Are the Amish /ourguys/?
Are the Amish /ourguys/?
can they shitpost?
I didn't think so.
But I heard they swung PA to Trump.
amish are based and they make the best foods
I hear the amish will pay you to cuck them because they are so desperate for new genetics
I fixed society.
the Amish must adopt any non amish female baby and teach them to be obedient and nice, once grown up they have to marry non amish males.
rinse and repeat.
Kind of surprised why incels don't become amish desu
They're stupid inbred retards who will die out soon
most incels are autistic, grew up in broken families, liberal, dont realise the value of a healthy good community
Amish are great people, Don't piss them off though.
well cleatus, you're no stranger to inbreeding
>he doesnt know about amish birthrates
Can't know what doesn't exist kiddo
such as african achievements
those are not amish
It's true but through a sheet with a hole cut out for you know what.
my grandparents were amish and lived in amish country most of their lives. not sure why they left. very reserved people, nearly emotionless. so maybe they went through some shit. best chicken corn soup ever, though. any community that keeps to itself and doesn't bother anyone is ok by me.
Their only slightly better than Spics.
They abuse the fuck out of social services and rake in shit tons of cash through using young members as slave labor.
Also their massive hypocrites come down to any Sheetz in Amish country late at night and you'll find all the men smoking through 5 packs of cigs before drunkenly climbing on their bikes or buggies.
>Also their massive hypocrites
can you explain further?
That's really suprising desu
how do you piss an Amish?
Azerbaijani oo that's a nice flag you got there.
The men more so than the women. Most of them pick up drinking, drugs, smoking and gambling during their "running around" time in their late teens early twenties. Their supposed to give all that up when in the church proper, since all of those are considerd immoral hell bound "English" ways.Yet almost all of them drink, most smoke, a good amount gamble and a lot grow weed on their land.
Classic do as I say not as I do between the men and the women/children.