Meanwhile on 50s pol

>meanwhile on 50s pol...

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Those negroes sure are getting uppity these days.
This young nigress tried sitting up front ol' John's bus the other route.

It's a slippery slope I tell ya, soon they'll be trying to get into our schools!

at least they will never be president. america is the white man's land.

It's a good thing they're shutting down the streetcars. I'm sure that less public transit will help in preventing ghettoization of black neighbourhoods.



I wish


i would do anything to have grown up in the 50s

>mister sandman starts playing

Operation Wetback was a success, no more spic problems ever again.

R8 my new car fags.

there sure are a lot of papists coming into our country lately. Pretty soon they're gonna be able to make one president I suppose

man I wish I had something to eat

Hail Franco

Nazis niggers and commies keep moving
This is a god fearing patriot thread

Lads, I think my neighbor is a commie.

Thanks for destroying my country guys ;)

who needs food when you have glorious space program?


you mean liberated?


Anyone want to go share rare froglets at the local milkbar?

Why didn't you save her?



Man I predict that after communism is over there won't ever be a group of politicians stupid enough to try and revert us back to the days where we were prepared to obliterate each other

Stand by...

Man am I ever so excited for the future!
Technology is only going to get better from here on out, I bet you that we will be traveling the stars by the turn of the century

Wilma ruined the whole episode again

Feels good to live in a country that's 87% non-Hispanic white

Hey guys It's the 3rd date with mary-beth tonight. I'm gonna take her down to get a shake and some fries, then we're gonna catch a flick at the cinema.

Anyway, I think we're really keen on eachother, should I try to kiss her tonight? I know she's raised right so I don't want to move too fast for her, but golly, I just want to show her I like her!


So what's after the Trinity bomb guys? It's must be impossible for bombs to get larger than that.

Every time I see an image like that it gives me a horrible sinking feel in my stomach. Not only is that time over thanks to Jew's promoting degeneracy, I never could've been that guy to begin with because I'm 5'8. Fuck my parents, they never should've been aloud to breed.


>USA in 1950`s
>Slut of (((Israel))) and monarchies of Persian Gulf
>overthrew secular Mossadegh

>USA in 2010`s
>Slut of (((Israel))) and monarchies of Persian Gulf
>trying to overthrow secular Assad

USA was always shit, ah yeah, i forgot about SPUTNIK


He preempted stutter posting

jews ruined everything

Hey I heard you guys were making steel. That's great and all but don't forget to make food also. That'd be really dumb

yea you could look at ron paul he is 5'8" or so and he did fine in the 60s

God I hate niggers.

Go starve to death in a gulag ivan you commie cunt

>He preempted stutter posting

Oh shit you guys James Dean just died!

This never existed in the UK mate. It's doubly hilarious when yanks posts the 50s pictures as a shared throwback of nostalgia when Europe was a smoldering ruin after WW2. We were rationing food until 1954

Now that the dust has finally settled, we can all agree that the Limey, Frog and Kike war for the Suez was retarded, right?


America pls help

Fuck that pictures funny cunt, Just to think some cunt on paint.exe makes some shitty meme and it gets turned into a sob story leftist garbage blog post

what has that got to do with anything though. i don't know what 5'8 means in non-freedom units but it literally doesn't matter

You w0t burger, 50`s-70`s were the best time for soviet people

back in the day when parking existed

I'm not going to stay in this shithole country for long. I'm gonna work my ass off and request a transfer to a US branch of my company. With Trump planning to make it easier for white people to immigrate to the US, my aspirations are only looking even more likely.

t. 6'2

We saved you from the godless Commie hordes.

How does it feel ruskie, knowing that you will either be USA's botch or China's bitch? That's what you get for being communist you son of a bitch. Enjoy poverty

Who here is going to buy a $5 suppressor?

Shit is going down in our colonies guys, we just left Indochina, goddammit this place was like Hell, you'd better stay away from it Americans.
Right now, it's full chimp out in Africa but I don't think it's going to end bad for us.
Anyway, life is so comfy in Paris that I couldn't care less about this situation.

Go for it Leaf. Make Dief the Chief proud.

Anglo's are lower than Turks on the totem pole. sorry m8

Slide thread. Be careful goyim the Jews are putting photograph cameras in the television sets!

life is great there are no problems

Thinking of buying this submachine gun.

>tfw will become superpower in 2015

You think that, one day, communism will be endemic on our university campuses?

And soon
>m m my g g g generation.
Fucking boomers

Sorry lad. That Ceausescu guy seems reasonable for our purposes.

>letting your height stop you from being the best man you could be

My dad was 5'9" and earned respect from every man around him because he was a fucking badass. Stop sulking. You're not going to get any taller, so why let that hold you back from doing other shit?

>50s society was conservative
>Sup Forums is contrarian
what does that mean for 50s Sup Forums?

What's the best way to keep my wife in line?

Man it sure does suck that I lost both of my legs during the liberation of France, but at least I can sleep easy that we did the right thing when we took out Hitler. This isn't going to bite us in the ass sixty years down the road no siree.

Good lord; we'd all be beatniks.

Just got done doing upright rows. My traps sure are aching!

Your dad is still one inch taller than me. If you're under 5'10 you're constantly walking a minefield to try and maintain a respectable demeanor. Act like a tall person and people will accuse you of having a Napoleon complex. For every inch under 5'10 the amount of mines increases exponentially. You have to strike a ridiculous juggling act of acting alpha but submissive when the time calls for it.

>Revivded from horros of WW2
>no more madness Stalin`s purges
>economy is growing
>we are 1st in space

When did everything go so wrong?



Dad only gave me one weiner today. I wanted 3. He beat me with his belt later =(

>at least they will never be president. america is the white man's land.

Yep obama was a wannabe nigger

Everyone's a communist agitator.

Idiots are praising the cultural benefits that are gained in Detroit, like Jazz. Yeah, just wait another generation, you'll feel culturally enriched then. Liberals are going to destroy that city.

>american communist
good, thanks to our measures in a few dacades there will be no United States in current state.
Common people and academics will be actively supporting socialism. it's just a matter of time you filthy shit-stanied mongrel.

btw "dream" while still can. you're so fucking laughable


even my niece is higher than you

>Back than 90% of world population lived in extreme poverty
>Now only 10% live in extreme poverty

When did everything go so wrong?

Bostin my town's main square back then. Simpler times.

Stop rubbing it in.

Everything is just so great!

(((They))) changed the definition of extreme poverty.

Man! Freedom smells good. India superpower by 1960.

Long story short, communism. This was a golden opportunity for Russia to side with the west. The Cold War would have been averted, and Russia would likely have had the same GDP per capita as US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc.


Our american friends are surely going to support the war in egypt, right?

It's astoundingly difficult to find pictures like this on google.


Guy was a fucking racecar driver, you think he'd just drive straight into an oncoming car?

Buick Roadmaster

Those 4 'ventiports' on the side sez it has a v8 Nailhead engine

>that picture

*SLAP* Don't talk like that, woman!

>nobody gives a fuck that I did that

>you added nothing to that conversation

Man the 50s really were great. We have to go back.

Good luck, been illegal for common folk like you since 1934.