Why don't millennials read books?

Seriously, Western millennials don't even seem to have a basic knowledge of the Western canon, despite more than ever attending college.

>inb4 reading is for faggots

Other urls found in this thread:


reading is for faggots


Video games, weed, and porn

The answer to your question is smartphones

Foundation courses in the arts have replaced the Western canon with a hodge podge of PC minority writing.

I have read a dozen and a few more books in my 24 years. But now my mind's eye is no longer good because of

"Why read books about the west when the west is problematic"

the only books worth reading are classics. Modern literature is just regressive propaganda.

In my experience, being on the young end of the millennials if not gen-z, school is what ruined books for me for most of my life. We read the most boring piece of shit literature you can imagine, the only thing I enjoyed reading all through my school career was Shakespeare, everything else was boring as sin to me.
All we read was "person of color coming of age", muh holocaust books, and then more coming of age crap. We never read any good fantasy, never any sci-fi, never anything philosophical in any way. It was all stuff that no teenager would ever willingly choose to read in their life. And then I remember the one time we read something that wasn't some coming of age story it was, I shit you not, The fucking Hunger Games in eight grade.
Because of that I just thought books were shit for most of my life until I picked up The Hobbit when I was 19 and really fucking liked it, and then silmarillion to LOTR and that made me become really interested with mythology and whatnot.

>the only books worth reading are classics

that's what the Western canon is.

I'm not sure where I would draw the line.

Maybe at Evelyn Waugh for Angolophone writing.

damn, American education is shitty.

I went to a public school here and they at least forced us to read stuff like Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, and Great Expectations, as well as standard Shakespeare.

Read some Dostoyevsky m8

Honestly probably this.

Millenials do a shit load of reading. They're just reading the internet instead of books

>15 Reasons Why Mean Girls is Still the Most Relevant Movie Ever Made
>Trump Just Signed a New Executive Order and Millennials Should be Pissed
>More Young People are Seeing Monogamy as an Outdated Concept, and It's Amazing
>Kendrick Lamar Just Dropped his New Album, and it's Bomb AF

There a big difference, Britbong

books encourage critical thinking
so in turn, millennials hate them

Not enough pictures in books.

Did I say they were the same thing faggot? No I did not. I said they read, I did not think I needed to state the quality of what they read as I assumed you weren't a retard.

Western culture is crap

Sometimes reading books in school can put you off of reading in general.
I remember in middleschool (4ème or 3ème, for 13 or 14 years old i can't remember) we had to read Les Misérables, and that book is massive and very hard to understand, because kids of that age don't have all the vocabulary to fully understand the text, and i'm not even talking about the historical context or anything.
We have to read a lot of the classics, like Les Misérables, Le Rouge et le Noir, Candide, Germinal, War and Peace, L'Etranger, and about half the book we have to read are a choice of the teacher/the school, usually kids like those more because they're easier to read and the story is more appealing to kids/young teenagers

The shit I'm taking right now has more artistic merit than anything you radiation monkeys have ever produced

Millennials can't even hold down a good job.

oh and they're one "classic" book that everyone likes to read, it's Bel Âmi because it's about seduction, a beautiful guy who gets a lot of girls

>read 33 pages of Machiavelli's The Prince yesterday


The first few chapters offer excellent insight into the Crimea situation.

All I need is vidya and porn. That's it, nothing else is worth it and is futile.

Millennial here, read way more than anyone I know. Young or old.


This brings my back to high school. I remembered reading a translated version of this in class alongside stuff like 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Metamorphosis among others.

t. born in 1988

Degenerate cuck. Get a job.

kill yourself faggot

They do, they just read shit like Harry Potter.

And 1984 because they think that makes them smart. Gee, you can read a book about some dystopian world and draw flimsy parallels with the world we live in today? What a scholar...

>Working for this wreck of a country that my ancestors foolishly died for
>Working so Ahmed can get his benefit payment to support his 10 kids

most people don't read anymore, not just millennials

I read math manuals. =(

shut up kim
the best korea will bomb you soon

>They do, they just read shit like Harry Potter.

I suppose that explains why any literary reference aimed at millennials other than Harry Potter would go right over their heads.

It's disappointing that the average millennial probably couldn't can't even into basic bitch lit, like Oscar Wilde, F. Scott Fitzgerald, or Jane Austen.

>Why don't millennials read books?

Reading only Internet & picked university textbook nowadays. But we should read more.

Considering that a Nuclear EMP could destroy electronics (phones, computers, etc) & shut down power grid & Internet.

