Switzerland's Amazing Drug Treatment!

WTF Switzerland has got their shit together when it comes to treating heroine addiction. They did a new program where they give druggies heroine and rehabilitate them. They haven't had a heroine overdose death since the program started! Here: citizensopposingprohibition.org/resources/swiss-heroin-assisted-treatment-1994-2009-summary/
WTF don't we all do this?

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Because puritan ethics
>implying it is not easier to give junks legal heroin worth $2 a day and they do whatever you want because they are totally addicted anyways.

Even easier to gun them down tho. Fucking ethics. But seriously i just cant understand how can anyone be this stupid to start doing heroine.

Why would anyone want to save drug addicts?

This. They are a cheap workforce. I worked with druggies in the past in the carpentry field and they actually do a good job. Just giving them enough so they don't get the fucking cold turkey and then very slowly decline the amount. Oh and you don't have to worry about them stabbing you in the back with a hacksaw because they know if they comply they'll get their fix.

Conservatives are big on punishing what they see as being wicked with little or no room for ambiguity. Unfortunately, the US' war on drugs has created such a mental roadblock for everyone here that without thinking about it for even a second, drug addicts are viewed as criminals, not people who need help. A heroin addict is no different from a heroin dealer in most American eyes. It's odd that this same attitude towards personal responsibility applied elsewhere would probably have decimated the catholic clergy for their pedophilia and put lots of the same people doing the persecution in jail for their significant alcohol-related problems.

I've never tried it because I know it'll be enjoyable, and I'd want to do it again. For someone who's never been desperate to feel better than they currently do, the draw may be non-existent, but it doesn't mean everyone else is a moron.

>Giving Niggers their fix
Good way to help with communist slave mentality.

This, had the same experience with methadone guys. They split firewood for 8 hours straight without feeling a thing.
Giving them free drugs mean they do what you want, work, live in a flat, partake in programs, don't steal, don't shit on the street, don't AIDS around.
All it takes is sugar worth $2 a day and a social worker to babysit them.
Bonus points for every junkie who actually quits or at least manages to be no longer a burden to society.

The only times I've ever taken opiates was for medical procedures. I was out pretty much instantly and felt groggy as fuck when waking up. That stuff that Michael Jackson was using to sleep, though? Out like a light and woke up refreshed. Totally understand why he got hooked on it.

Many of the world's best authors and creatives in general were addicted to substances. Unless you only listen to gospel music, there'd be nothing else to listen to without drug addicts. Society needs all people. Sometimes the ones with the biggest problems also have the biggest influence.

because letting heroin addicts die is better for society

Hell, your founding fathers partook in marijuana a lot. They kept detailed notes on harvests and sorted seeds based on potency of the plants they came from. Hard to argue it was for rope if they were selectively breeding.

This isn't the case at all. You clearly need to do some research on both sides of the argument. Drugs aren't just all about hedonistic desires.

Take refugees medpack

Safe injection sites and measured alcohol for alcoholics are excellent programs that really help people get off drugs. Anyone who disagrees has probably not volunteered in such programs, but I swear to God that it worked and continues to work in my town. I wish all the addicts the best of luck in recovery

Over time, that sleepiness you felt would give way to pleasure and the grogginess would be a signal to use more to get back to the pleasure. It apparently doesn't take long to make this transition, then when the meds are gone, it's not entirely uncommon to seek the same effect on the street. I took opiates for six months or so for spine problems. Fortunately, I never got addicted to them, but I can see the draw.

Working with them really fucks you up though. Most of them are so fucking miserable but very nice and polite. I don't know if they are only playing nice to get their juice or if they really are glad that people actually help them and they are getting out of this hell. They all seem so broken while still trying their best.

There are many much safer options. Antidepressants, anxiolitics, alcohol, professional help. Heroine is the one way road. Once you walk it, there is no way back. I mean i can understand desperate need to feel better, i cant understand why would you chose worst option.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with recreational heroin

Yeah, that doesn't sound particularly pleasant. Also, I suppose my statement of only having taken them for medical procedures wasn't quite accurate. I was prescribed codeine for a broken rib, but I don't have the enzyme that breaks it down into morphine in my liver, so I didn't get any effect anyway. Hard to get addicted to something your body doesn't process at all, lmao.

