Battle of berkeley won
Battle of berkeley won
>christian LARPfags who probably don't go to church or read the bible who support Drumpf's neoconservatisms
yeah. (((won))) lol
>having to go to church to have trve faith
It's like you haven't even read Kierkegaard
The only victors are the street cleaners. They are the real people behind all these riots. It's all for job security.
Reminder: Battle of Auburn on Tuesday
Goyim know so you cant shill on me dude nice try tho. Also the talmud is shit
Trump supporters helped clean the streets aswell
>tfw im a jewish shill for going against someone who shills for (((Israel)))
I dont like kikeland myself. Im not voting for any clintons
It seems like a giggle... but I'm actually happy that somebody is finally stepping up to confront the left wing mobs.
You just can't have violent mobs harassing people who only want to voice their opinions.
There was a time not so long ago, when this was just common sense, and everyone accepted it as a bedrock right.... diversity has caused a huge erosion in the concept of freedom of speech.
Conservatives usually aren't into the whole 'protest' thing, but if you just sit back and allow the more vocal and threatening fringe get their way time and time again, you are gradually going to lose something valuable.
Once that right to speech is gone - it won't be coming back.
Already Canada, and most of Europe have taken a real beating.... Sup Forums couldn't even be hosted in Canada or Europe - it would be shut down.
This is why i always believed even years ago that the internet always tells the truth
still doesn't mean that Drumpf is a good president.
desu he really isnt that bad. he does some stupid shit, but you can't deny the fact that he's pretty smart when it comes to certain issues.
I've read some of his books, he's not dumb.
But he's a terrible globalist leader who shills for Israel. When WW3 comes, the Axis will be /ourguys/
Aha i knew it. Your shilling is getting old i can already tell what youre trying to insinuate
If you want right-wingers to realize trump is a kike shill, don't call him drumpf. It's like you want to be called a shill for (you)s
webm of the rescue
>leaf posters
mmm so tasty post more trump cock suckers getting their heads bashed in, just shows how smart they are, welcome to california bitch
take your jew shilling and fuck right off
Notice that discussion is being subverted to "blumpf is a Zionist" or whatever. Shareblue doesn't want our victory to be glamorized so they instead change the subject to prevent new juicy meme material. Pretty funny though--- leftists and David Brock mass posting anti-Semitic rhetoric. How could that possibly backfire?
go bomb syria again you faggot goy on your knees for the neocon cock
anyone have any photos of the antifa flag burning?
Go get punched in the face or bashed with a stick you dumb communist
we won the battle but we need to win the war
>zionist or whatever.
The only people denying this have some connection to Zionist Jews. This fight is more complicated than people think. Some WN on here have finnnnnaaally figured out that Trump is a Zionist. Thank fuck. But because a lot of them aren't very smart (for not knowing this in the first place) they are yet to figure out that Swastika LARPing and blaming every single Jew for ZoG won't help them. Some of them, admittedly, don't care. But sometimes it's Zionists posing as WN, because they know antisemitism makes any anti-Zionist criticism look bad.
I love that video where they're marching through the streets chasing leftists like they're herding cattle. Gets the testosterone flowing.
What the fuck does all of that shit even have to do with this thread though? This is a thread about communists getting their shit kicked in. You're obviously trying to subvert discussion. It's completely fucking obvious. Go back to your discord or go back to sucking David Brock's AIDS pedo dick
White vs white battle
Sure you did. I did my part for multiculturalism by having sex with some white college girl last night.
Reminder: attacking communists is an American tradition.
unleash the American Dance!
with sound here:
I enjoyed this. Not every man can fight on the front lines - some men must meme.
>Drumpf lel
Ironic that John "Current Year" Oliver started this whole Drumpf shit so people don't take him seriously and I cannot take anyone that says/uses Drumpf seriously.