Is he /ourguy/?
>it was at this moment, Brittany finally understood her place
No. I'm not going to praise the behaviour I (and the rest of you) criticize on a daily basis from black thugs.
Before college
>normal everyday girl
After college
>antifa shill
>unwashed, dreaded, smelly, ugly
>literally does porn where she shoves stuff up her hairy butthole
Young girl goes to college. Gets pumped full of white guilt propaganda. Gets INDOCTRINATED! Sad! Many such cases!
I don't know if he's ourguy but I can definitely say I am not the slightest bit upset by him or his actions.
Dude 's going to prison for a long time. A very, very long time...mock my words
Your words smell and are socially awkward.
She wanted equality. She got it.
Ever been punched by a chick knowing you can't hit them back? Its infuriating. You shouldn't be immune to consequences because of what genitals you have.
Women aren't born entitled to protection, they earn it.
t. sean connery
Stop being a cuck.
He's from the UK. He's a refugee.
Proofs are required
All black people fight commies?
She does look a little jewy, even before.
anyone saying no is a leftist shill
>if you bet your enemies they win
fuck off back to leftypol
Her real name is Emily Rose Nauert, by the way. Confirmed according to 8pol.
Based guy
Not really. I do t have a problem with what he did but it isn't like its some great feat.
Based He-Man is our guy
You're a fucking parasite and you have no place to talk about an idealised white community if you think beating up women is acceptaboe behaviour you massive gay cunt. Fuck off.
You have zero morsl highground if you start condoning the same thuggish behaviour Antifa have been abusing us Conservatives with for decades.
google 'venus rosales atkhairy'
it's actually semi-fapworthy
Thanks for that. I saved this picture. I saw it last night but forgot to save it.
I don't think she looks jewy. My family is 100% german and I relatives that look very similar to her. It's a possibility, but I doubt it.
I just woke up dont bully me. Also while I want to believe, thats not proof.
video would suffice
Women who insist on equality while using female privilege to escape the consequences of their stupidity are not the women we are interested in.
No its okay user he's white and he's punching a girl who have different opinions than most of us so it's okay
I just gave you two links.
Praise KEK youtube.com
(if he was self defending if not violence should not really be promoted here we are demonized by the media enough already)
Yes, thank you
how did anons find the connection?
has she reacted to the internet having her in a position of cuckoldry?
So now is she gonna kill herself out of embarrassment bros?
>brag about going to "collect 100 Nazi scalps"
>get into a brawl
>cry when you get hit
Equal rights, and lefts.
Can you edit that page? I just made a new account but it says it's locked. Anyway, her real name is Emily Rose Nauert, not Louise.
Wow he almost knocked out a women, sure sounds like the kind of fail i would associate with a Sup Forums guy.
Any tips for improving punch strength? As an extremely weak manlet, I wish that I could unleash an effective punch like that.
Her Instagram went private around 3am. Otherwise we haven't noticed anything.
Some user was friends with her on Facebook and recognized her.
And then Sup Forums will be taken off the internet like they did when that one executive's daughter tried to off herself
her bad choices, we pay
>black cloths
>disgusting dreads that haven't been washed in months
>red bandana
>fingerless gloves
And she gets fucking destroyed by a clean shaven white man in a dress shirt
Should have beat her skul in to a bloody pulp. Not that I condone violence but it would've been more entertaining.
well that sucks
that's one hairy coochie
Lol, you act like there's still morality in America. She'll use this as some sort of bullshit empowerment thing, watch and see.
thanks for the reminder
I know what you mean but the reason they are thst way is because their parents were shite. You don't get any improvements in society by not giving a shit. Tides are turning in our favour, we don't NEED to endorse excessive violence like this.
Achievement unlocked.
Make the enemy live up to their own rules.
It's tactics 101. In this case, equal rights = equal fights
>Out to bash those bigoted nazis, gonna get their scalps! Woman power!
>gets punched
Fuck off you beta cuck
An effemminate manlet punching a manly swj...
Nothing to brag about
>camwhore who does "private adult photography sessions" is embarrassed
Nah, she'll be glad that her business is increasing.
That guy is an extremely weak manlet.
Use your shoulder and aim for the end of the jaw/chin with hooks. The sudden jerking movement of the head is what knocks people unconcious, not concussive force.
Why haven't black SJWs gone after her for cultural appropriation?
>tfw she just won't leave it alone
wait did we doxx her already?
(((That Nose)))
Kek she did the project veritas neck punch, double neck punch! Hahahhhahaa
lurk moar and then kys
I don't expect third world countries to quite understand civilised behaviour.
