What can the left do against them?

What can the left do against them?

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Cry victim

Get organized.

these """anarchists""" seem to love crying to authority

all anarchists love authority
doesnt matter if they are left or right

Hashtags and matching profile pictures.

Seems like people with a diversity of ideas though, agreeing to rally against the establishment and censorship and BTFO'ing normies for the keks.
You can spot the Sup Forums autist on the left going "oh shit what did I get into?".


Shoot them and kill them

>the 1488ers are the most fit

Really makes you think

Nothing unless they want to start a civil war. Guns would be the only defining factor.

what a poorly designed poster

It screams FBI honeypot.

>owning guns
>knowing how to use guns

You do realize that the VAST majority of gun owners in the US are right wing, correct?

And the VAST majority of veterans are on the right as well. It shifts even more to the right when only looking at combat arms MOSs.

Get to special operations units and see how almost every single one is somewhere along the line of beltway conservative to libertarian to downright 1776 Liberty or Death Constitutionalist

In addition, the farmers who feed this nation are overwhelmingly right wing, as are the heavy industry and infrastructure workers who make it run. Leftists are finished before they even begin

The left can fuck off and stop trying to steal our liberty.





Yeah, it's quality and crap at the same time.

Ignore them. These dumbasses have no real impact on society and only make themselves look stupider than they already are.

James Waterman Wise, Jr., in a recent address here before the liberal John Reed club said that Hearst and Coughlin are the two chief exponents of fascism in America. If fascism comes, he added, it will not be identified with any “shirt” movement, nor with an “insignia,” but it will probably be “wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution.”



wait for them to od on Oxycontin?




Call the police

Thats what they do most of the time when they get beat up

the guy withe the gopro on his chest needs to post that footage

Americans fighting Americans

Man Keith Jardine really gets around these days

Against a poser faggot in board shorts and an Ill fitting helmet?

Offer their own wife's up front to refugees... So they can produce an army of degenerated twats and outnumber the right.

>"spot the Sup Forums autist"
my sides brah

Nothing beer isn't going to fix eventually.

The last time they met they assaulted them and the trump supporters did nothing. This time they tried and got their shit pushed in. Assuming whoever was giving the cops the order to stand down isnt going to tell them to start doing their jobs since its the lefties getting their shit kickes in this time they might be able to do it once before the trump supporters respond with the same level of force, except theyve had guns for longer and probably know how to use them better too.

>Ill fitting

kek, get a load of this faggot

Putin does not like to see white people fighting each other.

It is the globalist Jews who laugh at this.

The left throw rocks and then hide behind the cops. They punch then they run and hide behind the cops. So here's what the left can do, throw a rock and get rekt. Throw a punch and get rekt. Other people can run interference on the cops so they will be too busy to save your sorry asses. Quit LARPing as revolutionaries.


They aren't Americans, they are clearly Anti-American.
There is such thing called, "Domestic Terrorism."


Have you ever been in a fight? Have you ever tried fighting with obstructed vision?

No, because you're Canadian. You'd sooner drop your trousers and offer your asshole before you ever clenched a fist.

Not a whole lot.Lefties are sorry degenerates, the lost and useless trash of the white race who mingle with the usefull idiots of other races. When confronted by healthy white males, they crumple like wet tissue paper.


They will learn. The republic stands and based Stickman is Brutus. Props to /ourguys/. Leftys ran like the cowards they are. Remember jimbo communists are not human.

For real that helm is soooo 1000 bc

The antifa fags on reddit are actually debating electing a leader for riots.
Yes, the ANARCHISTS are thinking about the need for a leader.
Yes, they are that retarded.

Pretty sure this is it

Write angry posts on Reddit how the Nazi "fascist righties" are more organized and that they have to do something about it yet they won't do shit because they are a bunch of unorganized edgy anarchists who always want to feel like they are some sort of big revolutionaries or some crap.

They probably all drink wine coolers.
not a man among them.

The cops are their only protection. Without police protection...well .... could you imagine it. We would need a single day.

are you kidding?
You faggots losing the last two events were crying wolf, and you literally worship authority. Your hippocuckory is fucking stupid. now that you have tasted victory you feel emboldened behind your keyboard, but keep in mind you are still worthless trash.

It isn't just the left. These are groups that have been carefully constructed over years.

Bank rolled by billionaires to dance when the strings are pulled.

Groups that utilize and actively feed on division to draw in a specific type of individual that they know are susceptible.

These are groups that have almost unlimited funds, reach and the research to back it up.

What they faced on the street? The unemployed, everyday workers, veterans, retirees, patriots.

A mismatched bunch of people with some very differing beliefs.

All united under the American flag against the scourge of the new liberal movement and communism.

They can't do anything, and they hate it.

of course your faggot mind goes to mens assholes you disgusting queer

you got any data on that? I am left and I own 10+ guns. Also your spacing makes you a cancerous faggot, go back.

You know you need to avoid a guy when he has a freehand body cam on them.

>the fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascist -Winston Churchill

well fuck who our /ourguys/ then?

Canadians are too effeminate and French to be considered men.

two groups of retards clashing with each other. meh.

>Bank rolled by billionaires to dance when the strings are pulled.
That described the GOP perfectly you delusional cunt.

