A look on Turkey

This should be the result in each region.

>rural faggots voted for a "strong" dumbfuck alone at power
>city people voted against the dumbfuck at power

reminds you something Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>city people

How can I know you've never been to Turkey and you're talking out of ur ass

This is the worst new Turkey related meme and I hope it dies as soon as the referendum ends.

the city of Van on the southeast has been a large city since the first millennium BC and nowadays the urban area has almost half a million inhabitants

Why is Istanbul pro then?

I for one welcome the Ottoman empire part deux

Is this all the turkish referendum is going to be used for
To draw really stupid Trump metaphors?

South East are kurdish districts

>Istanbul is now rural and suburban


results are contended in Istanbul, these are not official yet, about one hour ago the "No" was ahead, let's see what happens there

That was always a historically Armenian area until the roaches led by Cenk Uygurs Grandfather genocided them all.


pick one, it's basically mountains.

>implying the referendum has to be "used" for something

Just shows that "the city" is always responsible for the destruction of local culture, no matter what it is.

We should change the for of government where big cities can become these multiculti shitholes while smaller ones with the population below 50k must be clean for the native population.

The city is responsible for all these fuck ups.


>multiculture laic shithole
>radical islamic shithole
i'd pick the former at this point

See the correlation?



Istanbul and Ankara voted no too.

That is long gone. Is a lost world, like with italians in dalmatia or germans in east europe.

Nope, many Greek minorities still there. We need to make Anatolia Greek again.

Yeah, it's like the inverse of the US election.



South east is fucked man and the 3 biggest city voted no

You are delusional.

What side will you be fighting for?

You must be super brainwashed to compare Trump to Erdogan hahahah.

You must be a paid shill .I cant believe anyone is that retarded,unless youre a lefty.

Rural and suburban retards voted pro referendum.
All city people voted against

>City people against
>Istanbul is rural now

Really activates my almonds.

Fixed it for you

The "city people" in the east are just filthy Kurds

Big cities are rural as fuck too. You dont even know how shitty it looks

>k*rdish bros

do you know how many k*rds make up the AKP vote?

neck urself froggy

btw Hillary campaigned as a statist. Trump campaigned as a populist. In case you dont comprehend what I meant.

Also, all that organic food you love comes from "rural dumbfucks" like me ! So you elites can suck it. . You sit in your high tax,crime ridden,rude,heavily polluted ,ivory tower cities and bash people who don't want to live in your 'cultured 'urban hellholes.You're a sheep in a corral and dont even know it!
Hahahaha enjoy your bubble of ignorance while I sit on my porch with my waifu and have a drink while breathing in that clean 'rural dumbfuck' air ;)

wow you seem upset, maybe if you save enough money, you too can move to the "big city" someday

look at that map and tell me more about the kurdish akp voter meme.

those "kurds" you are talking about have assimilated themselves into turkish culture. they have nothing to do with kurds and most of them don't even speak kurdish anymore. they are turks.

Kurd bros are YPG and HDP bros.
There's YES voter from CHP and other parties

this is also accurate. thanks François

Outdated as hell. Armenians were genocided, Greeks relocated to Europe. Only Kurds are shown correctly on this map.