1.4 Million Transgender Americans


The number of trans people has doubled from 2011 to 2016. What is causing this? Social contagion? More openness for gays identifying as trans? Part of me feels bad for them due to the dysphoria but all the trans posters on Sup Forums have said they were poor and lonely as gay guys and now are making money and life is easier as "women".

It is now permeating our pop culture and has entered music as a theme. Even if you just want them dead or want nothing to do with them, what do you think the rise of the numbers is? I think the most insidious part is the man who went on Survivor recently and was fired (as a gay man) from his real life job for outing a transgender man on the show. Simply pointing out someone's biological gender can now be grounds for firing which scares me and will hopefully put a rift between gays and transgender individuals who have been lumped together assumedly by the latter since about the 60s.

Does trans numbers increasing demonstrate the poor conditions of life for gay men or a crass capitalistic endeavor of cosmetic surgery, makeup, and drugs to appeal to a wishful thinking lifestyle?

As a gay man I have never really seriously contemplated trying to be a woman and I can't wrap my mind around what makes you think because you are effeminate you should dress and physically resemble the part as well.

Also it is impossible now to pass anti-discrimination laws regarding gays that don't also include language about gender identity, which makes them harder to pass.

Are there any trannies on Sup Forums who can walk me through how someone could consider being effeminate = being the other gender as a non-autistic reasoning.




BPA, Atrazine

Transtrenders. They want to win the oppression olympics now that gays can get married and shit.

Fags need God.
By God I mean testosterone.
Lots of testosterone injected right into the butt.

There are no transgendered people, as such a thing does not exist.

>What is causing this?
Idk, what could it be?

It's a disease and when other people accept their reality it further confirms their delusions. By accepting trannies you are participating in the spread of the mind sickness

>1.4 Million Transgender Americans
more than we have people on estonian soil

Regressive left demonized masculinity. As a matter of fact it demonized traditional gender roles altogether. Years of that have fucked with peoples minds...now add to that all the anti-depressants they are taking

If a fag takes testosterone, he just becomes an even hornier fag.

Holy fucking shit, trannies could have created an independent nation by now.
>a realm of abominations

Trannies already have normal testosterone levels, which is why they take testosterone blockers

Not a bad idea. Keep them quarantined prior to the culling.

I think the number has increased because a lot more women are turning trans by cutting there hair short and calling themselves boys.

Why are they so effeminate?

>1.4 million transgender Americans

Wew lad that's the number in active duty in the US

Brain development.

I would blame porn. This is it how it seems to happen for a lot of people:

1. Get addicted to porn.
2. Become cucked and associate sexual pleasure with the moans and reactions of a woman from daily porn watching.
3. Progress to lesbian porn and start straight up imagining sex from the perspective of a woman.
4. Start dressing/acting feminine because the brain now thinks it needs to be a woman to have sexual pleasure. Slowly rewire brain to think it IS a woman.
5. Can't take it anymore and have surgery/therapy to become a woman.


It's attention-seeking behavior, which is why Other-kin and Trans-abled people appeared the moment Trannies got any modicum of acceptance by the public.

america YES
keep exporting your degenerate bullshit and continue to destroy the only pure thing that is left in society. And never forget that israel is your best ally

Don't pretend we aren't all owned by the Jews

wew lads.
im a tranny, masculine feminine are red herrings. i have gender dysphoria. someone said girls cut their hair short and are transtrenders, i think this accounts for a large percent of that number.

that video is about a Dragqueen and not transgender


I'm not sure of the exact cause, but it has something to do with the plague-like properties of liberalism and degeneracy in general.

I actually think this is a good thing:
-1.4 million degenerates who are physically unable to reproduce
-High likelihood those with degenerate tendencies become full-trans, thereby causing them to be failures economically and socially
-masses of trans "women" will obliterate every single womens sport, causing thousands of feminists to shirt circuit and go literally insane
-all of the above will lead to redpilling of people with non-degenerate tendencies, swelling the ranks of the future RWDS

Is that including "genderfluid" people? That seems too much.

They have Canada.

Jesus Christ they aren't mentally stable as is and you are insisting we do that!