Grow out of Atheism
Grow out of Atheism
Other urls found in this thread:
>be god
>send only son to the earth that you created
>son has supernatural powers
>walks over water
>turns water to wine
>heals blind people
>gets killed by the biggest Christian Empire
Why would God seriously give a fuck about humanity? He probably working on some new projects
>Christian empire
>30-40 AC
Why does father cares about his children?
>gets killed by the biggest Christian Empire
Rome was pagan by then, mr. German education
The fuck are you on about in that last frame? We can never be as God. We can be with him and serve him directly without pain, sadness, and suffering but "theosis" was never part of the deal.
>Muslim education
Theosis is an Orthodoxy thing.
>Why does father cares about his children?
maybe he's black? I dunno
Theosos is a heretical thing
too lazy to quote everyone
just read the citates on wiki
>Spot the turk
>Religion and atheism is the lazy way out of thinking
>Agnosticism requires you to actually use your brain
Agnosticism is actually just an easy way to avoid the subject.
And yet, hard to crack too. You can answer "i dont know" to every question asked and nobody can say a thing.
"Is there a god"
"well idk, there might be, or there might not, I'm gonna wait on it"
kek, played yourself
I already did, but the Abrahamic religions are shite m8
ITT: abunch of pansies who can't handle theosizing
I don't want to worship a jew though
Don't teach heresy please.
Shit, and I here I thought the Eastern Orthodox were actually, you know, orthodox
>gets killed by the biggest Christian Empire
>Grow out of Atheism
And then what? Submit to Christianity, yet another system of power that betrayed whites? Kikes gone Zionism - they have an atheisation countermeasure. We need pan white nationalism 2.0 and we need it fast.
Those with slave mentality can't become Divines and God(like)s. And as we see, there are many, many individuals with this mentality on this board
Nothing wrong with having a national religion in order to keep society running though
>slave mentality
>a bad thing
Buddy, you done missed the whole damn point, didn't you?
God is real and isn't real at the same time
Prove me wrong
>wrong meme
Agnosticism involves sampling and critically thinking through a number of different religions and philosophies to come to your own conclusions
Religion: God said I should do this and not this durrr huh sure is great that someone decided it for me, otherwise i might actually have to think about it
Atheism: Loool fucking retards, there's no God, life is meaningless and we're just a bunch of "stuff" floating around, no need to look any further into it
pseudo-spiritualist bullshit remains pseudo-spiritualist bullshit no matter how cool it sounds to a seventeen-year old.
Get past the bias and the Mormon theology is pretty rational. Plan of salvation. God being material. Etc...
>no need to look any further into it
More like "there are no proofs, so I won't make empty assumptions".
How does one think critically through Christianity without reading the Bible?
God created man in His image
Since God has no form, man's true nature must therefore be formless
>can't fuck someone's gf
>decide to call faithfulness a virtue and thinking about other women a sin
>poor as fuck
>say it's harder for rich to get into heaven
>don't have any personal achievements to take pride in
>turn modesty into a virtue
>can't fight back against superior people
>"turn the other cheek", spread your butthole and call it a virtue, also tell him he's gonna get it in the "afterlife"
Christcucks, everyone. Nietzsche got it figured out.
But atheist do make assumptions - they assert that there is no God and no greater intelligence
Also - have you ever considers that the framework that we use to construct logical arguments (as brilliant as it may be), is man made, and therefore inherently flawed and imperfect. You shouldn't rule out something entirely just because your brain can't fully conceive of it
Foolish little man, who knows neither God nor even does he know Nietzsche.
The Teutonic Order did nothing wrong
Well you would have to read the bible. I'm not religious at all but I've read it cover to cover many times, as well as the Quran, Torah and Bhagavad Gita
>implying nietzsche didnt make the best argument FOR christianity
you need to actually READ Nietzsche before you shitpost about him hahahaha
>Implying monogamy an stable family is not a redpill
>implying that overly materialistic society doesn't leads to decadence (just look at modern west)
>implying that loathing and pride doesn't hinder progress
>Implying patience is not a strongest weapon out there
I learned more about God in one shroom trip than I ever did 20 years of going to church
But did you understand any of it?
Nietzsche said there has to come a MAN, an overman, with it's own set of rules and virtues to impose onto others.
He criticized Christianity for it's slave mentality.
which one was closest to God iyo
You missed one.
