>implying its not rigged
Evet- Yes?
Hayir- No?
yeah, also they decided to count the unsealed votes as valid too. theyre openly cheating. all messed up
Just move to Germany like all the other roaches.
Erdogan went full Saddam.
What will that imply? will he send the immigrants to Europe or what?
this muslim turk flag alone is enough to make me sick
disgusting people. I hope they all die a slow and painful death.
Is he caliph of the new Ottoman Empire now?
just end it all
So, my roachie friends, what exactly does this mean for you lot?
God Emperor incoming
basically ww3
Hey, look on the bright side, you can now make threads saying that only rural and suburban retards voted hayir.
bring us democracy when?
Ban all turks, can't trust them
Hopefully this means we'll never see another Turk post here again.
>Eastern Thrace 68% "no"
>Smyrna 59% "no"
>NATO declares war on itself
We've got get that 2% somehow dammit.
No, trust me, the system we have is also fucking stupid. Grass is always greener on the other side. Here we have legally protected bribery, legally protected gerrymandering, senators can basically serve in office until they die, tons of red tape, and worst of all, really really autistic budgeting and foreign policy.
Plus our constitution is poorly written.
>his best chance at annexing something is the terrorist hellhole of northern Syria.
Seriously, Turkey is asking to be "liberated" 10 years from now.
how a democratic secular country beomes an islamic dictatorship before our eyes.
RIP Turkey
Sorry four your loss turkanon if you are secularst, If not hope you burn slowly.
Turkey about to be included in the Axis of Evil, taking back Constantinople next on the agenda
Why Tsargrad is voting yes, you fags told me that istanbul is enlightened and anti-erdogan.
i would like everyone in this country to experience a slow painfull death if the vote comes up yes
haha turkey is fucked.
Does this count?
Why is this a big deal
don't Turkish people like Erdogan?
The results are not final right
there are still votes to be counted ?
What am I looking at?
I don't speak turkish, can someone TL:DR it?
>they decided to count the unsealed votes as valid too?
How do you know that ?
This is really anti-democratic.
can i get a short rundown on what changes if "yes" or "no" wins?
Turks are retards who think an individual man is more important than their actual nation
More news at nine
didn't Margot Tatcher like
ran your country for 40 years
I think King Roach is well...trying to make himself King Roach, or rather, sultan.
>mfw roaches sign vote away whether or not they survive WW3
what is the questions of this referendum?
Rename Stanbul for Constantinople?
%35-40 is opened. it wont change, erdog won
So what happens now laddie? Is Erdogan a bad pres?
Why will this start WW3?
Roaches are one of the only animals that could survive a nuclear blast. They'll be ok.
probably full blown syria war, for starters.
Daily reminder, that your shithole will be on one side with them and won`t survive too
Deus vult!
Ataturk's work was in vain. Next war Turkey will be involved in, they will get split into three parts
i know we dont rp as flags here but you do know 10 years ago every western country sucked erdogs dick? and praised him? with us being the biggest element hes as powerful as today.
>survive a nuclear blast
No, the urban legen is that they can survive fallout radiation. Pretty much nothing can survive direct hit with nuke.
Yes - shift towards dictatorship, possibly controlled by muslim fanatics in the future
No - status quo, muslim outrage
Turkey has significance to many geopolitics chess plays.
>extremist authoritarianism slowly approaching European mainland
thank you.
Record number of turkish millionaires emigrating to the UK this year.
Bye-bye Turkey, you nearly made it.
Fine by me!
Erdogan uses refugees as leverage when dealing with Europe. Hence why they sucked his cock. Begging him not to flood Europe.
All this referendum does is now give the west an excuse to bomb Turkey and send in the military to act as a buffer for refugees. No longer relying on Erdogan to keep the refugees out of Europe.
He's fucking himself and Turkey. So much for all the work Ataturk accomplished.
Whats this about?
Hell yeah
So you guys pretty much lose your freedom?
the officials made an announcement about counting the unsealed votes. This is democratic turkey..
He really said that?
3 terms then btfo by her own party
Turkey is having a referendum to decide whether or not to give its dictatoroach more dictatorioachial powers. Sup Forums supports "yes", as it is more likely to drive Turkey into the ground and end up with white people controlling Constantinople by the end of the Century
Literally wew. The gap's closing. There's still hope
Kinda obligated to post now.
Goodbye Turkey!
>exit polls show 63% backing Erdogan
Time to reclaim Constantinople my white brethren!!!
Can someone give me a rapid run-through on what the hell this is?
probably not publicly, but his actions said it, loudly.
Why would Europe, EU or USA attack Turkey if Erdogan stays?
Honestly I*m confused about the implications here.
benis :DDD
ofc that's why Turkey was a secular state.
Erdogan wants to become a caliph.
>just 248
Calihpate soon
No 44.29%
based Erdogan
Does this count for each post?
from 58 to now 55. wtf is happening lol.
i wish
>248 children are going to die because i post "bepis" on a malaysian image board
love this place
Also bepis
check these digits you muslim scum
To much Age of Empires not to know which one is Yes...
lol, dude you are so fucked right now. Go to Germany, claim to be from Serbia, then gtfo out of there to somewhere else.
Just fucking run faggot.
It seems pro-Erdogan Eastern/Central provinces are ahead in counting ballots compared to secular West/Med coast
Is Turkey really this comfy? 1watch=1evet
wo lo lo