Is this what jesus would have done?

is this what jesus would have done?

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No. Which is why Jesus is a bad role model. Good thing he never actually existed.

Jesus was an anarcho-communist kike.

jesus never would have been there to begin with
all of these people knew what they wanted to get from this and that was violence
the chance to punch someone you dislike

turn the other cheek, dude

Some bitches deserve a good punch to the face.

Too many of them push the limits and get away with it scott-free.

They can ruin lives without even batting and eye and get away with it.

fuck that shit.

i've been told this was a christian board?

jesus was an alien

Nathan Domingo represents the wrath of God striking her off her high horse for being degenerate and disgracing her body by doing porn.

>jesus never would have been there to begin with

yeah because he doesnt exsist you ignorant nitwit

Yea, that's for her not shaving her hairy pussy

So is this shit ever going to escalate to Bleeding Kansas 2.0 or will it stay as middle school LARPing?


Sup Forums is a Christian board you fedoralord. I'm not going to stand for your heresy on this holy day of Easter.

No. Christianity is a Jewish religion of West Asian origin anyways. It is not a European religion and has hindered white society by turning whites soft.

Casting out the demons



Whats her porn name?

the bible is shit
but i remember reading how he went into a church and fucked people up for trading and selling in a church

You can see her hands on his neck...he's defending himself

Anyone that cries "but waaaa it's not reasonable force" is only up in arms about it because "muh can't hit a gurl"

Jesus used a whip against fellow jews, so yea, basically.

>I deny the Truth
>therefore it does not exist
I think Sam Harris' new podcast is out. Go give that a listen.

It's like he's knocking the stupid out of her.

No but he also go nailed to a fucking cross

something something sell your cloak to buy a sword something
"fuck these commie faggots" -TsunTzhu

(((Nathan Damingo))):
>dishonorable discharged from USMC
>imprisoned for armed robber (nigger-tier crime)
>punches woman in the face

Adolf Hitler:
>honorably discharged from German Army
>imprisoned for his political views
>would never punch a woman

Really makes you think.

we don't want him to be our leader do we

fuck off D&C kike

is it wrong that i want to lick her hairy pussy

Taking in account the time jesus flipped out and drove off money lenders from a church with a stick? Yes Jesus would have. And everyone should too

Anyone have the pic of her spreading her hairy cunt?

t. kid who does what his parents tell him to do

Jesus gave us her nudes. Thanks Bro Jesus!

Have you eaten today?
A wub-wub-wub

>w-what are you doing goy?!
>you're supposed to turn the other cheek!!!
Christianity was the original jewish trick.

>robbed a sandnigger

Who gives a fuck. Violent apes with nothing to lose are exactly what the right wing needs. sounds like you're just butthurt a fellow crusty communist oogle got her face caved in by a blonde headed manlet

This post best post
Hristos a Înviat

Jesus only tricked goyim to turn the other cheek so (((they))) could destroy rome

He did against the Jew moneylenders. Yes, he would.

You'll get herpes

Fuck off spic, lone-wolf crimes accomplish absolutely nothing.

Jesus is a Jewish sandnigger. Why would I care about such a fictitious character?

No, I'm dying from hunger.

Absolutely disgusting
Delete this





"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword".

oh my

Found the atheist.
Jesus would beat these commies like he beat the money changing jews.

She just got bonked once, she's fine just rattled

He probably pulled his punch.

perhaps you should lurk moar


why is this the only punch I've seen caught on video during the entire Second Battle of Berkley?

surely there have been other fights. Anything else good happen, besides this LARPing woman getting what she wanted?

Are you a same faggot from Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

would jesus be anywhere near that cesspool that i berkley?

Was hoping someone would mention this.

Jesus would beat the crap out of antifa alone, unlike those pussies that needed to form a group.

Kicking the kikes from the temple best day of my life

savage smackdown my fellow atheist+

No, Jesus was submissive.

Post antifa jesus dox so everyone could send her pizza

I want that on my wall.

Controlled opposition character development.


I'm convinced after watching the webm that he thought it was a guy up until the point of contact

Dude 's going to prison for a long time. A very, very long time... mock my words

No. That's why he's better than all of us.

She'd actually be a qt if she cleaned her self up.

nice tits too.

I would never punch a woman myself but hey - this is what we have the grunts for.

He would have done only counters and reversals
Everyone knows Jesus could download Bruce lees soul to help him fight

>christians do something bad
>christians praise jesus

fuck off Alinskyists

"Was" being the operative word.

Jesus would have gone around and whiped every antifa faggot he sees

Based Stickman is the closest thing to a real life Jesus based on his action.

She's literally a whore too. Bet she'd do nastier and way more brutal shit for another $1000

When the female body actually repulses me
She is just a vulgar skank. There is no beauty on her

> "And in case men struggle together (in a fight) with one another, and the wife of the one has come near to deliver her husband out of the striking one (to save her husband), and she has thrust out her hand and grabbed hold of his private (the other man's groin), she must then get both her hands cut off, and the eyes of the men must feel no sorrow." [Deuteronomy 25:11-12]


Your words suck donkey benis.
Nice digits tho

Love porn, but what a disgusting little cunt. Figures.

Kill yourself


also, your flag nicely fits to Papua New Guinea

Great counter argument!

I know you love your atheist and pagan friends, mudslime

thats how you should reply to shit posts (not shitposts), actually

pls don't bully polish monument

It's what an insecure faggot does

Im a proud feminist, so hell yes. Women are just as able to take beating as men

You need to read up on Jesus's return.

He's going to do much worse than that when he comes back.

Jesus would have done the right thing and let the girl peg him with a giant black strap-on to pay for his white man sins.

Kek we should put together a fund to see what she will stoop to

Yes, yes it is.
>though shall not suffer a witch to live
>None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.
>Don’t take advantage of the poor just because you can; don’t take advantage of those who stand helpless in court. The Lord will argue their case for them and threaten the life of anyone who threatens theirs.
> Luke 22:36-38
>Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.
>Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.
>Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
>“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
God and our savior Jesus have no issue punishing the wicked.
She threatened a mans life to all the world, she was wicked and was smote.

Adevarat a inviat!

>*blocks path
>hey user, wanna cum bash the gash
>what do?

Yes. He beat the fuck out of some (((merchants))) with a whip, I wonder what he would've done with someone like her


The SA were the same, good for only one thing - physically dominating the opposition.

We want these people on our side, we don't want them to lead anything, but they are good stormtroopers.

Smash that antifasch, then make a mad dash



Kek this, the bible says that he will literally star killing everyone who was against him.
