30 and Under Millennial Retards

Everyone 30 and under who posts on this board is clinically retarded.
(You) are a product of (((their))) schooling and you know (((their))) version of history and (((facts)))

>If you control the youth, you control the future
Who said that guys??
(you) don't know, you're a stupid millennial who can only parrot stuff.

All 30s and under need to die. Gen Z is going to be way worse cause (((they))) own everything and (you) can't do shit about it.



when a schizophrenic posts on pol


I see it all the time. You can be a dick sucking cross-dresser who who takes it up the ass from niggers but if you hate Islam you're "based" and cheered on by the "far right" who are under 30. Basically hating Muslims is the only coherent ideological stand they have and that is only because they are reacting against liberals.

Nice blog gay cunt.

fuck off. i'm 25 and once i'm fully recovered of my sex change operation i'll come over there and punch you so hard you'll have a nosebleed


>If you control the youth, you control the future
Adolf Hitler

Quick, someone post the infograph of all the shit (((they))) own since WW2 ended.
Don't (((they))) also control the school systems and politicians??

If (((they))) are so bad, how can they control the schooling system? Aren't you a white masterrace? Go ahead and control it by yourself

First wave Millennial here, bonafide Citizen 2000

>Live with my mother
>Shitpost on Sup Forums 7 days a week

I am SUPERIOR to Generation Z losers

>They (((control)))
Na they were literally so arrogant to poorly vet goys entering the system. They created their own killers, turning their lies and theories into practice against them. Just the traditional student overcomes master story.

Does your mother hate you?

What if you crossdress and hate Islam?

I'm 30 next year

>quoting hitler
>(you) don't know, you're a stupid millennial who can only parrot stuff.

What do they put in the water in Austria??
No idea what you're trying to get across, cause it's so poorly worded and put together.

What point are you trying to make?? That I'm right??
>green texts exactly what I wrote
>no input of your own

You're a parrot.

You are also a product of (((them))).
Jews are in charge since the middle of the 19th century.
Welcome to the real world, genX fuck.

I wish this autist was wrong.

GenZ are really fucking arrogant.

Explain boomers if the brainwashing started after them?

Sooner or later pol is gonna have to face it and admit that Canadians should be banned. We have been putting it off for years and it's finally coming to a head.

The leaf is probably a boomer himself.

If it's true, why did you allow them to take the stances of education, media, and history? Lazy cunt.

We survived the aussies, we will survive the leafs.

No, she thinks I'm GOAT son. Serious.

I do, however, completely despise myself.

of course you are right. you are in fact a well-educated person not parroting stuff you heard on a vietnamese basket weaving forum and getting trolled in his own thread

No. I'm smarter than all of you.

Point out, where I'm wrong.

Austria is butthurt like a girl

Pardon? I wasn't born till the early 80s. Notice it says 30 and UNDER Millennials??

I'm under 30 and I don't believe the Holocaust exists. And if it did happen its a ploy by the jews to make the world sorry for them, because they secretly have el mundo on a leash. 6 million is a sacred number in the Torah.

Aussies are atleast funny and can make good posts
It is just sad that the good leafs get massively outnumbered by the cringeposting ones

Confirmed shitposter

This is now a roll thread!

What am I parroting?
Hitler was one of them and you're all retarded kike babies.
No one says that, but me.


Hitler was a jew trick. This person gets it.

Hitler was a jew. Jews own and run everything. You're a product of them, a kike baby.
Millennials 31-35 missed all the brain washing

No we didn't but a big chunk of it, those were the days, you're getting me nostalgic, thanks a lot based Austria dude, us elder millennials really need to do more for the youngins

fuck off stormfaggot
jews rule the world because they abused the system back in the day and got extremely rich
saying that ALL jews are evil and only want to destroy muh white naitshuns is retarded
they do things because its in their interest
like you wouldnt do whats best for your kind even if it led to hurting others
jews are bad but blaming them for everything is boogeyman tier children faggotry

Fuck you to OP

Fuck you're stupid. Everything about your reply is retard tier.
It hurts my head, it's SO STUPID.

They help there own tribe while supporting the splintering of ours, I agree don't blame them, be badass despite never having based dudes as your mentors and all media telling you, you're evil.

I did, maybe (you) didn't.
I don't wanna teach these kike baby faggots anything. I HATE 30 under millennials and gen z.
Literal Kike babies
Over emotional whiners. All of you

well articulated post
i didnt say dont blame them
i said dont blame EVERYTHING on them like little children
if we were all to blame joos for every bad thing in our lives and DID NOTHING ABOUT IT we would be useless manchildren
stormfaggots are useless, all they can do is find something to blame it on the jews and then do NOTHING BUT CRY ABOUT IT
i was once on stormfront back in the day and when i called the faggots out for being crybabies and not doing anything about it they said i was a mossad agent. you cant make that shit up

>Over emotional whiners
top zozzle my friend




Fuckin oath dude, be badass in despite of the bullshit, don't blame anyone, based white dude shit right there but don't fight those trying to bring us closer together be cool with being pragmatic top tier, don't go too hard on the newly awakenend.

i dont get it
why are you trying to portrait me as a """badass"""? inferiority complex on your side it seems
>don't fight
if by fighting you mean trying to fight a propaganda war with the richest people in the world or literally bitching around on a forum visited by smilar thinking faggots then im out
the moment you decide to actually be useful and active then ill gladly help you out
i at least openly tell my friends about the bad stuff and tell them to boycott shit and not just come to people on the street and tell them the jews run the world and that they need to wipe my asshole with a napkin and then blow my nose out for me

top pic

Huh? You got some cognitive dissonance right there, don't look for others to lead you, being leader is hard as fuck, I do well dude, good job at least being open with your friends, fuck boycoting you seem like u understand money = power, get money, get power fuck with Jew supremely, your people depend on it and u, don't puss out.

>don't look for others to lead you
i never was
i was expecting you to offer some guidance because of your posts before you flaming faggot
i was doing fine w/o you and i will continue to do so, i dont need life lessons from an autistic child

Gen Z (1995-2010) is going to be the most redpilled generation yet. The behaviour of a generation is defined by the behaviour of the prior one's. Gen Y were autistic leftists and thus gen Z will respond to that behaviour with either even more autistic right wing shit or quiet right wing. Either way they will have taken the red pill.

You will indeed dude :)

ah yes, praise me more

Lots of emotion on those posts, you over emotional whiner.
(You) type like a kike, just FYI

No, they won't. None of you /poltards are red pilled.

>yfw you get 60,000,000 killed, steal billions in gold ,never have your body found and set your people up to run the world, which they now do.

(((They))) own
Mainstream Media
Music Industry
TV Industry
Social Media

Literally everything your millennials have looked at, for all your lives, is (((their))) bullshit.

That's why I call you all kike babies, cause you literally are.

>If you control the youth, you control the future
Adolf "This is a REAL Quote by me" (((Hitler)))


Define red pilled then. I believe being red pilled means being in a higher sense of awareness than the people who throw propaganda at you think you are. The internet age is going to help the young minds develop faster and introduce them to many differing opinions. They will chose their ideology much quicker and will be able to change it easier when they understand something may be wrong with parts of it.

Cool story bro

It seems you don't understand this is an user board maybe you are a faggot.

Gen Z already distrusts the media and is becoming more and more conservative. Fuck off shill faggots.

Things go around in a natural cycle

weak>hard times>strong>easy times>weak>hard times

Gen Z is going to be a direct response to the mill faggots. They're apparently going to be the most conservative generation since WW2. So suck my fat salty cock shills.