>Battle for Berkley Charge

this. both sides are useful divide and conquer idiots. All these threads just show how much Sup Forums as been brainwashed

It's wonderful, isn't it?

Most of Sup Forums are to some degree NatSoc, of course we love authority.
Also keep in mind you're a double nigger.

Here is all military. This includes Air Force desk jockeys, etc. as well.
I'm an independent in the army reserve at the moment, as are some of my closest friends, and let me tell you from first hand experience that most of those "independents" are quite on the right. Either way, less than one in five of all service members identify as democrat. In combat arms MOSs leftists are an endangered species.

And do I honestly need to provide a citation for gun ownership? One side want to ban guns in this country, the other doesn't. You know which is which. While their are exceptions on either side, the rule holds for the majority.

If you don't like my spacing you can submit a complaint to my PR office. I've been on this website since 2007, ten full years so I'm not going back anywhere.

how is anything he said delusional? and of course the gop is funded by billionaires too. you're fucking dumb. nice pic though. actually no, it's fucking stupid, like you

>leftist on a nazi's board



>t. tea sipper
How was your day? did you get pastries and drink a tiny bit o tea? did you wrap your steak in bread and slice into it while wearing a powdered wig?

meanwhile in canada they put gravy on french fries and cut down trees with axes.
>buh-bu muh manhood
you never had manhood.

Intended for

Burn their houses at night.

God you people are dumb.

Someone has to fight these Zionist fuckers. Half the effect of controlled opposition is that it scares/demoralizes people making them feel powerless when it's just a mild issue that needs to be dealt with.

If the great masses rise up and realize who is actually pulling the strings, controlled opposition can only do so much to control them.

Denmark calling someone a nigger is like Sweden calling someone a cuck

Can you even point out Denmark on a map?

been here for a while. I am not leaving either.

Nothing really. Our time has come and they will either fall in line or hang.

Being incapable of having a civil discussion and becoming emotional resulting in the use of profanity.

Not only that, you somehow attempt to reroute my comment and change the topic I was covering in some odd attempt to call me delusional.

Wow, we are graced to be in the presence of such an intellectual giant.

I really hope you are just young, because if not I feel really sorry for you.

>Someone has to fight these Zionist fuckers.
we did. we put trump in the white house.

I have been to copenhagen

Its the tumor above Germoney

>some scrawny junkie squatters and LARPing college students
>get bankrolled by (((Soros))) to create a vanguard against the rising tide of street-level patriots
I know you need some outlandish mythos to build up the enemy, but come on. If I or anyone else with two braincells to rub together were to create some legit communist movement, these people would be the last I'd offer a single fucking dime as they do the agitprop for free and they're useless at anything else.

This is what happens when you watch 300 too many times

Didn't the GOP just vote for fucking our internet privacy? Way to use a ad-homenim to try to destroy my argument.
I mean, I know Brits are known for their dry wit but you need work.

I've been waiting for this for years. I've been waiting for the brosephs and the chads to wake the fuck up and get out there and oppose leftists. It is hilarious seeing how these wimps stand up to people that actually look strong. I fucking love this!

But I thought women and men are equal?!?

And isn't gender a social construct?
When he punched them, he had no idea what gender they were

check'd and kek'd dorkus

>pretending random college students vs. random rednecks affects zionists in anyway

These "fights" do nothing but distract you faggots into making you think you've done something. You think that hairy girl is helping zionists at all? They don't give a shit about her. You're an idiot. And the right is more pro-Israel than the left so you're extra retarded.


Of course



Uhhh, bout that. Trump is a Zionist. If you wanted an anti-zionist president we would have to elect someone not cucked by christianity. Look at how many faggots swoon over Ted Cruz. He literally preaches about Israel in half of his neocon speeches.

>I know you need some outlandish mythos to build up the enemy, but come on. If I or anyone else with two braincells to rub together were to create some legit communist movement, these people would be the last I'd offer a single fucking dime as they do the agitprop for free and they're useless at anything else.

Unless the goal is Martial law and the right wing will agree o it because it will stop all the rioters.

Wew get a load of this faggot. No (you) for yous

>everyone i dont like is a shill!

Not an argument.

also in the military- can confirm that "independent" usually means "the republican party is too far left for my tastes"

I don't believe anyone is afraid of a bunch of losers who can't even set a smoke bomb right.

Kangz, on the other hand, I could see.

Cutting down trees and inexplicably walking around naked from the waist down like the filthy Frenchman you are.

>Lost the last 2
Thays funny bud. They got the shit kicked of of them in Berkeley and Huntington Beach.

There is one thing Nazis and the left have in common, and that is fuck zionists. (inb4 SJW, I am aware about that shitty arm of the left, and I fucking hate them too, but I am a scientist, and the left is the only ones that support science at the moment, you fucks embraced it I would switch sides in a heartbeat).

Doesn't matter. Right wing will laugh as the liberal cities get put under martial law and forget about the corporations buying all their farm land.

>There is no scientific basis for race
>You fucks are anti-science

Lol okay

>sips tea while wife fucks the neighbor
gee you guize are so sophistimacated

What about the central banks and gmo food?

did I say that?
nice red herring