a bunch of tea-sipping New England pansies? Is that shame "muh heritage"?



having enlisted service members that aren't male WASPS doesn't mean the military itself is becoming more liberal. It's still overwhelmingly straight, white, male, and conservative. Especially at the leadership level where it matters. Or did you think that dyke sergeant has changed the alignment of the entire service all by herself?