True. The part that many of the haters want to ignore is that it's also used for textiles. The hemp plant is one of the most useful in history. Even without the psychoactive properties, hemp can be used to make oil, fuel, paper, rope, clothes, houses and the list goes on infinitely for anything that needs an incredible natural fiber. Hemp was illegalized based of a moral campaign regarding the inflated psychoactive effects, but the campaign was curiously funded by those whose industries the non-psychoactive parts of the plant stood to harm.

Most people don't put this much thought into it; they're conditioned to immediately revolt against drugs without even really knowing why, or that other options are more effective than persecution.

welcome to the human condition genius

mfw some kids in my town tried to smoke hemp ropes because they heard it contained marijuana.

Hemp ropes are the best fucking ropes though.

Krokodil &Crack speaking. Somehow your method doesn't work well, whilst ours does.

They are broken. Social stigma isn't the least of their problems, either. Removing the persecution alone is often enough to allow a drug addict to earn a living and function somewhat normally. The biggest change we can make is in our attitudes.

Food, too.

Knowing what we know today, even if none of those things were significant enough in your mind to legalize it, it's hard to argue that the costs of enforcing marijuana prohibition are worthwhile. Our court/prison systems are so overburdened that it's absolutely ridiculous. We have legitimately terrible people being set free because it takes so fucking long for them to get a court date because we're too busy processing legitimately good people who happened to have a dimebag in their pocket.

It's just a bunch of methadone clinics, pretty sure you have that too.

Should drug become entirely legal ? Probably not. But the problem is that prohibiting them doesn't stop people anyway. If I had to chose, as in a referendum, I'd vote for total legalization because it'd purge weak-willed hedonists from society whilst ending a major underground business which would seriously weaken the power of any mafia and thus hit corruption hard.

>Even easier to gun them down tho.
Actually no, it isn't. Since you have to find them and catch them. This not to talk about the crimes they commit to sustain their habit.$
To prevent them to proliferate, actually contaminate weak people with their habit which is closer from a disease from a medical pov.
Digits of truth.
Hard truths there.

Heroinabgabe? Bit more than just methadone clinics.

Often times, desperation leads directly to the worst option by default. It's easy to see clearly from a safe distance, but those who are desperate aren't often the types of personalities that are satisfied with the simple life and simple pleasures even in the most ideal scenario. One giant hurdle to solving this problem, or even controlling it effectively is teaching people that we aren't all born with the same mind. The personality that drives the family man who doesn't miss work even when he's sick would be vastly different from the typical drug addict's personality, even if drugs never existed. Those who have no concept of the struggle aren't the type who would ever be drawn to drugs, and are often the loudest opinion offered, which makes every hurdle just a little higher for those who would stand to benefit from actual treatment over punishment.

You're like a superhero. If your enemies ever try to destroy you with codeine, you'll have the last laugh!


no but seriously, FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL

Extreme conservatives don't actually think; they just want to kill non-conformity. Someone needs to remove the stigma of having an open mind. Conservatives see all change, even for the better, as a serious threat.

I'm gonna get a doctor's degree and come to Switzerland.


>Drugs ain't about hedonism
Tell me more
>implying dependent humans will not lick the boots of the one providing them a cuckshed and a fix
Kys pathological altruist. Your mindset is what makes Brave New World come true

Though it's hard to find a moral foothold to legalize everything, treatment for all types of addiction (chemical - not those who claim to be addicted to rape or murder or something) would be more beneficial to society than prohibition and persecution. Drug-based criminal empires would dissolve. Petty theft (drug-related) would cease. Hell, gangs would have less to kill each other over.

No youre not, ex-soviet

Yes I am, mountain-jew.

Let's just say drugs is to conservatives what economy is to socialists, something they have no fucking clue about and just doesn't work with their approach because human nature is fundamentally different.

Prohibition, war on drugs, etc. will never work, but it'll take a high degree of suffering to accept this.

