Erdogen wins


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So, what will this change to my daily life ?

cant be doing with a caliphate on our doorstep,war it is

more immigrants from Turkey. But you guys are probably safe

I wanted this to happen

Immigrants got either raped by apeniggers or bullied by policemen so yeah, we are safe now.

Civil war when?


>roaches democratically decided they aren't allowed to democratically decide anything anymore

I thought they were stupid before, but this is just ridiculous.

can someone give me the rundown on this? i don't follow roach politics

is this some sort of populist victory like trump or brexit or lepen?

Yeah. Turkey is exiting the EU

Erdoğan wants more power, Turkey gives him.

Why are conservatives such cucks? How dumb are those blue regions?



They're voting on a referendum whether the President should have more power. They're pretty much throwing away democracy in exchange for dictatorship if this gets through.
If it does it'll be almost as embarrassing for them as the Trump election was for you.

That is the big flaw in democracy.

Get people scared or angry enough and you can make them vote against their own interests

Sharia for Turkey soon™

Are you african?

Hows angola?

>people are stupid

They deserve it

i wasn't embarrassed, i was excited

So how bad is Erdogan exactly?

Time to retake Constantinople.

What shame. Turkey always stood for a secular democratic Muslim country and now they have thrown it away. Ataturk will be rolling in his grave.


Three years until full blown civil war.

Hey AHfrica bro. How's life in Angbola? Any civil unrest or potentially deadly viruses?

King roach is becoming dictator one step at the time.


Você é um "preto fudido"? O que acha dessa designação. Great taste in 2D girls btw.

Happenings might be happen

poo in loo

Are you african or just a proxyfag?

What they should have instead is military dictatorship. Erdogan is crypto islamist, Turkey is becoming another Iran.

Happenings will just give Erdogan an excuse to crack down even harder.

RIP Democratic Turkey

>Another Iran.
lol nig you wish

It is becoming another Iraq.

Look, the poo can talk.

Erdogan used the "coup" to get rid of his enemies within the military.

As if the Jews running these farces nowadays even bother counting the votes anymore.

Think of everything Turkey has done in the past 12 years.
We voted the guy responsible for all of that into legal omnipotency

this happens every election. Erdogan rigs election, buy votes and openly ignore rules with his campaigns. there are video proofs but nothing happens because fuck media and justice in Turkey.

Erdogan, the eternal roach, must be squashed

Good food, sexy bitches and decent road network, everything else is either garbage (if compared to Europe) or very decent (at an african level). It's a strangely safe country, too.

Nope and nope.

I'm not and they deserve that, I don't even like them.

I'm african. There's almost no law about internet so I don't bother with a proxy.

Good for them. This means more trouble for the establishment and the EU in particular.

you fucked up, but hey, it's not too late to be embarassed now

bring democracy please!

but seriously, I am moving out of this shitty country in June.

I don't think there is going to be civil war in Turkey.

Yep and also in pretty much every aspect of government, from justice system to education.

>Crypto islamist
I dont know how much more obvious of an islamist you can be in a country the constitution of which doesnt allow fullblown islamism.
He's obvious enough to draft a new one.

The country is going to be a caliphate dictatorship, pissing on everything its founder stood for

I bet you voted vvd, little cuckboy

Stay there. Is an order.

Você é "branco"? Existe alguma forma de preconceito contra brancos no seu país? Sempre imaginei que fosse um lugar perigoso de se viver.

The form of democracy we export usually involves lots of bombs and dead children, do you really want that?

Erdogan wins, Globalists lose

I noticed most pictures of Turk women they don't wear hijabs yet his wife does




Also, how's life there? Is it /comfy/?

Fuck off nigger.

Erdogan wins, Turkey loses

dumb cuk roach faggots

>implying he's not globalist puppet from the beginning

Give me cliifs on Erdog.

Why is he ((8bad9))

stay in your own containment area.

fucking turks man I swear


Since when in any political side were we globalists erdoğan's lil'whore.

Throwing out words thatyou dont even know the meaning of doesnt make ou look smart or "cool".

This map conveniently lays out how Roachland is to be partitioned after WW3 (except for Constantinople, which goes to the Gayreeks)

Expect more mass arrests in the coming year

Erdogan wants a global caliphate, doesn't he?

