Name one criticism that you have of him.
Prove that you aren't a blind follower of Jesus Christ
was a virgin
He was Jewish.
He was not the son of "god" whoever that is.
I'm muslim
The Messiah must be a member of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10) and a direct descendant of King David & King Solomon (2 Samuel 7:12-14; 1 Chronicles 22:9-10). Genealogy in the Bible is only passed down from father to son (Numbers 1:1-18).
There is no evidence that Jesus really had this pedigree, and the Christian Bible actually claims that he did not have a “birth-father” from the tribe of Judah descending from King David and King Solomon (Matt. 1:18-20).
When the Messiah is reigning as King of Israel, the Jews will be ingathered from their exile and will return to Israel, their homeland (Deut. 30:3; Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 30:3, 32:37; Ezekiel 11:17, 36:24).
This has clearly not yet happened and we still await its fulfillment.
The Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt (Isaiah 2:2-3, 56:6-7, 60:7, 66:20; Ezekiel 37:26–27; Malachi 3:4; Zech. 14:20-21).
The Temple was still standing in Jesus’ day. It was destroyed 38 years after Jesus’ crucifixion and it has not yet been rebuilt.
There will be universal disarmament and worldwide peace with a complete end to war (Micah 4:1-4; Hoseah 2:20; Isaiah 2:1-4, 60:18).
Wars have increased dramatically in the world since the start of Christianity.
The Messiah will reign as King at a time when all the Jewish people will observe God’s commandments (Ezekiel 37:24; Deut. 30:8,10; Jeremiah 31:32; Ezekiel 11:19-20, 36:26-27).
Jesus never ruled as King, nor have all Jews embraced the commandments of God’s Torah.
The Messiah will rule at a time when all the people of the world will come to acknowledge and serve the one true God (Zechariah 3:9, 8:23,14:9,16; Isaiah 45:23, 66:23; Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 38:23; Psalm 86:9; Zeph. 3:9).
This, as well, has not yet taken place and we await its fulfillment.
He's white :^)
Nothing, he was perfect.
Jesus was a pacifier, not a pacifist. He told his disciples to get a sword even.
>Mary, Joseph, and his wife's son
Unoriginal origin story. Inconsistent powers. Lack luster twist ending.
Jesus is the only thing Christianity got going for it.
Jesus tried to correct the demonic ways of the jews. For his work, the reward was murder.
Christianity died with Jesus. The rest of it is just the talmudic teachings of (((Paul))) and his ilk.
The best he had done is dying for us.
I fucking easy to die. Its not like if it is a big deed.
Could have written down a few things himself, would have made all those debates afterwards easier.
Disregard Paul, acquire spiritual riches.
turn the other cheek
What if He was really the Messiah and he judaised half of the world and make Jews the rulers of the earth?
How come I am a fucking pagan Slav and I literary know, essentially, by heart a lot from the Torah?
I'm not religious.
Not to mention that the entire semitic faiths steal all their stories from older cultures like the sumerians and egyptians.
Nice buzzword sample. Got any much much older buzzwords? Egg and chicken, friend. Egg and chicken.
Jesus is light, REPENT or God will send some muslims to your country as punishement
One of the most misinterpreted passages. Read the context, Jesus was talking about revenge, not self-defense.
White people worship Jesus and spurn the God of the Old Testament. What are the differences?
God's Law:
Men can rape female children and just keep them: Deuteronomy chapter 22, 28-29, in hebrew. (Discussion:
(Also See Numbers 31, hebrew, notice female children and "take them for yourselves" (in hebrew: devour)
Furthurmore Deuteronomy says do not go to the right nor the left, and if anyone entices you to follow another ruler/judge/god to kill them.
It also refers to the man as ba'al: master, of the female.
As baalzebub was lord of the flies, the man is lord of woman.
Jesus's Preaching:
"You are of your father - a murderer from the begining" --Jesus talking about someone... seemingly the God of the Armies that we see in deuteronomy.
"No man nor woman, all one in christ"
"Do not stone the woman"
"A man that looks at a woman has committed adultery"
"Die for the woman"
All inversions of Deuteronomy.
"Better a millstone" cry of the american protestant is another one. (though out of context for once)
Jesus came to free women from men and preach a false inclusive god: to take from men their victory over women and girls.