A single EMP in USA could cause a Power Outage which would cause Urban Violence for several days.




American Education is incredibly shitty. The funding is utterly fucked. The classics are locked behind high-track classes that are competitive or non-existent. Everything is training for the litany of standardized tests students face, so there is really no time for culturing.
I did read Wuthering Heights and Great Expectations, several Shakespeare works and some Plath on my own. My High School's library was well stocked and the school well funded, but that is just not the case for the majority of schools. I was labeled "Gifted" which means I had federal funding attached to my name, so I could easily go to the best public schools. Poorer schools oft don't even have the kind of experienced teachers needed to identify gifted kids, or worse, special needs.

Most of "classics" you think are just pop books of their century, read by masses and sometimes released on chapter by chapter on newspapers etc.

Thats why people get surprised when they found "classics" are easy and fun to read. They are the airport novels of that era

>speaking English

Hate us cos they anus

>tfw books is all you have left since shit like movies and games have all become degenerate left-wing propaganda...

I have clocked 157 hours of reading/studying the past 5 years. I use stopwatch every time I read and make note .

Goal is 500 hours.

This is how I went from failing university to passing university, do the time, not do the course

I just read PDF's of them online.

Yeah because urban violence isn't already the norm

public education has been dumbed down since the 60s. it used to be you would learn classical Latin and Greek. Now you learn Spanish. You would read classics like The Divine Comedy and The Iliad. Now you get Night and Diary of a Young Girl. What a joke American education has become

I do, predominantly literature, philosophy and history and I'm im the minority in uni.

But I do?

By not contributing to society simply because people leech off it is at best a Pyrrhic victory.

shit, meant to quote the OP

You have read 157 hours in 5 years? That is about 31 hours per year, or .6 hours per week. That is 36 minutes per week. So, you read about 5 minutes a day. Have you thought of reading while shitting in the street? That could easily get you up to an hour a day.

>Yeah because urban violence isn't already the norm

Berkeley War / Riot happened without a EMP.
But In some places like Detroit, Urban Violence it's always the norm though.

Public education which was designed around early 20st century had nothing to do with latin&greek and its purpose was to create obedient and loyal workers.

The latin and greek educations occured either in elite schools or colleges, which up until 1950s was only for the rich kids.

Though there was a trend of leaving latin and greek you shoudl thank FDR and its bloody G.I. bill primarily for flooding the higher education with plebs.

Average attention span is measured in seconds now. We live in a society of instant gratification. It's shit really because it's corrupted me too. I remember a few years ago when my internet was down, this was before smart phones, so I couldn't use them to fix my needs. I got so much reading done in the time it was down I honestly felt like a different person.

>They are the airport novels of that era

That's true for some, but not really a fair comparison to make for most.

Until the 20th century only an educated elite could even read well enough to consumer that kind of standard of writing, so there was necessarily a high calibre of content.

Do light novels count as books?

I'm super on board with learning Spanish being part of the curriculum. It'd be false to say Latin, French, German, and some Eastern languages weren't offered - it's just rare, and the teacher's pay is incredibly low most of the time.

>Have you thought of reading while shitting in the street? That could easily get you up to an hour a day.

>Contributing to society
I never asked for any of this. I never asked to be born in this country. Why should I be forced to contribute?

>only a dozen
Jesus christ
26 but I've read hundreds

>Why should I be forced to contribute?
It's your civic duty. Move to Somalia if you don't want to contribute.

Millennials were a mistake.

I've read my fair share of books, most stuff the ancient Greeks had to offer, and also typical German and French flavor literature of most eras, and I can attest that reading truly is for utter pretentious faggots. If books had any real solutions to real problems to life, everyone would've read it already. Instead every author just engages in excessive mental masturbation for the reader to swallow.

But they read Harry Potter, no?


I clock in 6 to 7 hours at a stretch sometimes and 1 hour otherwise. Reason I stopped is because people do need free time as have jobs to go to .... but I can bet off hand that I have put in more distraction free, concentrated reading than you ever will.and I don't mean shitty literature or novels, I mean text books

We've hit a point where there either needs to be a dedicated FAQ or an entire board solely for people to bitch about Millennials.

I was born in 98 actually.
>civic duty
Except it isn't. I'm getting no reward for contributing to society, so what's the point?

post lists and pictures of other books please

i want to read everything you have.

reading books don't make you smart

80s fag here I used to read tons but adhd got me. Now I can read on pills. I read mostly non fiction these days though. I don't even need pills to read good high fantasy garbage. I do enjoy the classics but never seem to make time for them.