Hahaha good luck, just cause I let you make my kid healthy again doesn't mean I accept you into my society.

Just act like a good person, say helo to me in the streets and we'll be fine

>my kid
>implying you are not a kissless permavirgin

dw pal, at best I'll be there in 7 years

Everyone is welcome to learn from our ways, but as always: fuck off we're full.

you are a traitor and will be treated like a traitor. Enjoy destroying your heritage, the future of your children and be the eternal cancer

theve been trying this for a long time mang.
Free yourself from Nancy Reagan's legacy.

there are no heroin OD's because only oldfags from the 80s and 90s still do heroin. most of them died, only a handful is still standing. heroin became hugely unpopular about 20 years ago, cocaine, speed and all kinds of pills are the shit now.

Ok, Australia.

>Hans uile kalbermatten is projecting again

Well good luck

The initial experience may be hedonistic, or it may be medical. Drug addictions are formed out of medical dependencies all the time, so saying all drug addicts are degenerates who just want to get, and stay, fucked-up is extremely closed-minded. Heroin dependency is created from prescription opiate addictions all the time once the opiates stop being prescribed. Those who have never been addicted to anything have no idea how strong the desire is; it's like hunger or thirst, and becomes your only concern. That's why people willingly lose families and careers for drugs, not because they're degenerates who don't deserve help. My point is that there arte facets about this discussion that you either aren't considering, or simply have no experience to aid the formation of a well-considers op[inion for you. As hard as it is to think about, your own children may develop a drug problem one day, and you'll be forced to face the fact that this issue is more complex than one that can be solved simply by shitting on the afflicted until they stop doing drugs. Psychologists often compare the personality traits of those who are typically drawn to drugs as natural as those that steer a person towards organization or being thorough. It isn't always about just making a bad decision out of hedonistic desires. It could happen to you, too. The conditions would probably have to be extreme, but never think addiction can't touch you in a way that would force you to abandon the urge to simply discard the afflicted.

>heroin became hugely unpopular about 20 years ago
Right, why do you think this happened?
>t. guy who saw Platzspitz and Letten with his own eyes.

Really how can you NIGGERS rationalize being cancer in foreign countries, helping your future lords to undercut local tradition and create slaves. Literally be like
>Muahh country is shit
>its the white bois fault
>lets go to whoit country and undercut their traditions
While not taking the self responsibility to fix the shit YOU ARE responsible for in the first place. Fucking Nigger tier mentality

they need hope, to see that their so much more to life

Haha! I'd have to slightly take issue with your analogy, as the concept of a socialist economy to conservatives is also completely misunderstood, but I see the relation.

Prohibition is just a bad idea all around, except for things like murder and rape and such. The suffering would be pretty minimal if minds were open, though.

mainly because coke became so cheap. a gramm used to cost up to 350.- in late 80s and early 90s. end of 90s prices dropped to 70.- a gramm.

t. guy who used to go to berufsschule 100m from letten 89-93 and grew up in K5.

It's easier to change yourself than to change an entire country that's ruled by post-soviet scum and their children.

Trips of truth. Still, shut your mouth, we need our cheap work slaves, and Lithuania is protestant and white.

You are protestant and white, aren't you?

Part of what allowed this attitude shift is education and treatment. Prohibition ALWAYS adds an attractive aspect for those who question authority. It literally jacks up the demand for the prohibited substance.

>no experience
you are wrong
>aid the formation of a well-considers op[inion
get down from your high ground faggot
>happen to you too
See above

And again, helping to rationalize slave mentality (protected """minoritie""", no need to adapt to get your fix, big state """helping you"""...) because of egoistic altruism is what is literally responsible for what we observe today with the victim institutions MAKING IT RATIONALE to be a victim. May sound hard, but I have no pity for former friends who got of the ride one way or another. Kys still stands reddit

Ups, you are white. Took you for a Bolivian Nigger. Still traitor.

I'm white and atheist. Had my edgy-atheist time when I was in middle school, when I put the fact that I'm an atheist in everyone's faces. Now I don't ever act condescendingly to christians because I've realized that people will always believe in something, so it's better if it's christianity and not islam.

