Asian Brothers Unite

Can someone tell me what this says.

first word:


Looks to be Kanji, albeit an archaic kind. Probably 50+ years old

It says "ching chong ping pong go back to your country"

2nd word:


have a (you)

Not all Asians are the same and have the same language.
Goes the same with Euros and Afros.

3rd word:

It's niggers you nigger

Yu Wing Wong Numba Yu Fusho Maun Grilz Slant Mye Bestard

I have a lever 5 doctorate in Asian culture majoring in Feminism in Naruto and I can attest to what he says.


Ding dong small dog taste good why white man take all our women.

I've worked in Japan for nearly 7 years. As far as i can tell it says: "Giant faggot OP is". Not 100% sure tho.

You get laid a lot white boy?


Not really... last time was 3+ years ago. Also a bit jelly of OP's nice block of pure silver.

Got it

It says Da Goyim Know

Ah I recognize this one it's actually a passage from a legend about a 200 year old fox spirit who has his voice stolen by an insane shaman from a far away desert land it translates as:

"So how did it happen? How did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real Nazis whispered poison in your ears while becoming your only community, your only “friends”. And they used multiple levels to make irony and bigotry and fascism more acceptable by drowning it in “oh we’re just joking” So you combine all this with capitalizing on isolated nerd dude resentment and even deeper isolation, BAM nazi.
You can talk to any former “chan” boy and they can tell you how it went from “shotty shock humor” to “white supremacist recruitment”. The “lol only normies care about hurting others attitude” + the general nerd male resentment of these communities. Its prime fertile ground for actual Nazis to grow. People talk about pol, but you need to see the various communities converge. R9K’s “who wont woman fuck me” bs “anything goes and anyone who gets mad is just a normie” vs endless outbursts of anger at everything. Pol here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another. And pol, also being its own thing, emans it is rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into pol.
So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn your typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god fascism. The surrounding of hateful idedas, the detachment from the harm you do? Turning them into “just jokes” becoming your only friends and that just your community you can see it in many others but again your not a fucking mystery."

In america we call it brass.
3 years isn't bad. This is for you my friend, stay strong.

Something about broccori


are u the only dwarf in netherlands or are u just ultimate autist. I know u could do it if you weren't afraid to get rejected.

Woah, my mind is blown. Have an upvote :D

"Beware of audio demon"

Cool. I hope you used speech to text for all that-if you didn't that's cool-but damn that's lame if you typed all that out.

>I have a doctorate in east asian and boreal anthropology and archaeology specifically the edo, showa and shang tsung dynasties

it says "shining dragon chrysanthemum bring earthly power"

It says

Not really bro. Its just that most dutch females are disgusting sluts with attitudes. I find them to be insufferable.

It says Asians is a generic term used only by double digit iq fellows


It's says Dogs are yum. C'mon guys it's clearly mentioned.

we were the ones owning the slaves once upon a time i think we were the first to do it it but damn the pyramids are still sick tho

Some buddhist mantra similar to namyo horenge kyo.

Some more buddhist mantra bullshit. Of no real meaning. All buddhist mantras were phonetically translated into chinese from the original tibetan so they dont even have meaning in chinese, they're just sounds.

desu looks like oracle bone script, the kind they used the shang dynasty around 1600 BC (I imagine this might be a replication of that).
I can't read it entirely, but I can make out a few characters, gimme a sec.

Tbh the shitposting is kinda ridiculous, anyhow with my shit-tier knowledge of hanzi, I can make out from first row:

Hanzi with radical zi(child), Hanzi that kinda reminds me of the Jap Kanzi gen (means sky heavens, an alternate term for tian), Hanzi that includes the word for sheep (yang, which can mean many different things), hanzi that may have something to do with the river radical, hanzi that may have something to do with ming (name) and mu (eye), hanzi that means da (great, or big).

Second row: Hanzi I can't make out (may have something to do with shou, hand?), hanzi i can't make out (although strangely resembles jap kana), Hanzi that is difficult to discern but has fu radical (city) and what could be yue (month) or ri (day), hanzi that has the character zi in it (character, as in letter), hanzi that again looks like jap kana, and last I can't figure out.