Why do right-wing people have such little empathy for other beings...

Why do right-wing people have such little empathy for other beings? Is it stupidity or some kind of other biological defect?

>almost no empathy for animal rights
>zero empathy for non-whites (sometimes they try to hide it tho)
>can't see people as individuals, rather as groups because they see everything in tribes
>responsible for the greatest amount of war crimes and loss of human lives in war

Do you all just hate life itself?

Other urls found in this thread:


>responsible for the greatest amount of war crimes and loss of human lives in war
the right is?

Not sure if bait.
Anyway, it's self preservation then gratuity. Something that liberals don't get.

Nigger the right wing is getting ready to crusade Europe because an 11 year old got torn in two

>responsible for the greatest amount of war crimes and loss of human lives in war
Uh the commies were responsible for the most by far, and the Germans were socialists.

I just want to be left the fuck alone to take care of me and my family. If I can help others I will but that's not my priority.

good on you.

when are leafs getting banned, il gladly get banned if we can get rid of leafs like this.

>zero empathy for non-whites (sometimes they try to hide it tho)

Because the right is aggregated in the south mostly and have the highest nigger exposure per capita poisoning them on the concepts of race.

The left are largely insulated from blacks and their only real conception of racial reality is informed by artificial presentations given by hollywood casting offices that portray blacks as equal and thus deserving of empathy.


nice fucking meme you brainwashed retard

how does gulags and genocide relate to the basic human rights movement of the left?


Wrong. Liberals are defective and have too much empathy towards total strangers.

Sometimes peoples feelings are not the most important thing in the world.

I believe countries should be run like a business; efficient, pragmatic and not driven by random emotions.

>can't see people as individuals, rather as groups because they see everything in tribes
You're one confused leaf

Think again
Blue states ALWAYS have high black populations, and usually the worst racial crimes.

>not real communism

here we go again

>how does gulags and genocide relate to the basic human rights movement of the left?
It goes hand in hand with Marx's teachings

there's only two kinds of leftist sociopath or idiot

It's almost as if states are made up of cities and liberals usually don't live in nigger cities.

I'm not even a communist, you dumb gypsy actual fucking subhuman twat

Thats exactly how i feel. You cant trust anybody. Take care of your own.
Give me 1 reason why i should care about dindus in africa popping out 12 kids when they cant even feed themselves or sand dindus who literally dismember eachother?

yea sorry canada

the inbred retards are going to take some time to sort out

Being conservative and American, is it safe to assume you're religious?
Your god tells you to love everyone unconditionally. He even said to turn the other cheek when someone wrongs you. He says to help the less fortunate. Do you think these rules only apply to everyone else?

They're rural and suburban retards, so they don't really contribute to the economy in any meaningful way.

All the new technologies and scientific discoveries are made by the absurdly high IQ people who live in liberal cities, and meanwhile the rural and suburban retards just sit back and chill and enjoy the benefits without giving anything in return and not paying taxes.

They know that if things really get bad, they can just vote for Bohnie Sandas and he'll take all the money from the one puhcent and redistribute it among the rural and suburban retards, so they're not worried about the future.

They're literally a burden that holds back western civilization.

>have no arguments
>get mad

typical commie brainlet

Oh look, another retarded leaf who thinks leftists do nothing wrong.

Liberals have zero empathy for unborn babies, that's worse

I agree with what the other guy said and don't believe in religion. Do you actually have any arguments of merit against his point?

It's what they think "self-reliance" means, something that is a critical component of right-wing virtue signalling (similar to compassion in its leftist counterpart).

They're also just bored, retarded and want something to hate and whine about, just like most liberals.

Because the left has tried for many years to abuse our empathy.

Right wingers are actually *extremely* giving and helpful to their own. Knowing this gave me faith that national socialism is completely viable. You need to expel foreigners and jews for it to work though. Also abject parasites of your own race can't be tolerated.

An empathetic swallow feeds it's neighbor's chicks and neglects it's own

An empathetic swallow goes extinct

Random emotions aren't a factor unless the one with said emotions is rich enough to put them in your face. Feeling empathy for those suffering from starvation or poverty isn't a liberal trait; it's a human one. The conservative standpoint of ignoring the less fortunate is simply a form of social pressure stemming from other conservatives. You don't have to be liberal to not want other people to suffer, nor do you have to be conservative to hate those who are less fortunate, but it helps.

High yes but not higher per capita as you can see on the map i provisioned.

