Lobotomize Women

Should all white women be lobotomized at birth?

Think about it. Women with lower IQs have much higher fertility rates, and are less likely to become SJWs. They would be much more controllable, and would even have the intelligence required to figure out how to vote. It would also mean that their high IQ genes would still be preserved, so the men would still have high IQs. It's the perfect way to preserve the White race.

Wait, you mean women around us are NOT lobotimized?

Not nessesery. Just cut off the state. Bam women's opinions will magically change.

Kill yourself you stupid virgin

They are retarded and overly emotional, but we can do better. If we made the average woman have an IQ of 70, it would completely solve the feminism problem.

they kind of are anyways

Lobotomy can have more serious impacts, when they are impaired they can't race kids or clean the house.

You need something much more controlled.

Also, won't you get bored talking to really dumb women? I always get a feeling of disgust when I talk to women that are trailer trash tier.

The problem is that women and cucks vote to prevent the state from being cut off.

>implying it would make a difference
You don't go outside much, do you?

raise kids* freudian slip right there.

A strangely good idea but very unlikely to ever come to fruition.

REEEEEEEEEE I want to fuck her

Yes, I would love to leave my kids at home with a drooling, incontinent shell of a human being. Sounds like an awesome plan!

>Lobotomy can have more serious impacts, when they are impaired they can't race kids or clean the house.
African negresses have IQs of 70, yet they can still do basic stuff. Also robots can take care of a lot of household tasks.

>You need something much more controlled.
We can do experiments on niggers or something to figure out the best lobotomy technique.

>Also, won't you get bored talking to really dumb women? I always get a feeling of disgust when I talk to women that are trailer trash tier.
Women in general are already basically like this.

>implying removing what little they had in the first place is a good thing
listen goy, they become sjw feminist shills because most lack the mental capacity to be redpilled in the first place

Yet kikes are allowed to cut the tips of their kids' penises off and no one gives a fuck.

there are no different lobotomy techniques, you can either detach frontal lobe or not
it always has different effect on the patient, it's too unpredictable and cruel and it's not practiced any more for a good reason


Dipshit cunts dont operate on logical thought so wtf would a labodyomy even do to these mindless cumdrinkers

In b4 ahmed

Because when it come to women the muzzys got it correct, and gays. Every thing else no.

>Lobotomize Women
What would be the difference?
The solution to the woman problem is to create females who don't grow into women but stay little girls.

im fairly certain that SJW females have been lobotomized and thats the problem to begin with

Women never grow, unless you mean physically, in which case you're a sick fuck m8

>African negresses have IQs of 70, yet they can still do basic stuff. Also robots can take care of a lot of household tasks.
Whites and blacks with the same IQ still differ a lot, a black person with a 100 IQ is on average better in other skills like rhythmic and coding. I wouldn't allow robots around my mentally impaired wife.

>We can do experiments on niggers or something to figure out the best lobotomy technique.
We did tons of lobotomy experiments during the cold war. I bet that there are non-invasive things that can make women much more obedient.

>Women in general are already basically like this.
I know that a lot of women are dumb, but you can certainly feel that some women are much dumber than others, I prefer to avoid the really dumb ones.

Reproduction would be impossible in such a place, we need artificial wombs and stick in hiper-realistic android waifus who would live, work, die, love, fight for, protect and be loyal to their owners to death.

We need women to be loyal and obedient, so we can focus on constructing society.

Which is why the cities need to be purged with sword and fire, guise.

Pedos should be lobotomized.

>Also, won't you get bored talking to really dumb women? I always get a feeling of disgust when I talk to women that are trailer trash tier.
Same here as well. I can't quite explain what I feel but disgust is probably the closest to it when talking to a dumb female. What's even a bigger turn off for me is undeveloped body language, and I can't understand why. My brain simply shuts down my dick and I have no control over it - even if she's a 9/10 I stop seeing her as attractive

>Wait, you mean women around us are NOT lobotimized?
yes, by bbcs

I think the reality resembles pic related, goy.

Undeveloped body language?

When women are exceptionally dumb you can hear it in their voice.

First post is so often best post


might wanna switch feminist sjws with good breeding stock on graph and you'd get a better approximation of western women.

Then we can come up with some other technique to give them brain damage, even if it isn't technically a """lobotomy""", retard. Maybe we can make some cuts in their brain or only remove a small portion of their brain or something.

No, I didn't mean physically, that's why I posted a picture of a 5yo. Retard
>we need artificial wombs
Already exist. The solution is possible, women can be eliminated, it's just whether we will or not.
>expected good conversation from women
Talking to females is like watching Storage Wars, it's fun if you don't try to make it more than simple thing it is.