>have you ever considers that the framework that we use to construct logical arguments (as brilliant as it may be), is man made, and therefore inherently flawed and imperfect.
I wouldn't call logic man made. It all boils down to mathematics really, and those are the set of rules that we discover rather than create.
God is actually Shia Labeouf?
I seriously doubt this.
I've already dealt with this. The overman is a brute. He's already here, just go look at any gang-banging thug in one of our fine American cities and you will see the ubermensch in all his glory.
You most likely opened yourself up to demonic influence and subsequently were fooled by the "spiritual" experience. Much easier to FEEEEEEEEEEL things than to think about them in sober, reflective contemplation. The latter produces good judgement, the former produces more FEEEEEEEEELINGS.
The existence of God is a hypothesis.
Science doesn't provide any support to this claim. Even though it isn't disproved, lack of any hint of proof suggests that this claim is wrong. Moreover there are many scientific explanations of what would people call a divine intervention.
You can't prove or disprove that every British person is gay. But assuming such possibility would be quite foolish.
>implying human cloning is not the future
>implying the overly materialistic society is not the source of all the technology we have today
>implying that ambition to become better than others is not what make people progress
>implying the strongest weapon is not a hydrogen bomb (before anti-matter can be produced in viable quantities)
No doubt mathematics is a fundamental property of the universe, but for sure our interpretation of it and the logical arguments we draw from it are man-made as well as inconclusive
The mathematics that describes string theory for example is fairly sound - doesn't mean it actually describes reality at all
I tried my best to read it with an open mind, and I would like to think I understood it - probably not as much as someone who was indoctrinated at birth, but I think I get some of the fundamental concepts
Logic and maths can only explain relations between things. They can't explain a thing as it is by itself. Does this mean no true knowledge can ever exist?
>but I think I get some of the fundamental concepts
and what are those basically iyo? I am really interested in your opinion.
If I had to pick a traditional religion that I most identified with, it would probably be Buddhism, or the idea that there is no personal God but rather life and all reality is part of some greater process and that all things are inextricably linked
>You most likely opened yourself up to demonic influence and subsequently were fooled by the "spiritual" experience. Much easier to FEEEEEEEEEEL things than to think about them in sober, reflective contemplation. The latter produces good judgement, the former produces more FEEEEEEEEELINGS.
this reeks of the pharmacy jew trying to keep people who are mentally ill/depressed from taking antidepressants that actually work by allowing emotionally crippled people to navigate their experiences in abstract ways, instead of just loading them up with drugs that don't work and telling them that they are always going to be broken and need pills to function
going to church without first reading the entire bible before hand is a stupid waste of time
>"OP is a faggot"
>white square: too much light
God himsel and the acts of god are indestinguishable from each other
if Church-goers actually read the Bible they wouldn't be Church-goers.
You don't know me or what I experienced. It had nothing to do with feeling.
LOL! Why go back to fairy tales?
I know hallucinatory drugs have absolutely no spiritual value of any kind.
You can't make me.
Probably because you never tried any, or were too stupid to interpret the results properly. It's the same with people who read the Bible all their lives and don't feel any closer with God.
This is how I imagine the glorious future:
> Men are bred in factories, in batches of thousands
> Improvements to their genetic code are made constantly, they're specialized for different IQ types (Gf, Gc, Gq, Grw, Gsm, Glr, Gv, Ga, Gs, Gt and combinations of these), also maybe some with exceptional agility and strength
> They spend the first twenty or so years constantly learning (intervened only by eating, sleeping, cleaning and quick sex) for general education
> Then they spend another decade or so to specialize for their predetermined profession
> They go on to actually practice their duty, still learning but not so intensively, as they also have to do work
> When they're not needed anymore, one day they simply don't wake up
Imagine the technology, the efficiency, the magnitude of greatness we could achieve this way. We would transform star systems. There would be no pity meaningless ceremonies and discourses, everything would be devoted entirely to the military and economic power of the nation.
This would be the world I would love to live in.
This will be the world I will be working for.
And fuck you christcucks, while we can agree on some things, on too many we disagree too harshly.
I have done them, and I am not stupid enough to think a chemical which causes hallucinations is any more spiritual than liquor.
Very few people read the Bible and don't feel closer to God. A lot of people claim to read the Bible, but I find a shocking ignorance in most of them. Anyway, why don't you reveal these long-hidden truths that you learnt if they are so profound?