The north is also MUCH MUCH more socially segregated.

The NY school system is the most segregated school system in the USA. Southern schools are much more integrated

*skip to 50 seconds in the following vid*


More integration leads to more exposure

More exposure leads to more racism.

>responsible for the greatest amount of war crimes and loss of human lives in war

I didn't know stalin and mao were right wing. Learn something new everyday I suppose

>almost no empathy for animal rights
Who tf cares, there are people starving in Africa with aids who smoke their aids medicine to get high.
>zero empathy for non-whites
we don't race bait or care to pander or cater to non-whites. All we care about is non-workers/leaches of the system
>can't see people as individuals rather as groups because they see everything in tribes
Comming from a liberal this is super ironic. You constantly break people apart into sects in order to pander to different demographics. How would you sell a white privilege narrative without dividing people up by race.
>Responsible for the greatest amounts of war crimes and loss of human lives in war
Your party was against the abolition of slavery. STFU


And your premise is wrong, the left are the least likely to give to charity. There has been studies on this, go and do your research.




remember friends especially with these bait postings: the left most strongly accuses its opponents of doing what it actually does but worse

You have to earn empathy from your fellow humans by not being a fucking faggot.

You're either not expressing yourself properly, or you don't know what you're talking about.

Chicago? Los Angeles? New York? These are the three biggest cities the USA has to offer - all blue. What part of those populations are purely white and conservative? I've heard more shines shooting each other outside my window than you've read in the news. I can't leave my building without running into a black person before I walk out the front door. I actually don't even hate them.

What city do you consider to be black?

god I know it's bait, but you probably at least believe it on some level.

you really need to think about what it means to have "empathy". You think fucking Leftists run more soup kitchens than the Christian hicks that you have such disdain for? Stop being such a goddamn leaf.

I grew up with democrat parents I know exactly how horrible they can be. I can't be the only one. Money before people always with them.

>claims right wing people have little empathy for others

I always laugh when foreigner dumbasses think they know American politics.

I am the other guy who doesn't believe in religion. I'm the person who wrote both posts.

They are only against abortion, because they want more people to annoy.

ITT we do mental gymnastics as to why defending yourself is hateful.

>your party

You dumb cunt, there have been so many ideological shifts in the parties since the 1860s.

Try harder why don't you

>The conservative standpoint of ignoring the less fortunate is simply a form of social pressure stemming from other conservatives.
No, we actually dont give a shit about starving or warring shitskins in some shithole or tyrone who refuses to work. Conservatives are, by far, the largest contributors of charity to those in their communities who actually need it. Youre just too dumb to realize youre not helping amyone, just making the problems worse.

Empathy is weakness, leaf.

>almost no empathy for animal rights
Nazi Germany for example were more for animal rights than anyone.
>zero empathy for non-whites (sometimes they try to hide it tho)
I would say this is because many if not most non-whites show no empathy for eachother and even less so for white people.
>can't see people as individuals, rather as groups because they see everything in tribes
"Why do right-wing people" Hm.
>responsible for the greatest amount of war crimes and loss of human lives in war
This is plainly incorrect with regards to the Soviet Union.

>animal rights
Strong supporter of it. I want strict environmental regulations, as well as much harsher punishments for animal abuse.
>zero empathy for nonwhites
Not true, only the ones invading my country or leeching off of it. Feeding niggers that can't feed themselves isn't empathy, it's stupid.
>can't see people as individuals
But I can, and you're a faggot who needs to be gassed for making this retarded thread.
>responsible for the greatest amount of war crimes
Easy to say when you control what defines a 'war crime'.
>Do you just hate life itself?
From the continuous existence of leftist scum, idiocy, and corruption I am exposed to, yes, I have come to despise humanity. I just hate some groups more than others.


Faggot leaf. Understand this:

If we do nothing, men everywhere will become emasculated, women will continue on the path of becoming massive whores, white countries will cease to exist, globalist bankers and conpanies will have (even more) power over our governments, our rights will be stripped from us in the name of social progress, and your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't respond to this post.

Of course you see this as a lack of empathy. Because in America we believe in everyone working for themselves. That's why we don't give a single fuck about niggers in the ghetto addicted to crack and rap songs with 70 level IQs getting shot when they rob liqour stores. We dont give a fuck about "their environment" like we're a bunch of sympathetic women. Everyone is responsible for themselves, therefore we as white males are looking out for the best interests of ourselves and the country we are trying desperately to save.