>lots of bombs and dead children
we are experienced with both.

I am kidding of course. I honestly lost all my hope with Turkey and can't see a way out other than moving away.

My final hope is economy will get worse and worse and people will finally realize how bad situation is. But I am afraid Erdogan will survive it too

Show me a single globalist that's happy with Erdogan. Protip: you can't.

He makes EU scum angry and that was enough of a reason to vote yes during this referandum.

Hey, you like kebab, I make kebab. it is win-win

Congrats on your new Sultan Turkey

Hope you enjoy Islamic Law

>But I am afraid Erdogan will survive it too

Oh he will. He will pull the classic dictator move and blame the failing economy and protests which will surely happen as being organised by the enemies of Turkey

Omar bin Bantz

No, I'm a nigger. And yes, for them white = rich and it mostly end there. It's safer than Brazil, at least there isn't mongoloids trying to rape or steal you just because you used their taxi.

It's like Switzerland, as long as you have money nobody will complain. It is comfy as long as you don't mingle with others' problems, as it degenerate rapidly, and don't mind overpriced piece of shit, poor servicing and softcore niggertierings.

Syrians make kebabs, not you.

why don't you like erdogan

Western parts of Turkey are rightful Greek lands
South eastern turkey is kurdistan
north-western belongs to Georgia

>t. roach who willingly voted a radical islamist into a dictatorship position
wew lad


>mfw cockroaches vote for war because they are immune to nuclear weapons



What the fuck is wrong with you turks?? Why would you willingly give ANY ONE more power?


erdogan is bringing back the sultanate

Stay in your fucking country, you sand nigger.

ergodan is turning turkey into a caliphate dictatorship right on europe's borders

ataturk spins in his grave

Well, if he's won, that's the EU fucked.
He holds the key to mass immigration to the EU.
So the EU will have to pay increasing Turkgeld, and bend over to his demands.

Well a democracy wouldn't be a true democracy if they couldn't vote to destroy their democracy. I think the bigger problem is political parties and ideologies taking and inserting their values into government institutions like the media and academia and then using those instutions to tell you what to choose while drowning out opposing ideas. Sweden being like a prime example of this with the Social Democrats having taken over so much that every other party has turned into another version of the social democrat with the only party going agianst this being attacked by all other parties alongside the whole media establishment.

So now massive problems like immigration can't be solved because social establishments are towing the party line of being agianst it.

lel, Amerishits using like a 5 year old meme to call us cucks while having had a nigger president for 8 years and an entire media that's basically obsessed with putting niggers everywhere, especially in their own women. Your country is basically the nation that told the rest of the western world the meaning is miscegenation.

You are completely retarded to trust any impression done by your opponenets to be "honest".

To prevent people to control your politics you design an agenda, and you execute it.

If you try to counterplay your opponents all the time they will lie and lead you into a trap of your own.


>I dont know how much more obvious of an islamist you can be in a country the constitution of which doesnt allow fullblown islamism.

Ironically if EU hadn't demanded democratic reforms from Turkey in 90's Erdogan would have ended up in prison or in exile by early 2000's.


it wasn't even in it

His whole campaign is run on "They violated my hijabi sister by !'

Dude no, Georgia is a red state.

>Implying EU can't say no, fuck you.

You stupid roach. It's anglo's favourite strategy of creating the enemy, so that they can defeat them and be a good guy (all while their allies pays the main price). WW1 was an example (with france as an ally who got anglo'd), WW2 was another (with us this time). At least we weren't as fucked as germany. Now you get to play the role of the villain and get wrecked, and someone gets to play the role of the hero (either us or murrikans) and also get wrecked. And anglo will reap the profits.

Why the fuck would any sane Turk vote yes to this?

Only a few years ago they wanted to be in the EU badly. Now they have basically declared that they are never going to be a part of it

> 51,3 % YES
> 48,7 % NO
> (98,4 % of votes counted)


>sane turks


they are not sane.. didnt u see what they did to the military who attempted the ""coup"""

underrated RARE

Ayyyyye nice uncommon

Those who voted yes aren't sane.


Says the half slave cuck offspring of WW2 rape.