>be god
>be omnipotent
>decide to create reality such that the possibility of evil is necessary for free will to exist
>but for sure our interpretation of it and the logical arguments we draw from it are man-made as well as inconclusive
They aren't inconclusive, but rather incomplete.
You can't just interpret math in one way or another, there's only true or false. If something is "inconclusive" it means that we need further reaserch or new discoveries to make things clear.
Not true knowledge, but complete knowledge. The point of science is to make accurate model of the world, reality. To be able to accurately predict what will happen. To 100% accurately predict the future, you would need to know exact location and properties of every particle in the universe, which is impossible by Heisenberg principle for example.
Atheism is shit, but so is """christianity""".
Nice try, Gogi.
Give one reason for colonizing the stars that isn't rooted in values that you try to eradicate within humans.
>implying the overly materialistic society is not the source of all the technology we have today
oh my sweet summer child. may you some day realize that there is world out there beyond playing ball-in-a-cup with your cousin who is also you girlfriend and your sister
As a Christian deeply versed in anthropology and theology, I can say to you this is one of the most bluepilled and newfaggy things you could ever say about psychedelics.
Take this comment lightly, or do some actual research.
As an user who feels no need to list credentials in a debate where none are needed, I can say to you this is satanism dressed up as intellectual superiority and it's pretty obvious.
you need the free masons.
all the idiots in this thread are examples of why they cant just fucking tell you shit.
bunch of fucking degenerate idiots
>Not true knowledge, but complete knowledge.
There's a Mr. Gödel on the phone, Sir. Do you want me to connect?
>I have done them, and I am not stupid enough to think a chemical which causes hallucinations is any more spiritual than liquor.
You are stupid enough however to compare liquor to psychedelics which are, in every sense of the word, totally different in their pharmacological mechanisms and results.
>why don't you reveal these long-hidden truths that you learnt if they are so profound?
That is between God and myself, it is a subjective experience concerning the ego and the relationship it has with the metaphysical, explaining it to you would be like explaining my life story and the way my physical body and spiritual mind are intertwined within the presence of God. In short you would neither understand nor sympathize because you already have a preconceived notion of hard spiritual truth and want to do away with the rhetoric that you can experience God through hallucinatory substances, so it would be a futile exercise.
1. Empathy. You don't keep people who are dragging you down, you eliminate them. Lookup Aktion T4, that's one thing a Christian nation agreed to do, and maybe I misunderstand Christianity, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
2. Modesty. Being proud allows you to judge others, to
I don't understand your answer. I asked for reasons to collonize the stars.
have a loud voice, to feel the authority to judge others, to harshly tell the defects of a product, to be brave. Modesty contains all of that.
I honestly feel sorry for you.
You would make a perfect mudslime, though. It exactly fits in your hivemind needs.
One changes the state of the brain, the other changes the state of the brain. I didn't compare the resulting mental state, I compared their effectiveness as spiritual agents.
A lot of words to say: "It was so of such little practical value that it can't even be described."
Ambition. Greed.
Do you understand English?
>God is jesus
>Jesus is the son of god
>God is the son of God
>I'm my own son
>Jesus died
>which means God died (by the hands of a couple of filthy romans with pointy sticks)
>this is what christians unironically believe
Who hurt you, user?
Here's the original sentence.
> Give one reason for colonizing the stars that isn't rooted in values that you try to eradicate within humans.
Here are the values not rooted in Christianity:
> Ambition. Greed.
Here is one example of reason to colonize the stars based on those values:
> A businessman finds a planet with lifeforms whose blood contains a precious matter. He decides to invade the planet, kill the resistance and breed the remaining population for their blood.
Can some Christian explain a bit of the Israelites? They weren't Jews? But Jesus was a Jew? I started to read the New Testament recently and am confused on who Jesus is talking about.
Please do tell me what "changing the state of the brain" even means as, in its current form, reading this sentence is also changing the state of the brain.
It was never a question of practicality but rationality, because you seem to think ingesting psychedelic substances for spiritual purpose is irrational when a person can simply study the Bible with a sober mindset and learn more from it that way. But God did not make Man purely rational, nor did he intend to restrict the many paths you choose on understanding Him.
Here's what he would talk like.
>He probably working on some new projects
>ywn hang out with God and fix motorbikes in his garage
Squabbles between "christians" and muslims look like drunk hobos fighting.
Just you wait for the Coming of the Chakra Emperor, sandnigger mleccha.