Best explanation of Antichrist

Is this guy legit? I watched the whole video and I haven't seen anyone explain so precisely. He talks about RFID chips too - lucent technologies?

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The Antichrist is the exact opposite of Christ. He's a rich antisemite that sucks at carpentry, spreads a shitty message, and has no followers. Duh.


I was talking about the video link. He spoke about everything that is going on today. Watch it!

Check this out

Saw that just 10 mins ago. Really makes you think huh?

I'm not religious at all, but it amazes me how biblical prophesy always seems to be pushed like forced memes.

Neither am I. But I've been reading about Antichrist and Book of Revelation lately. Weird how everything written 2000 years ago is coming true?

From what I understand, the Antichrist will be Jewish, and gay. If we find out Kushner likes men, I think this guy fits the bill perfectly.

The antichrist, if one ever comes, will be a rich Jew, precisely because no one will ever see it coming and there's too many sacred cows involved in criticizing Jews. It's the one ethnicity you're not allowed to question, ever, so they're free to accumulate wealth and power and invent the law as they see fit.