Moral highground? Was that the reason why you, the biggest empire the world ever knew, to us, a bunch of farmers with muskets?
lmao, just an hero m8
wouldn't praise the guy since hitting women never sits right with me. still, she was engaging in aggressive behavior and was about to physically attack someone. she was dealt with. luckily the guy attacking her didn't really want to hurt her that badly as we can see him making sure her head doesn't hit the pavement
Too bad the scarf was covering her chin. Would have loved to see her getting ALDO'd.
You'll be hung last so you can watch your fellow faggot friends swing while you suffer the emotional trauma, cuck.
What do you mean civilized behaviour? You are talking like a total SJW right now.
You do understand that before the onset of feminism it was commonplace to "beat women"?
How is beating a SJW antifa bitch uncivilized?
You should look to Venezuela for the behavior of your fellow comrades to see true third world savagery.
>we don't need to
Holy shit, you are unironically a huge beta orbiter faggot
Are you scottish?
>What do you mean civilized behaviour? You are talking like a total SJW right now.
It's a britcuck. He just would have stayed home and eaten some jammy dodgers while a superior sand person rails his wife.
>raping children and mowing down people with trucks is civilized
umm no sweetie
They literally show up and start assaulting people. And you think you're not supposed to punch back because she has a vagina?
Sucks he'll probably lose his job over this.
I didn't know Ivan Drago was still fighting.
I could say the same of your lard-arse nation.
>Antifa violates NAP
>Gets fucking wrecked
Like pottery
Antifa are not killing people you clown.
>>getting punched and being edgy on facebook = getting into a brawl
She explicitly said she was going there "to collect 100 Nazi scalps" and then jumped into the middle of an active fight.
it barely hurt a 100 lb grill
Get bigger, stronger and take boxing lessons or just go on YouTube
Self defense.
She went for his throat and he laid her out.
I blame her family.
But British are raping children and killing people
Such civilization
>a manlet
>a coward
He's indeed Sup Forums incarnate
>it barely hurt a 100 lb grill
Well, it was a punch to the forehead, the thickest part of the skull.
Maybe we should make the good women wear some sort of clothing to distinguish themselves and their modesty! We should mandate it both in a cultural religion and a grossly simplified political ideology!
Wheeeeeeeee ISLAM YAY!!!!!
You need to put your back into your punches. Power should be generated from the back/torso/hips, rather than just the motion of extending your arm.
Also, it's best to imagine punching an imaginary target about a foot BEHIND where you're actually punching. It's just a mental technique to help you follow through instead of "slowing down" the force of your punch.
The amount of assblasted liberals on Sup Forums alone made that guy a hero.
Can eastern European women even afford razors?
>Punching a woman
Wow such a badass
he hit that tranny so hard it went back to being a man. thats like a miracle or something. is he dare i say it jebus ?
he's a manlet with a fat ass
> that thing
> a woman
pick one, fucking leaf
shame she used to appear to be quite pretty
How are you supposed to know if an unkempt rastafari wearing baggy black clothes and covering their face with a bandana is a woman or not during a riot?
Are you supposed to ask every member of the black block to clarify their gender identity?
What's it like having abhorrent taste?
Who knew Sup Forums could embrace gender fluidity so openly. You're all inane faggots if you actually think this is ok. The dude should and will go to prison.
>parents fault
I don't think so. To be perfectly honest it seems like parents do not matter anymore, if they ever did. Doesn't mean bad parents couldn't fuck you up, but even if you are perfectly decent to your kids it doesn't mean shit if they go to a bad school, have bad friends, get touched by some asshole, read the wrong books, or are just influenced by pop culture. You're powerless. That said schools don't teach responsibility and individuality but dependency and blaming others for your own faults. They grow delusional because they aren't willing to learn from their mistakes or rather to question their world view. Or take bullying for instance. When I was young I was bullied and eventually we would punch eachother out and then the bullying would stop. These days some female special snow flake teacher will say some hippie shit about turning the other cheek, ingoring it, or claiming you're perfect as you are. What you get is assholes who never got punched in the teeth for acting hostile but imagine themselves to be some gangster who can take on the world.
Post the roast
That's the ass of anyone who actually does squats and deadlifts, you pencil-necked unlifting faggot
>The dude should and will go to prison.
For what? Defending himself against a physical attack?
The good thing about black block tactics is that it hides your identity
The bad thing about black block tactics is that it hides your identity
Then why are you here?