Flat Earth believers discussion live

GLOBEBUSTERS live - Flat Earth - The Sky and Its Limits


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What colossal dumbshits.


According to that picture it's dark 80% of the time in Argentina. Just look at it.

Its true. I've been on the edge of the earth and I heard the space saying:
> Build me a space elevator. Space Race now!!!

If this is what you believe, then you have my pity
also, there was a straw poll earlier here pol about this topic, if I find out that most of you tards actually believe our planet is flat, then I am leaving, for good

Update, yes you morons actually believe this I can't believe I have wasted my time listening to you cucks


See you all in hell


it's a coarse depiction

this is also a coarse depiction, probably more accurate

Flat Earth terrifies the Athiest.

Accept the Creator Pill. We are in a Terrarium. Created by intelligence.
Space is the biggest lie.

Are you an Athiest?

Do you eat chromosomes for breakfast or are you just that fucking stupid?

You are all fucking retarded, you know that?

It's fun to think about how flatearthers will literally drodge through decade old papers they don't understand only to find a single phrase that slightly sounds like it supports their theory.

Want to explain a solar eclipse for me?

Coriolis effect faggot

What is the sun and why does it only shine as a cone?

I would like to know why the stars dissappear in high altitude balloon footage? Are the stars closest of all celestial objects?

I'm hoping you never taint the gene pool with your autism


The firmament is a lie. The original bible was written in Greek, and was mistranslated from a word that means expanse

On top of the fact that you have to believe in the literal sense of the bible (like a islamic extremest or regular retard) there is a huge amount if evidence outweighing flat earth bullshit, that has constant holes poked in it's lie of reality.
Get a fucking grip and stop listening to youtube intellectuals


Doesnt exist. The surface doesnt move.
Polaris is the center bearing of the rotating mechanisms of the sky

You got something that isn't based on 5000 year old text?

Just find it amusing that it would be on a paper from NASA. The same agency that took us to moon and have shown us the shape of earth through their fantastic satellites.

I bet you don't cut your hair like it says in leviticus. Do you kill yourself when you commit adultery? Do you not eat figs because Jesus cursed the fig tree?

Do you look for the log in your eye because the bible says ones in there?

Are you confused because the bible calls Mt. Sainai as two different names?

That's not evidence you bigot. Get a grip of reality


can someone explain how in the northern and southern hemisphere we see different constellations? also why does a compass only points to north if it's flat?

So the moon isnt fixed with night?
Glad we got that out of the way.

Now explain retrograde motion

Did you not read the paper? They used a stationary earth in an experiment of an aircraft

No where does it say that the earth is flat
You literally read anything and believe whatever you want regardless of the information in your fucking face you fucking retard

I haven't read the paper (I would love to if you have a link), but my best guess is that they modled airflight in a simple scenario (flat, nonrotating surface) because that is easier than to start with a spherical, rotating earth.

This is a basic method in science, you do a simple model and then try to expand it.

This model can also be sufficient for aircraft that fly short distances (curvature doesn't matter) with high speed (rotation doesn't matter).

This is compelling

How do flat-earthers go about the whole GPS thing?

There's only 4 things you must realize and accept as the truth (Jesus is the TRUTH, as it says in John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.")
#1. We all have sinned. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
#2. There's a price or payment for our sin. Romans 6:23a "For the wages of sin is death;" Revelation 20:14-15 "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."
#3. Jesus Christ paid your sin debt for you when He was crucified on an old rugged cross. Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth (showed) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 6:23b "...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
#4. If you accept the fact that you have sinned against a Holy God, and that Hell would be your eternal abode because of your sin, but that Jesus paid the price for your sin and took the punishment in your place, then all you have to do is by faith, trust 100% in Jesus' finished work

LITERALLY quotes from an image ridiculously showing different depictions of the earth from nasa

Motherfucker whenever I do long distance shooting I won't hit shit unless I account for it. Stop keeping your head in your ass by denying reality

How does Foucault's pendulum work in a flat earth scenario?

You're a lost cause lad

what about the moons phases? flattards are an embarrassment to the species

With Polaris being the center, the times for rotation are as follows
Stars 23:56
Sun 24:00
Moon 24:50

>tfw you understand that geodesy disproves flat eart theory


anglo mad



Ask him about viewing the moon from each hemisphere at the same time. Why would it be inverted for one person in the South and not so in the North? If the world were flat they would see the moon in the same orientation but on a globe they wouldn't (which is how we actually see it).

God DAMN this is some fuckin' great entertainment. I wish more schizophrenics would do livestreams.

because you're looking at it from a different perspective as two people at the opposite end of the same room looking at a depiction of the moon in the center of the room at the ceiling level will see it one upright and the other inverted.


