How did he go from Captain America to Captain Save-A-Ho?
How did he go from Captain America to Captain Save-A-Ho?
hes not even american, the dude is canadian
What? he was born in Boston
No way that's real, he's a massive leftist
I can fucking rekt evan with my own hands. I know karate and sudoku
Eh its just image things that actors do. Is it fucking retarded? Yes. Is he saying it because movie industry will literally leave you jobless as an actor if you don't follow the lefty narrative? Also yes. Is it good for him to keep an image of "i must protect womin n shit" for his job? Oh baby a triple yes.
*laughs your path*
He looks like a sad act.
Oh you've done it now superman! I'm going to piratebay the fuck out of all your movies now.
>LITERALLY threatening random people as a fucking actor
>Captain Save-A-Ho
He's an actor. He's not even a very good actor. He will say anything to get another role, cuz muh sheklez, pic related
>in my made up fantasy world everything always works out
(((Hollywood))), Steven Kang, that Potter bitch, etc.
I wonder if he knows acting out fighting doesnt translate to real fighting
If I was Nathan I would pray this man assaults me I would sue the living hell out of him.
Why does he act all tough when he admittedly has social anxiety?
He would probably piss his pants and start crying if he ran into Nathan.
There are also rumours that he had an anxiety attack because a girl at comic con tried to kiss him
this actually explains his overlaughing
So he's a Masshole. Explains the leftist mental disorder.
Most Americans have social anxiety and depression.
So it's not a big deal.
Alt-rightists are cancer. I hope he kicks his sorry ass.
> being this much of a retard
I'm not saying it's a big deal. But it's pathetic to act like a tough guy when you're evidently not.
>overweight, tism-tinged neckbeards on a Chinese cartoon website, talking shit about a /fit/, 6'1 actor with martial arts training
I'm laffin. This guy could snap any of you faggots in half, without even breaking a sweat.
And now we wait
>Person who was a former marine, despite being a Manlet, who throws one hell of a punch and probably has had to use his experience VS.
>Guy who larps as a superhero and has an anxiety attack when a woman kisses him
My money is on the Manlet retard