
Finland is best european country, prove me wrong, portip you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

#1. Estonia

A Distant Second: Finland

3rd: Latvia

your people are being massive druged with antidepresants

Must be a Fennoswede.

I would say they are 2nd, after Finland.

Well, sure, we don't whant all of our existance live under german debt unlike you.So we get treesed out from jobe, while you don't do anything so you don't need to be stressed out.

Idk, never been in Finland. Why would it so cool?

They suport our economy.

Eesti is besti.

Suomi if for me.

Latvijas is superjas

Incidentally, these are the only 3 countries I would ever fight for.

no its just basic swede.
Fennoswedes are the ones who post shit like that under finnish flag, pretty easy to identify.

Finlandia is actually one of the best vodkas I have drunk.

Finland is Mongolia.

>20€ beers
not with those prices

Isn't Finland just a shittier, more depressed Sweden?


I meant the guy in the video.

thats because they dont have as much diversity as brits or swedes

Mongolia is Finland

wonder if your women thinks the same, maybe i should let them czech my dick ;)

not quite so enriched

fuck off Norway, no one cares about you

They can just buy it from us any time.

strees depresions, your job must not be very complex

I agree

Greatest ally

Stfu no one likes niggers

1.Faroe Islands

1.5 Greenland






Prove me wrong

Finland welcomes you!

no, its has more autism

Official Europe rankings
1. Finland
2. Norway

[Power gap]

3. Portugal

[Larger power gap]

4. The rest of Europe

muh dick

Finland seems even more depressing than sweden. And they don't even have 10% of our immigrants

The most terrifying threat Norway could ever pose on Finland is pouring all its oil to harm Finland's environment.

Czech girls are eagar to get our dicks inside their tight pussies. They like our income, what you cuckbois cannot provide :^)

They forgot Monaco

Finland is actually the third best Asian country, second being Canada and first being Japan.



Åland is nothing but crybaby gibmedats Swedes who say "I'm oppressed!"

Fuck them.

Cold weather.

Have no sun half the year.

People drink WAY too much.


I think that you are kinda mistaken. That's why southern Spain are full of finns and nords in general.

How can french have big dicks and still surrender in every war?

>1.Faroe Islands
>1.5 Greenland
You mean cold denmark.
Not a country of it's own.
Oil niggs but yes they are in my top 10.
Eaven bigger cucks.

if i had to chose between having money and 13 cm dick and having less money but 16 cm i would always chose muh dick.
>what is purchase power
>country without niggers and leftist agenda
>not having borders with russia
yea i am ok thanks lad

Finland is incredibly degenerate and autistic at once. If you are one of those things, it's obviously breddy good.


And depression is a bad thing because...?

It's alright, have you had Koskenkorva, our real national treasure? [spoiler]it's shit[/spoiler]

I base my countries off Sup Forums flags desu
>aland is a country according to them

Is alcohol cheap in Latvia? I heard that Estonia is going to raise their alcohol tax so Finns need a new supplier.

They have a lot of niggers.

Ahvenanmaa (Åland) is a part of Finland, though

We're breddy gud, and so is Norway. But your memes are best.

Enjoy your eternal darkness.

I tried it once, I hated it and I got more depressed
Never again

It was a mistake not to take upper Norway during Lapland war

You stay away

Don't forget to chase it with a Karhu III.

So great you live in Latvia?

Greenland is based, they have no cucks, a cold area so no libs, people are nice, and it's easy living. I'm either moving to Barrow,Ak, Niue, or Greenalnd


oy vey...aland would be better as its own country

A lot of you'r people allready are coming here, becouse it's eaven cheaper here, then in Estonia.

Binland is Winland.

Finns are tall

fuck you all


What do you mean?

I wouldn't mind. Those fuckers don't even speak finnish and they are excluded from conscription. All they do is leech money from us


Labi somija.

Rakastan sinua, Timo.

Money makes happiness. You still have some of the wealth gained from WWII.

Suomi is love

Suomi is life

it's because you people stole our sun and people dont eat fish anymore and they're too stupid to get D vitamin, but for real all black people will die for lack of vitamin D, im not kidding

site for the Åland elections, notice something?

[spoiler]language options[/spoiler]

yeah, but in 10 years when im old enough to start a family, it's gonna be all gone. Fuck em

We come in every size, from 140cm to 200 cm!

hungary or us have no nigs and still big hm

It tastes like sisu. Man the fuck up.
Not the viina. The feeling.

I must have the biggest dick in Finland then
and I'm authentic Finn

You can't beat the baltic depressing austism.

>le muh dik

Dude, Estonia's laulupidu and whatever the Latvian version is called are fucking beautiful.

Did you measure starting from your assholes?

Also, your girls are so tight that there are no need for xtra large dick

I'm 167cm, that's shorter than Merkel
Why do I even bother?

>no finnish in language options

Damn those hurrilovers


#1 is Cyprus

Yeah, Åland must be liberated

in what? being poor and dumdum?

Thanks murica.
Dziesmu un deju svētki
Or just Līgo
in Latvian

>Breed plutonium at Olkiluoto
>Make nuclear bomb with reusable Nokia 3310 detonator
>Test on Åland
>Build more, reuse Nokia 3310 detonator
>Test on Sweden
>Gold in IIHF
Oh nice but why the fuck would anyone vote for this? lol you don't even have any pro-Rus parties, USA cocksuckers


In everything ;)
Cyprus is just below Switzerland and Japan

Oh don't hate on them they are better than 90% of the countries on Sup Forums

Holy shit bro, I'm so sorry. I'm 183cm and feel small in certain situations.

They would implode when they lose Finnish subsidies for transportation and agriculture.


Fucking thai, russian and romanian voting instructions... disgusting.


stop falling for the hairless cute finish traps meme

I'm going to hit laulupidu in 2019 and if I have the time and līgo happens to be around the same time, I'm going to go to that too.

m8, even you don't believe that



I detest when people can't spell Finnish or Finns correctly.

1,73m master race

im pretty tall compared to japanese grills so im okay with this

This country a fucking shit. I'm happy to leave this behind forever next month

Where you going to go, serkku?