Whites follow Jesus, and spurn God.
Jesus called the God of the Jews the "Adversary"
However many white men hate women's rights and like young girls, thus they do nothing to help you fight off the "islamic plague". They do not want to worship Jesus and respect or die for women. They want child brides as God allows, yet you "white nationalists" kill the men who even think this way.
>replying to your own post
Oy vey (((christ))) was perfect in every way
In the white world only one type of love is permitted for men to have: selfless love. This love is typified by the teachings of Jesus: die for the woman: forgive the woman: serve the woman
The other type of love (that is banned completely by the acolytes of the Zoroastrian religion known as muh jeebusses better a mill stone ) is possessive love: this form of love is typified by the type of love God had fore the jews: possessive and jealous. Examples of this form of love can be found in Deuteronomy and other books of God's law: men having cute female children as brides; men being the ba'al (overlord) of the female(s); men holding down and raping virgin female children (Deuteronomy 22; v28-29, in Hebrew) and never letting them go; men killing women who leave them by committing adultery. This type of love is completely banned in white countries because whites are cucks for women and worshipers of the false idol jesus and his alternative religion that now rules the entire world. Men who display possessive love end up in prison in these women's countries
Or to put it simply
Selfless love is madokas love for others. Possessive love is homarus love for madoka. Glad homaru won in the end, it is stifling to be ruled by those who force one to have only selfless love.
His sacrifice wasn't really a sacrifice.
I'm actually Jesus
Rebellion is not canon!
but i'm also muslim
Jesus deposed men from the position of overlord and made men the servant and solider of the woman.
Previously men were the ba'al (overlord) of the female, and the rapist and possessor of the girl child.
Now the man is a slave to his passions, his mind is not his own, he is a beast upon which the woman rides.
>citing Old Testament laws as a criticism of Christianity
>after Jesus and Paul stopped Jewish law from applying to gentiles
He turns the cheek a little bit too much.
tf you undermining my integrity and values im a real ass nigga christian stfu
don't fall for this /sage
my repeating numbers also confirm that shit as well by the way
Anyone opposed to Rebellion is a cuck who prefers Jesus.
Those accepting of Rebellion are based and down with the Old Testament God.
Or as discussed previously:
>But you've gotta admit at the very least what she did at the end of rebellion was wrong.
No he does not. Only to a christian / feminist / etc is it wrong.
Homaru is Urobuchi's self insert.
Protagonist desired cute girl.
Protagonist took cute girl.
Protagonist is a rapist showing possessive love.
Deuteronomy 22, 28-29, hebrew (not english): man rapes a young girl (female child) still in her fathers house: he keeps her. (discussion:
Also note: Numbers 31:18 (hebrew), take the female children for yourselves (taph: child. lachem: means to devour in this section)
End of rebellion:
"Oh your so cute and tiny like a gradeschooler".
Urobuchi likes to use christian themes. Here he righted the historical wrong we still live under and suffer from: the reign of Jesus's New Testament and it's demand of selfless love and rejection of posessive love. (Also it's hatread of pedophillia).
OT is the superior group of books and supports the protagonist (man), while the NT damns the protagonist and raises up the secondary party (female)
He was too perfect
He died for our sins (allegedly), then he rose from the dead (allegedly), thus essentially doing nothing. Besides, his story is based on similar legends from previous religions and cultures such as the Egyptian and Sumerian. Zoroastrianism as well.
>implying Jesus was not resurrected
He died.
yall aint real niggas
>Wars have increased dramatically in the world since the start of Christianity.
I'm not even Christian but this is just plainly wrong
LMAO right back at you idiot.
Clearly the post was comparing the teachings of Jesus to the Laws of God, and siding WITH the laws of God AGAINST the teachings of Jesus.
> Name one criticism that you have of him.
He was (apparently) an anti-pedo feminist cuck: the opposite of the old hebrew God.
Young girls are God's gift to men.
You "fellow" white people are all feminists who spurn the gifts God created for you (cute young girls, a corporeal form that isn't burdened by immediate childbirth at 3 years old like most animals your size, but instead allows many years of just "fun" marriage if you hadn't outlawed it to please women, a position as overlord over the female). Because Jesus said so.
Thank you for this.
