This is the best map of Europe

This is the best map of Europe
>Prove me wrong
>Pro tip: you can't

Hindustan separatism's when?

That's a linguistic separation not ethnic you knob

>finno baltic


This is the best map of Europe

Another "i don't know a shit about history and european culture" thread


Their pretty closely related historically and ethnically
Care to elaborate

Wtf, why Crimea no yellow??

>poo in loo drawing the borders of Europa

Oh and:


I wouldn't even bother explaining why that is wrong.

Very good, but needs more Russia and less Ukraine

7/10 would live in

> "south slavic union"

yeah that worked out perfectly

This is the best map of Europe

For hells sake, stop it.
We already agreed on the best one!

>Celtic Union
>Not including Wales or Cornwall

How bout this

You don't understand the bad blood between Scots, Ulstermen and Irish do you?

>Netherlands and Belgium join with France

The majority in our parlement consists of a party that wants to break off from Wallonia, fampai

It did, but some (((people))) decided to destroy Yugoslavia

Netherlands and Belgium are incorporated completely into greater Germany, look closely

>Germany exists

it's awful