Ground positioning system
Cellular triangulation

Seriously though, these people can barely edit videos. Why would you take anything they say as fact?

Your tone and lack of marksmanship are noted. Thanks for checking in guy thats never shot a gun

But Moon is flat too.

Oy vey, shut it down.

Whats wild is YOU have just shown you've never fired a gun.



But they figured it out by testing. Your foolish pride is what keeps you believing you live on the impossible ball model. If you saw it on the news, then your tone would change and you will be the first faggot screaming, you fuckers are dumb for thinking you could live on a ball, i knew it all along....... right?

More videos huh? Post a pick of your guns fag.

do you have something to support that claim?

Thats crow77 muh moons a projection shit

Don't be upset that you're wrong. Stupid reactionary people do that. Say thank you and learn a thing or two.

unbelievably moronic

1 the nasa guy who makes these admits they are photoshopped
2 the nasa pics aren't depiction from different distances yet north america significantly changes size in many of these pics

Unironic flat earth believers is prime example of what happens after excessive ironic shitposting. Bunch of people pretend to be retarded, then actual retards join them, believing that they are in perfect company. I bet there are people here who unironically worship bogdanoffs

If earth is flat, why would Moon not be?

Also, Moons basiclly rotates like a 2d sprite


Accepting commissary makes you a target. Don't befriend any gang members beyond casual association as if they have enemies and they are in the hole, they will kill you instead. Don't be a pussy and just take everything but also try not to stand out. Pass your time reading and taking as many classes as possible. Also, stay in good shape and work out. Never become confrontational with guards.

You can do a long stint without any real problems. They are also disparate for space in most prisons so model inmates get out on parole all the time. A friend of mine got a life sentence for murder and only did 11 years. He had started an inmate outreach program to reduce gang violence, got a bachelors degree and did many other notable positive things while locked up and the COs and judge actually fought to get his release signed off by the governor.

I assume this was meant for the prison thread.

there is no ironic shitposting about FE. With little research you start to question NASA and the credibility they have.

What latitude are you at and how fast do you believe you are spinning, and what direction are you shooting, and why does that matter....? Planes land on runways, and if what you are saying is true, then the ground is moving at 1,000 mph relative to the plane? You are sooooo dumb it hurts me.

- Earth is flat!
- What does this change?
- Well... I dunno, lol

Really? Faggot anything past 700 yards and you have to adjust, you have no clue how shit works.

>They dont believe in evolution

I listened for about 20 seconds before i turned it off

Clinically retarded

Yeah, you are the second group of people i was posting about.
Stop drinking energy drinks

You people are fucking stupid.

imo moon is same as sun. Just a weird phenomenon that rotates around us for whatever reason

I"M dumb? First, you obviously don't understand how a scope works. Second, jump off a moving car vertically. You won't whip off the back like some cartoon. Are you unironically saying this shit, or are you really that stupid?

why do I come on this board again

Shill spotted

So were is the ice wall?


700 yards!!! Have you ever shot at an animal or a human at 700 yards!!! Good luck, even with a .50 cal with the best optics, good luck hitting anything smaller than a car.

Honestly, how low does your IQ have to be to think the earth is flat?

Gives no reason for his hate, just gives it.

One of the guns I have hanging cause it's a piece of history, Chinese myosin nagant with an effective range of at least 800m.


Noyse! Shadows and shiiiyt


I'm sorry you can't understand this, I really am. If I got you all pissy, I'm sorry.

Seems many UK evolutionists can't handle opposition, there's literally no evidence for the theory after all these years

Are you retarded?? An M82 can reach 1800 meters. Do you even think before you post?

>A leaf
>Being retarded

Not suprised

Take your discovery channel program elsewhere.

I had to check your flag twice to make sure you were american. I'm still not convinced.

there is no evidence of one specie becoming another specie. And no before you say i'm not religious person.

>there is no evidence of one specie becoming another specie



Only the 1972 and 2015 ones are real, the rest are illustrations.


Here, have a stream from a weather satellite, it takes pictures of earth every few hours. And they all look the same, it's almost like they're not Photoshopped. (you can turn off the shoreline overlay on the bottom right corner)

give me one. You are claiming evolution is true so there should be specie right now that is becoming another

Please elaborate on how this explains retrograde motion?

explain this

EOD would use special ammunition to shoot mountains of unexploded ordinance. Your 1,800 meter argument is invalid

anglo unable to provide evidence, uses invective

stay mad faggot

how is that picture evidence of anything? If i give you pink unicorn does that mean pink unicorn exists