But frankly in the perpetual motion machine that is life today, simply stopping is difficult. We've been robbed of our wealth and time in many ways. Perhaps we are simply too poor to read. I've cut my movies down to a minimum because most of it has been rehashed, tweaked garbage.

Frankly, many people simply stop reading after their education. My aunt, a lawyer, says she hates reading, though she reads more than most.

On the counter side. If you were truly capable of critical thinking, why would you need books in the first place? At worst you would be the one writing them at best you would be the one written about.


This. There is a lot superflous mutterings in "the western canon"


I can say that concentrated studying was more beneficial to me than anything else I have ever done. But it really drains you out

filthy american government would torture me if I tried to read.

directed energy weapons are real.

He's mistaking early private education in Great Britain with public education in America. However, these so-named "Latin Schools" did exist in America and sort of set the stage for public education. They were basically just a bunch of perennial fuckery though. Very little practical value.

During each semester, I studied at least 10 hours per week. That is 260 per school year ( 2 terms of 13 weeks). In 4 years, that is 1040 hours. In 2 years of grad school, an additional 520 hours. No wonder you are so stupid and poor, and shit in the street. If you study for 5 minutes a day, you aren't learning much at all.

Why read when I can audiobook?

>reading books don't make you smart


That's like asking why people don't listen to the wireless anymore. Books are for selfish, self centred, shallow, insecure fucks that care more about looking smart than actually gaining knowledge. Not to mention the deforestation. It's the current year fuckfaces. Books are obsolete technology

does not*

I never said I studied for 5 minutes a day, but said I do random lengths of time with varying intensity. Just like physical exercise.
If you studied more, bet you can come up with more original memes and better mathematics skill.

You Cheese Burger eating Retard.

Don't be a pleb and read his other books too

I do just not very many political ones mosty cooking related

I'm not interested in stories so books will never be able to hold my attention. I'd rather play an instrument.

Millennial here and I read books constantly. My room is pretty much cluttered with them. I'm a big fan of Russian classics and French surrealism. Japanese literature(I'm not talking about manga or light novels, while I do enjoy those), is pretty awesome.

Candide and L'Étranger are probably good for the vocabulary level of an average 14 year old. L'Étranger is just more psychologically complex. War and Peace is fucking massive though.

I live in the south. How do I store my books? I'm afraid my bookshelf is too crowded and bugs like silverfish like it. I can't keep cleaning it every day. Anyone help?

haha nice try burger , but I did do a lot of studying WITHOUT USING A DAMN STOPWATCH for measure. So if I'm 157 hours with MEASURED studying that was in my FINAL year of college alone, I am way way ahead of you , considering India has the most toughest yet useless education system in the world.

Think before you cheese burger

My math was correct, Pajeet. In addition to my academic work, I read for personal enrichment 3 or 4 hours a week. I was merely trying to help you improve yourself by pointing out how much extra reading time you could get in merely by reading while street shitting. Are your loo brains too primitive to perform both functions at once? It would explain why your country is so poor and shit covered.

Sri Lankans are superior

Right - being able to read is different than being "literate" - vast majority of western populace is "illiterate" even if they "know their letters."


I can't believe how retarded someone have to be in 2017 to still care about some shit some problematic dudes were thinking thousand of years ago.

Can you not reach the same thoughts just by living your own life ?

Pick a fucking natural hobby and develop some skill, like play an instrument or carve wood.


You are all worthless.
I'm writing my third book and you will never tell who I am.
What are you doing about your life, aside waste it on low IQ "hobbies" ?

>t. homosexual
I'd rather listen to OP.

burger, seeing hard.... lol.... as I said , I would love to put in more time but I have other things I need energy for. And you do know that a joke stops being funny after 2 or 3 times, memes also.

Now back to your double bacon please

this is fucking brilliant. going to start with this today.


Get fucked, I'm straight as your father can be kiddo.

Just live your lifes.

>your country looks like a giant poo made by my country

Please talk when you are globally relevant

I read more consistently when I was in high school. Spent most of my free time reading.

I'm more impressed by the perfectly sized box. is this autism?

In my experience, we were forced to read these terrible and uninteresting children's novels to 'hone our skills' throughout elementary. That took out the charm of reading books for me, and I'm pretty sure for others too.

Knowing that school, I'd actually call that deliberate.

>And you do know that a joke stops being funny after 2 or 3 times, memes also
>proceeds to make his 6th hamburger joke this thread

Thank you kind sir for your acknowledgment

I need this harem in my life.