It's not as good as it sounds. Lots of junkies just collecting around the places where they give out the free drugs.

You seem to love traitors though.

>t. guy who used to go to berufsschule 100m from letten 89-93 and grew up in K5.
Theres a significant chance I know you.
Anyway, heroin became a loser drug for reasons, and the legal heroin was one of the best containment strategies ever.

I love that any time the topic of another aspect of a discussion is raised, it triggers one party, and they report to ad hominem. I'm merely pointing out the flaw in the thought process you've employed thus far. It isn't a personal attack. Opinions are largely influenced by your surroundings, and conservative societies often simply don't have all of the information they need for individuals within them to form considered opinions. Take offense if you feel the need to, but none was intended. My insinuation that you aren't making an informed opinion is based solely upon the fact that I know I am. I've been addict, counselor, conservative and liberal. I don't know what your experience is, but where you landed only indicates one thing; you've either decided to discard some of the facts, or you don't have them all. I erred on the side of caution and assumed you're a good person who simply didn't have the whole story. Sounds like you just have a lot of hatred, though. There's no cure for that but open-mindedness, which you clearly reject as an option.

Quick rundown on Bello
>Every party from centrist too extreme left throws money and personal in the ring for second round to beat the Nazi
>Lets make it two rounds double the costs
>FPÖ spends a fraction while profiting from mainstream slowly adapting their policies and paint Bello as Establishment
>Bello becomes president, divides the land even further
>Cant draw upon his independent meme
>Hasn't been said much since his inauguration
We have literally a lefty puppet in office who cant do shit and shows daily that the left failed. Same goes for Viennese Mayor. Bellen is a win

If you don't see why you are a Cuck when rereading those lines you failed as a human. I pity those you council with this swollen rambling. And sorry for the time you used to write those lines. Again, get down from your high moral ground you joke

>Theres a significant chance I know you.
that's very possible, used to hang out in the stray cat bar and piccolo giardino all the time. but you're not the degenerate weeboo who lives in the houses next to gallery koller, are you?
yes, h became the loser drug and the lefties did something good for a change when they introduced the heroin programm.

Nope, K3 here, straycat and pg where nice. Now they suck.

You may feel whatever you like. I am only glad that your attitude doesn't affect me. I hope to visit Austria some day. I hope I never meet you. We wouldn't get along. I'm pleasant to talk to and a jovial fellow; people tend to like me. We're just too different.

> I'm pleasant to talk to and a jovial fellow; people tend to like me.

And I'm a 110kg 2% bodyfat 2meter tall 300IQ attack helicopter.

ah ok, friend of mine works in the bike shop on bertastrasse, i know many people in K3. you go to FCZ matches by any chance? i don't but i know a few of the locos spics.

I'm also a 300 IQ attack helicopter, but I choose to say I weigh 17.32203 stone, not 110 kg.

>friend of mine works in the bike shop on bertastrasse,
An his names starts with an M and he lives in a place named O and has many tatts. Yeah I know him and some locos and no, footy is not my thing.

>Cost Issues: 48 dollars/day: Patient costs are covered by national health insurance agency. Patients pay 700 dollars/year for the compulsory insurance. Note: The Swiss save about 38 dollars per day per patient mostly in lowered costs for court and police time, due to less crime committed by the patients.
38 bucks per day in indirect savings for each druggie. Pretty good desu

>his names starts with an M

btw, this is my degenerate neighbor. i can see into his apartment from my balcony.

>mfw i found the video


And the police has time to do something else. Which is mostly writing parking tickets, but theoretically it could also be something useful.


Lol, I know this guy from Meyers!

holy shit i used to go there for many years especially after midnight for weisswurst when out drinking. is the place still cool? haven't really been for 5 or so years.

The non smoking shit really killed the place, they had to turn the kitchen into a fumoir, so no more weisswurst , only toasts. Scene guys left, the dregs are still there. It is not really cool anymore, but it is still a good place to get horribly drunk at 3 o'clock in the morning on a Wednesday night. No one will judge you, no matter what kind of creep you are.

do you know a guy called wicky?