Also redpilled female genius are pure fantasy, like unicorns and the tooth fairy.

I need to weigh in on this one.

My wife literally was lobotomized in a car accident years ago. It did her no favors. She has seizures, cognitive problems from acquired dementia, balance issues, incontinence to the point of needing diapers. The injuries are slowly killing her. I had to leave my career in manufacturing to be her full-time caregiver.

Lobotomy is not an answer and makes things worse.

>They would be much more controllable

religionfag detected

Oh and change how non bad they are to the number that exist, like on a proper bell curve.

*important, my other posts dont make sense otherwise

Messing with the brain is very unpredictable and dangerous. It shouldn't be done just because.

I fully support experimental lobotomies for women with a test group made entirely of feminists.

Leave QTs alone

Yes we fucking do if we want for western civilization to carry on towards the stars and the universe. Women are a burden we must cut off in order to persevere into our sacred duty to migrate towards the stars.

>Women with lower IQs have much higher fertility rates, and are less likely to become SJWs.

By that logic is SJW smart people? Is Social Justice the smart choice? Get the fuck out of here.

I'm sorry for your wife

Then why are African niggers, the race with the lowest IQ, the least feminist of all people on earth? They have strong patriarchal societies and their women have the world's highest fertility rates.



I think that pattern fits mankind in general as well.

The bottom-feeders are just plain retarded.

Then you have an area of people who are somewhat intelligent, but still driven by some basic instincts which they do not question.

Then you have the college-brainwashed pseudo-intelligent people who question everything and deconstruct everything and are professional mental gymnasts to babble about how everything is a social construct and explain how white males are oppressive and come up with privilege and all that jazz - completely separated from their roots.

And then there are the redpilled geniuses who understand that some things ARE simple, some basic truths are necessary for the survival of mankind, and not everything needs to (or must be) abstracted to the n-th degree and twisted to fit a narrative.

That's why we're not going to subject them to fucking car accidents. We are going to figure out a new surgical technique to only give women a moderate amount of brain damage.

Or just gas the kikes, rather than hurting your own people.

Girls wouldnt become SJWs if fags like would learn to fuck them right. I fucked the liberal out of my girl and now she submitted and understands the world for what it is

Just be a man instead of resorting to science. Nature provides.

>Undeveloped body language?
If you've ever seen one of those conservative roach/indian drama series and how the Z-list actors "act" in them like they're acting in the 1920s, something like that. Maybe "haven't developed their charms yet" would be a better way of saying it

It's not just the kikes. White people, particularly white women, are genetically susceptible to cuckery and hyperemotionalism. Sweden is only 0.2% kikes, yet they are the most cucked country in the world.

>give women a moderate amount of brain damage

female boxing league, female ufc

they're working on it.

it is women afterall that are the reason that white men in america get circumcised.
I find this to be a fitting answer.

white women are lovely (some) im brown and i love em...

I feel like you're agreeing with me but are mad for some reason.
Yes, women need to be done away with. The only human females should be little girls just kept around for fun.

They might be unable to make some of the trickier sandwiches

feminist sjws are well under 100 iq.

If we can get Africa-tier fertility rates, any people who die or become invalids as a result of a botched lobotomy will be easily replaceable.

I am not mad at you, I am mad at the harlot question

>Also, won't you get bored talking to really dumb women? I always get a feeling of disgust when I talk to women that are trailer trash tier.
I feel the same way.

You don't need brain surgery for that. Just go back treating cunts like property like they are.

itt: jaded "nice guys"

If you're a real man then you'll teach your kids to take care of themselves.

>ITT: the exact opposite of the extreme-feminist "KILL ALL MEN" agenda
>Which side are you on, traveler? Stormcloaks or Imperials?

Only women that are smart enough to get into (((college))) in the first place are indoctrinated into feminism and SJWism.

Are you still with her? Sounds like a miserable existence for both of you fαm

Women are already shells of human beings.

Yes, I am still with her faithfully because that's what marriage is. Sluts leave their husbands for selfish reasons; men leave their good wives for fun sluts for selfish reasons - I'm not them. Those vows mean something and I shall fulfill them all.


Problem is that they can start another feminist movement and start the cycle over again.

Well, no.

Women don't really need to be treated any more harshly than they were 100 years ago. Which wasn't nearly as harsh as they need to be treated now, temporarily, due to how out of control they've gotten.

>due to how out of control they've gotten
Then how do you stop them from getting out of control again? If you lobotomize them, they will not have the intelligence required to protest, vote, and start a new wave of feminism. Lobotomizing all women would be a permanent solution to the feminism problem.

This is like comparing getting a circumcision to getting your dick ripped off by a pit bull.

i fasted yesterday it felt good