The modern world is doomed, everything was better back then!

>the modern world is doomed, everything was better back then!


When people say that they're
1. Talking about their home countries, not the African and Asian shitholes who's development moved most of those statistics
2. Talking about cultural, not economic factors.


That doesn't make any sense either way
>99% of the world was a shithole
>i-it was just the africans and asians guys

Long live all nations!

This triggers conservashits

we haven't divided it by race yet

This chart is bullshit in 1600 Spain was the richest country on earth

pretty sure they are talking about morals and conservative values
Also, fuck the 3rd world. We need to stop sending them aid.

>but muh shitskins

rly makes me think

Really gets my noggin joggin


>unironically having democracy as a positive
>yeah it must suck having the choice
oh yeah because i totally have a choice or not in what some faggot crosscuck pencil pusher thinks whenever he takes bribes from lobbyists to let violent shitskins in

>the modern world rose up on the foundations a Christian, Capitalist, Western Civilization, we need to demonize those achievements now that we're reaping all their benefits

>democracies are bad
>*tips fedora*

>but muh violent shitskins

>no references to niggers or Mestizos

Get out

The only reason things improved was because whites started the industrial revolution.

>but muh niggers and spics

>War between heroes trying to stop the likes and deluded good goys keep me slaves

The only regret is the Nazis didn't win and the US and UK didn't side with the right side

>but muh europe is the centre of every single thing in human history

*Kikes obviously

>GDP is wealth

I'm not even sure what you're bitching about now

Observe as the confused beaner mistakenly associates the merits of technological progress with politics. Extra attention on how it's unable to make logical inferences and how it's easily fooled by absolute numbers. Being a fine specimen of human cattle itself, the mustached little fella takes vaccination and proper shearing of its kinship as statistically relevant to more complex social affairs.

We'll be back next episode showing spiteful Brazilians who can't migrate to the USA trying to defend wild Mexicans as people.


General retardation on this board

>better than republic

Countries can't even use some good voting system and non plularity system or two round system, how the hell they expect to be able to run a country that do stuff by people comittee

Do they expect to use plularity or two round system to ask people what should be done?

Now, Ramirez, don't be ungrateful, millions of those getting out of "Extreme Poverty" in the chart you so proudly boast are from my country. Let's try and be consistent if we're trying to promulgate an idea, yes? Can we do that?

So Brazil is worse than Mexico in literally every single thing while also living it's best moment in history. I see no lack of consistency.