Multiculturalism doesn't work, in case the women in burkas, slums, barrios, ghettos, and terror attacks WERE NOT GETTING THROUGH TO YOU

This is why overly empathetic emotional people should be rounded up and gassed. We don't need any more niggers being born. Abort them all.

Utter bullshit.

Right wing people give to charity or help directly.

Maybe we get tired of being used. You know, paying for people who refuse to work. Being taxed to have that money used to "fundamentally change" the nation.

War crimes? Look no further than leftists. In the 20th century, lefties killed hundreds of millions.

Go fuck yourself. Idiot.

they know that homogenous communities have more cohesion and aren't enslaved by PC culture

It's a delusion they like to engage in. Even if we don't rightly include Hitler into the leftist fold, all the other lefty regimes killed hundreds of millions.

>Why do right-wing people have such little empathy for other beings?

You're mistaking a paternalistic trust in the state for empathy.

Right wing people volunteer for charities and actually do things to help others. Left wing people do jack shit and tell themselves they're good people because they support politicians who tell them that they'll use other people's money to take care of the needy for them.

Who cares?

> Empathy is a currency

What the fuck is empathy going to do? I think the difference is one group are idealist (the empaths) while the others are realist or atleast more pragmatic. I know tons of leftist who call themselves animal rights people because they have 5 dogs and 3 cats but at the end of the day its just virtue signaling. They dont have shit but a smelly house. They didnt change the world at all. Its an illusion.

>an 11 year old
You forgot "white"


>They're literally a burden that holds back western civilization.
Meanwhile, the left is actively destroying it

>higher per capita
Per Capita means "per person". You possibly unintentionally didn't make any sense here. I understand what you're saying, though. You're saying that because the social order in small towns is less segregated, that those in large cities with more segregation don't get exposed to blacks on the whole, but that isn't correct. For example, Chicago has a murder rate that puts Brazil to shame. (if more was better) We've had race riots in recent memory, as has LA. I don't know if New York has off the top of my head, but the segregation you see on paper doesn't mean we don't see black people. They're everywhere. Some of them are upstanding people. Some of them are dirty niggers - usually, brutal, ignorant dirty niggers who would just as soon rape and kill your daughter as say "hi" in line at the bank, though they will always to claim to be ultimately moral about their amoral decisions. I'd go so far as to say that in the big cities, the ghettos are extremely effective echo chambers for dirty niggers, and we tend to produce far more violent criminals than any small southern town.

So, we have more of them, they're prevalent and even more threatening than the average that small towns turn out, yet we don't hate them for some reason. I'd say that your overall statement is incorrect.

Also, sorry, I don't watch videos or other articles so you don't have to do the work. Please articulate your arguments personally.

They rely on logic more than on feelings.

I can empathize with all. I will cry as I imagine being in the position of the parents who lose their children in Middle Eastern wars.

But empathy does not mean sympathy. I would rather let them fester and rot far
away from me.

>Your party was against the abolition of slavery.

Two things:
1. He meant that conservatives, right-wingers (Nazis, Christians, Muslims, etc.) are responsible for more war and atrocities, not specifically Republicans in America, and he's correct.
2. Republicans used to stand for what democrats stand for now and vice-versa. They're polar opposites of where they were 150 years ago. You should probably know this simple fact before you argue anything on Sup Forums.

Giving money to charity is not being charitable; it's a tax deduction. Being charitable is actually sacrificing something for the greater good without hope or expectation of a return on investment beyond someone else's improved quality of life.

This map is just another source of the other map with the IAT. It overlaps quite well and demonstrates that the south has a HIGHER percentage of blacks per state. That higher percentage means the average white person is more likely to be exposed or interact with blacks and that reinforces the issue that racism is fostered through exposure.

The video i sent you, again, confirms that NY has more school segregation than the south.

The Nevada case itself is particularly demonstrative of the problem

>almost no empathy for animal rights
most right wing people i know have pets

>zero empathy for non-whites (sometimes they try to hide it tho)
i have no empathy for people that commit crimes,whether they are white or black.
And a large amount of non whites do all they can to undermine our borders and they have no empathy for americans that get killed by illegals or loyalty to this country.

>can't see people as individuals, rather as groups because they see everything in tribes
Yes they can see people as individiuals,thats you stereotyping.You cant see right wing people as individuals.

>responsible for the greatest amount of war crimes and loss of human lives in war
obama was bombing syria and arming rebels.He caused the current immigration crisis,bombed various middle eastern countries and deported millions of illegals.
But the left were ok with it and stayed silent.Double standards much?