Typical frog
It's better to blindly follow on a straight path that leads to good pasture than to stagger off stubbornly by your own ignorant sight only to end up tripping over a cliff.
One person could turn down heroin because it's against Christian values and the other could accept it just to spite Christian values; and one becomes a clean-cut healthy citizen & the other a total shitbag.
Listening to degenerate, ignorant shitbag "athiests" talk about "blind christians being stoopid" is fucking pathetic.
Maybe alot of them are stupid. But so are the degenerate shitbag scumlords who shit on them.
The difference is one is blind yet leading a righteous lifestyle and the other is blind and a total shitbag.....................
>Name one criticism that you have of him.
His teachings:
Jesus's Preaching:
"You are of your father - a murderer from the begining" --Jesus talking about someone... seemingly the God of the Armies that we see in deuteronomy.
"No man nor woman, all one in christ"
"Do not stone the woman"
"A man that looks at a woman has committed adultery"
"Die for the woman"
All inversions of Deuteronomy.
"Better a millstone" cry of the american protestant is another one. (though out of context for once)
Jesus came to free women from men and preach a false inclusive god: to take from men their victory over women and girls.
Whites follow Jesus, and spurn God.
Jesus called the God of the Jews the "Adversary"
>Name one criticism that you have of him.
The teachings of Jesus are in opposition to God's Laws.
God's Law:
Men can rape female children and just keep them: Deuteronomy chapter 22, 28-29, in hebrew. (Discussion:
(Also See Numbers 31, hebrew, notice female children and "take them for yourselves" (in hebrew: devour)
Furthurmore Deuteronomy says do not go to the right nor the left, and if anyone entices you to follow another ruler/judge/god to kill them.
It also refers to the man as ba'al: master, of the female.
As baalzebub was lord of the flies, the man is lord of woman.
Here's your (you)
>Name one cr
Jesus said to the Jews "your father is the diablos(THE ADVERSARY), a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies". What you call 'the debil' 'satan' is simply the word for adversary in hebrew and later in greek.
Jesus called the father of the Jew the adversary and the ruler of this world.
Jesus further said "do not stone the woman" (a direct negation of Deuteronomy) and then turned it around against the men "if you even look at a woman, you have committed adultery with her in your heart" another direct negation of Deuteronomy (men are MASTER (ba'al) of the woman and can have many females as brides, including female children, including after they rape them). The New Testament also says for the man to DIE for the woman, again: putting the woman as master of the man.
Jesus says for men to become enuniches if they can for the kingdom of heaven. This is yet ANOTHER negation of Deuteronomy (No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD)
He then says "better a millstone for anyone who offend a child" (though taken out of context by americans): in the way americans read it (no pedophilla with girls) it is a negation of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 (
, both which allow men to have female children for themselves.
Jesus called out the God of the Jews as his, Jesus' adversary. He argued for women's rights, and maybe even anti-pedophillia, he encouraged men to slice off their genitals, he put the man below the woman and raised the woman up.
Then he asks why HIS father (Jesus is said to be a high priest in the order of Melchizedek - that is NOT of the God of Deuteronomy (the God of the Armies) but something that came before) abandoned him on the cross?
Because Israel is the land of The God of the Armies, not of the god Melchizedek followed.
Jesus was a feminist. A t.white man
He allowed modern protestants to come about.
>wait for 'jewish'
>it's in the first post
Never disappointed desu
He murdered a boy for bumping into him as a child.
Gospel that told the story was excluded from the bible during the council of nicea.
>It's better to blindly follow on a straight path that leads to good pasture than to stagger off stubbornly by your own ignorant sight only to end up tripping over a cliff.
Jesus says to cut you penis and balls off and become a eunich for the kingdom of heaven if you can accept it.
Jesus allowed women to commit adultery, and seemed to be against men taking female children as brides. He condemned men even looking at a woman as adultery.
There was more war in the 20th century than pre christian history.
Even if I am wrong on this specific point he clearly did not END war so he cannot be messiah
In order to deal with Jesus’ failure to fulfill the Biblical messianic prophecies, missionaries argue that he will accomplish them when he returns in the future.
It’s important to understand that this second coming doctrine is an admission that Jesus didn’t fulfill the Messianic criteria. This rationalization for his failure certainly provides no reason to accept him as the Messiah today.
