getting scared, Sup Forums?
Getting scared, Sup Forums?
>captain america is a commie irl
can't make this shit up
He's not really a commie, just a HUGE white knight,
Hillary desperately tried to get him to shill her campaign and iirc he refused
still a fag though
>every decent person is anti-drumpf
really gets the old cogs a turnin
>film star who lives among rich hollywood Jews sides with liberals
gee what a shocker.
Scared of what, he's a fucking pussy irl. He's tinier than you would think, I could easily take him
The little faggot's just trying to impress his black girlfriend
>I hope I run into Nathan
How could you??? Do you think he runs in the same circles as you Hollywood millionaires???? Sorry but there's not a lot of room in your ivory tower, cap.
Gender equality though
He'd have to leave his gated community to do that.
>white knights commie hairy porno actress
>gets thank you fuck in return
>dies of AIDS
>only 183cm
I think Nathan is going to find himself back in jail. The cops will find him before anyone else.
Tweet him this.
I would pay to see Damigo take this shitbird apart.
Did they just assume the puncheds gender?!? They are also forgetting all genders are equal so why would they mention gender?!?
>white knight
>white is made of all the colors
so, a rainbow knight, then?
sounds pretty gay
i'm really glad i don't know who that is.
No, nobody is scared of this.
The alt-left thinks they can kick the hornets nest with no consequence, but they could never back themselves up if it ever came to actual violence. I support Nathan, and I think it's the beginning of the alt-right coming in to your safe spaces and really fucking that shit up.
captain hot air
What does captain america have against manlets!? He was a manlet before super roiding. REEEEEE!
>hollywood turbo-kikes and the goodest good goys are "decent people"
Evans is the kind of guy that got where he is by sucking penises, the Hollywood hugbox makes him think 99.9999% of America is with him.
It would be a shame if Captain Commie saw those porno pics of hers.
How would they know his name? I hope they're just acting in control and there's no one with that name near Berkeley.
>punched a woman
what does this shit has to do with anything?
>His face when his daughter ends up as degenerate as "Venus Rosales"
Punching a woman is literally the worst thing anyone can ever do. Right ahead of shaming a woman for cheating.
He'll probably encourage her to gorge on nigger cock.
He'd buy him a beer or something, right?
you're gay for saying that yes
Marvel movies are for children.
>ywn be threatened by Chris Evans
Doubt Damigo the manlet could even reach his face m8.
>white knighting because "a strong independent women who don't need a man" went into a riot, engaged and then got hit.
Should do another Women's Day March to talk about how women need protecting
Hollywood CGI has convinced Chris he"s a 6'2'' asskicker in real life when he's actually a manlet smaller than Nathan.
For what?
>manlet smaller than Nathan.
that's literally impossible
Is Nathan our guy?
>inb4 manlet
He will summon his Manlet powers and KO Captain America with an overhand right
>not posting the unedited version
1.83 m is pretty tall for a hollywood actor.
Holy shit, I'd pay to see manlet vs hollywood whiteknight
Literally who?
Captain America Vs Based Stick Man
sounds like a sic movie
He openly voted for her
>retweeting Tariq Nasheed
is he retarded?
Actually a good point that should be made.
I can also see how, in the heat of battle, he wasnt sure wtf he was hitting.
I EDC something in .40 S&W, so I'm not really worried to run into Christopher or mini-Christophers, no.
Memes becoming reality again
Is this really the Captain America guy who BTFO ANTIFA? Why is he such a cuck? I just looked at his twitter
In that case, only he can save us.
Because he's the leader of Identity Evropa.
>I hope I run into Nathan
What's he going to do, act at him?
>Trump Nazi Alt Right White Supremacist
>Punched a woman
Pretty sure that was a communist he punched.
>Captain America?
>more like..
>Captain Israel
a pretty tall tale
Fucking this.
...for what?
Throwing punches in a fight?
Doesn't the commie have to press charges?
Why would a cop hating commie cooperate with the authorities, especially regarding a riot they started.
Civil War pt 2 when?
same difference desu
Heil hydra, captain america will join us to liberate america
Captain Ashkenazi
I thought Chris Evans is pro-Trump? Well, whatever. He plays a good Captain America as far as I'm concerned.
Did he just assume her gender?
my name isn't Nathan so I don't give a fuck
Didn't he renounce his American citizenship at some point?
Hey, hey....
Heil Hydra
>guy who plays a soldier in movies wants to pick a fight with a veteran with PTSD.
What a world
Omg what a fucking homo pluepillar.
Hope his divorce is soon, will teach him some reality.
What a pathetic shmock, i m outta words.
I bet he also loves when his wife puts that strap-on on and does him hard.
What a warm piece of pluepill shit.
That guy is not a man.
He wish he would be i guess.
Oy vey, good goyim.
He is a decent enough actor and plays a good Captain America but really he should just shut the fuck up.
Worse case scenario is that he actually meets Nathan and gets the shit kicked out of him.
They aren't alt-left, they're mainstream but extreme in their mainstream beliefs. The alt-left preferred Trump to Hillary.
Nathan is the TRUE cptn America hete.
Funny : its literally fake cptn america vs the true and actual real life real living cpt america here.
*best case scenario
Because commie being BTFO'd is funny.
Chris forgot his muscles are done in post-production
Does Captain America want to know how to be a real patriot and not just a shitty actor?
But Damigo isn't a manlet, he's just short compared to white people. You hispanics bring our average height down a whole lot, just like you push up our obesity rates and bmi.
He'll probably have bodyguards with him
Worst for him them but best for everyone else.
So will he be getting arrested? Evans would be able to visit him in jail if that's the case.
It's Captain (((America))) vs Captain America.
... So I can cure him of manletism with my super soldier serum.
A hollywood pussy try'n to be a tuff guy. Hey Chris, you only play one on screen. Real life is much different. Just com'on out to the next event and show us what ya got.
>Captain Antifa
>Captain Communism
>Captain Faggot
>Captain Judaica
>Captain Bottom
So its gonna be
Fake, actor Cpt. America -VS- THE REAL CPTN AMERICA ( Nathan )
who actually fights against the enemies of america and the world ( leftists )
So the entire alt right? Thought we were evil nazis. Really activated my almonds
Das right :)
Ty now i get whow to use those ...Klammern . ...Quasi die neuen Hänsefüsschen. Ich weiss aber woher das kommt, von den hilllary bots...höhö
Meh, judging from his punch, Nathan does not seem to be a very experienced fighter. Still rooting for him though.
I could take Chris Evans in a fight. I am slightly chubby, but I have wrestled for a decade and I run daily.
He is a fucking model nothing more.
underrated post
here's how real warriors punch.
The Klammern are not used as Gänsefüßchen.
They are used for jewish persons or things.
captain israel needs to calm the fuck down.
Real stuntmen you mean. And jumping to throw a punch is a terrible idea.
> Be Chris Evans
> Run into Nathan
> Shake his hand, leans close
> "Hail Hydra"