Alot of liberals lack empathy for their countrymen and dont care if their countrymen lose jobs or get exposed to criminals.Most cops are right wing and they do the most to protect our citizens.Only a small amount are corrupt.

Western Civilization doesn't hinge on white population numbers, you fuckwit.

Your racism is disgusting, and you should be put to death.

Empathy and respect are not synonymous.
Empathy is a skill. Being unwilling to even try to understand the perspective of someone who's suffering is not a lack of empathy; it's simply hate.

Overt empathy is for women and weak men.

Soup kitchens foster dependence. They're a kindness, but barely.

Abortion isn't murder.
Try again.

>not real communism


Giving money to charity does nothing but give yo a tax break.
Not caring about people, then belittling their origination or ideologies or social status, but helping your peers when they stumble, doesn't mean you're charitable when it's needed; it means you're only charitable when it can also be self-serving. At least be honest with yourself. You're only charitable when you can be selfish at the same time.

Whether your analogy is even scientifically accurate or not is irrelevant.
Humans that aren't mentally ill don't abandon their own to help others. We're a smart species. We can do both.

Are you 12 years old? The parties "switching sides" is an absolute myth faggot, only the tactics have changed.

The Democrats have ALWAYS wanted to use and abuse the blacks. When they couldnt own them as slaves anymore, and when the Feds cracked down on them disallowing blacks to vote, they realized they could get the blacks to vote for them by promising them endless gibs. It's been that way for over 70 fucking years. 70 Years and black people STILL live like shit, because they are fucking gullible. And Democrats can take advantage of them.

Hillary Clinton herself said they needed to bring the blacks "to heel"
Lydon B Johnson said he can "make these niggers vote Democrat for the next 200 years"
The only based Democrat we've had, the guy that championed philosophical truths and manly behavior, was fucking murdered, likely by the CIA.
The Wikileaks email dump showed everyone their true colors. They referred to hispanics as fucking "taco bowls." Normies like yourself of course, seemed to have forgot in a matter of minutes, as if you were a retarded goldfish, happily swimming in your own excrement.

Dont talk about things you dont understand you stupid fucking child.

That works both ways.

>Why do right-wing people have such little empathy for other beings?
Literally balls.

>a living, breathing human being willingly posted an analogy to make him/herself look stupid


>Why do right-wing people have such little empathy for other beings?

"Empathy" - liberal meaning: ignore laws, allow the country to be overrun by 3rd world illegals. And turn it into a lawless hellhole.

We're not morans, motherfucker!!

The right wing is a product of sociopathy, sociopaths are high in disagreeableness & low in conscientiousness.

Here is your answer:

Lol Western Civilization is inherently white. The more brown it becomes the more Western Civ erodes away.

Do you really believe these 70 IQ africans and muslims coming here in hordes are just going to drop their cultures and start appreciating fine European art, classical music, our archetecture, our history, our significant historical figures, and especially our values?

What a naive little fool you are. You bring the 3rd world to the 1st world, you dont get to keep the 1st world

Well said brother!

Stalinists and left communists fucking hate each other.

Fuck off leaf. My empathy is equally divided among no one. IDGAF if (((they))) gas all the little children of Syria. So be it.

Not an argument.


Stop using words you don't understand. Plenty of western countries have been turned into multicultural ones from pure white and are still functional and even progressing.


Slaughtering the unborn and selling off their parts to the highest bidder scores very high on the "I am an empathetic, anti-violent, anti-capitalist-exploitation, pro--humanitarian" meter.

They sure aren't liberal.

I understand what you're saying, and don't disagree with the data, but the interpretation of that data is incorrect. For example, the state of Alabama has 4,7 million people over 52,000(+) square miles. Chicago has 3 million people over only 237 square miles. Regardless of the level of segregation, I've met more black people in the roughly 50 square miles of Chicago that I actually see regularly than most people in Alabama will see on TV. There is a limit to the type of rationale that your maps suggest.

BTW, according to the google searches I did, The entire state of Alabama is 26% black, while Chicago alone is 33% black.

The OP assertion was "right wing"

So Mao and Stalin were "right wing?"

Barry Goldwater supporters?

because we grow up on
Survival of the fittest
if you are a weak, lazy, bum, you get stepped on.


>hundreds of millions

that's setting the world up for failure. you can't expect the world to not be a shit hole if the ideology of everyone is only to help yourself at the expense of others.