>Brexit & Asylum Seekers
Will Brexit cause the UK to withdraw from Dublin Regulation procedure? Is it known for sure if the UK will drop or maintain it's participation after it leaves the EU?
If the UK drops the Dublin Regulation, thousands of refugees are going to storm the beaches looking for a second chance if their application was denied in a Dublin Regulation country.
Brexit & Asylum Seekers
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Bumping again
>make a thread that isn't worded to upset people intentionally
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Hopefully not. Smart move would be to simply blockade any refoogees from coming in.
you can't bump your own threads, op.
interesting question I do not know because burger.
have a burgerbump
Sauce on pic
elsa jean user
Luv u no homo
Also goddamnit its blacked I fukin knew it
Honestly we don't really know.
And now this thread won't last long anyway.
Under the Dublin Convention, a refugee should apply for asylum in the first safe country they enter
Unless the refugees are coming from Ireland, how the fuck is the UK ever the first safe country they arrive in?
Asians don't like blacked too? wtf
maybe if yo hadn't posted that blacked whore.
not the same chick but that look blond black framed
glasses may be a new fetish I have acquired
>will good things happen
lel no
Europewide civil war when
Poor choice of picture.
I doubt we'd drop it, but we'll definitely have a lowered cap on immigration because the popular vote is fucking screaming for it.
If not there will be serious rioting, some politicians might even get killed and immigrants will suffer most likely.
No one likes it except delusional niggers and pathetic cucks
Yeah I think its the glasses
And no blacks dont even look like people
I'm no legal politician type guy Astrid, but "FUCK YOU WE OUT" sounds a lot like FUCK YOU WE OUT
I want to suckle her taint