Furthermore, the Jewish Bible does not have a Messianic “installment plan” where Messiah comes, fails in his mission, and then returns thousands of years later to finally succeed.
Missionaries will claim that because Jesus performed miracles, he must be the Messiah. However, we have no real evidence that Jesus actually performed any miracles. More significantly, even if Jesus did perform miracles, they would not prove that he was the Messiah.
Our Bible never says that we will be able to recognize the Messiah through the miracles that he will do. The Torah actually teaches that even false prophets can have the ability to perform supernatural miracles (Deut. 13:2-6).
He was Jewish as shit.
> Teacher, people are following the Law incorrectly!
"What, you think you're so perfect?"
> This is the exchange rate for Temple coinage, which you have to ---
> How is it that you're letting that maid give you a foot rub?
"Here's a story about debt forgiveness to explain things to you."
> Teacher, I have kept safe the investment you gave me!
> Are you the King of the Jews?
"You said it, I didn't."
>Gospel of Thomas
>written 2 centuries after Jesus' death by a man that never had any contact with him
here's a redpill for you: jesus wasn't "jewish"
jesus also wasn't a pacifist. he believed in using violence so long as it was for the "right reasons" (example: beating the moneychanger "jews" out of the temple in Jerusalem"
But what about his sacrifice? It is told that he knew he was going to die, and that he knew he was going to come back in three days - doesn't that defeat the point of his sacrifice?
Exactly what I said a few dozen posts ago.
If you go trough an ordeal willingly, you come out stronger.
If Jesus was supposed to be messiah God would have gotten joseph pregnant.
Just as possible as a virgin and would have given him actual patrilineal descent from David
True true, but if in the end he knew he was going to be alright, doesn't that make his sacrifice kind of lose it's charm?
If he knew he was going to die, that he wasn't going to come back, that once he was dead he would be forever, and still willingly carried it out, that would be a sacrifice.
God decided that he should teach more, so he resurrected him, and he wandered for 40 days and 40 nights, spreading his teachings evermore, until he ascended into heaven at last
I am not a priest nor a theologian, but take this as you will
>turn the other cheek
Works pretty well when you have a homogeneous small community of people trying to work together with common virtues and culture.
Does not work well when dealing with sociopaths or outsiders with different value hierarchies trying to conquer you.
>ctrl+f fig tree
Come on guys
I am not arguing that his sacrifice was without a reason, but the meaningfulness behind it - if Jesus knew that he was going to come back in the end, does that really justify his bravery and notion of selflessness?
If there is a God, and I'm somehow lucky enough to ascend to heaven, I hope he doesn't take offense if I ask.
All of these criteria for the Messiah are found in numerous places in the Jewish Bible. One foundational example is in the book of Ezekiel, Chapter 37:24-28:
“24 And My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd, and they will walk in My ordinances, and keep My statutes, and observe them
25 and they shall live on the land that I gave to Jacob My servant, in which your fathers have lived; and they shall live there, they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever; and My servant David will be their prince for ever.
26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant, which I will give them; and I will multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in their midst forever
27 and My tabernacle shall be with them, and I will be their God and they will be My people.
28 And the nations will know that I am the Lord who sanctifies Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forever.”
Anyone can claim to be the Messiah or a group of people can claim that someone is the Messiah. However, if that person fails to fulfill all the criteria found in the Jewish Bible, he cannot be the Messiah.
According to the Christian scriptures, Jesus seems to have understood this. As he was being crucified by the Romans, he cried out “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
Jesus knew he was going to be crucified, killed, and resurrected, correct? His followers had no conception of this. Of course they knew he died, and that they had buried him in the tomb, but when he resurrected and came to life, that is when those who did not believe, believed. In both God, and Jesus himself.
Again, I am no priest, so trying to divine answers from the scripture is not my strong suit. But I do pray that my inferences help you, and that you find solace in your life.
Christianity was cool till he let all the white people in.
Don't pray my friend, praying doesn't do squat. If you want to fix the world around you, you best do it yourself. Why would God want to help you when there is an infinite number of better things he could do?
And thank you, I guess. At least that helped to clarify to me that he infact knew he would be coming back.
Jesus died because of Deuteronomy 13
Not Jackie Chan.