Is this Tweet #54 Trump will be deleting in embarrassment?

Is this Tweet #54 Trump will be deleting in embarrassment?

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bad shop.

>trumptards in charde of even knowing what they vote for

>shitposts about a nation becoming great again while he sits idly by and lets his women get raped by hordes of subhuman animals
reevaluate your life sven

>have no argument
>starts calling people names
lel, every time. Go back to readdit shill

my argument is that you are not helping anything by counter signaling a man trying to make his nation great again, while not doing anything or even counter signaling his own nation which is doing quite the opposite. you should be ashamed of yourself, sven is the least offensive name i can call you

What's embarrassing about it?

trumpflets will damage control so hard, ayyyy lmao

I'm not trying to help anything. I'm here to laugh at retards

Because it pretty much already happened and it's only a few months later

then you deserve the fate of those inbred gooks. nice ending numbers btw

>Because it pretty much already happened

It did? Allow me to throw a little party then to celebrate Cali's doom. Oh wait...

>pretty much already happened
>pretty much already
>pretty much
>pretty much
I guess we have Mars colonies, too?

haha holy shit what a retard

>Calculated trajectories
>Successful launch
First attempts failed

I'll just go ahead and post the actual estimates.

>a single missile flying 10kkm


arirang is a good source though
why would the south koreans lie about the norths missile ranges?
>what is an icbm

Please let North Korea nuke Canada.

>why would the south koreans lie about the capabilities of the people who directly threaten them
It's almost like they want to scare other countries into solving their problems for them.

>nukes that can fit on ICBM
Nowhere even close. Somali Sven is wrong again. Sad!

Even the most advanced shit barely reaches the 10000 mark and you are trying to tell me the gooks who couldn't even launch a firework rocket have suddenly developed missile technology on par with Russia's modern missiles?

Your own source is only 20% shorter range and looks like It could reach Seattle anyways retard

So you're saying Trump is a retard for being so worried about this?

>Implying their ICBM actually works
Sure pal, I bet they have laser cannons too

You can literally learn how to make an effective missle from photographs. What the fuck are you talking about?

>inability to understand your guiding chips can be hacked by legitimate countries, especially the country that made them for you (China)

do you honestly put faith in these dumb gooks to be able to nuke the largest super power in the world when you're surrounded by the next two superpowers who have in interest in making sure you do not succeed? sweden pls

rlly makes me think..

who sells them it hmm
they have a satellite in orbit too
not an argument

Go and make one then faggot.

Kek if you think anything will make it to the mainland from best Korea. They can barely get it out of their silo, let alone get past our: laser satellites, hacking, anti ballistic missiles. He will not get a radioactive cockroach in America

I did make one in 4th grade with a bottle. Why the fuck would I spend all that money on materials? Aerodynamics of a missle can be seen from the outside you fucking tremendous faggot.

The Russians were able to send a rocket to the orbit with WW2 era German technology. It shouldn't be too difficult to make intercontinental missiles nowadays if it was possible back then.

it's literally 70 year old technology and these fucking gooks still haven't gotten it down?
also it's not like they're that far from the US

>mfw when i live on the Red line

>dusting seattle is the same as wiping out the entire west coast with ease
Lol k

>Source: US-Korea Institute
Well, isn't that a real head-scratcher?
The South Koreans again!
That's real interesting.

What a fucking disaster.

>who sells them it hmm
its not like china would just insert failsafes into ICBM guiding chips or anything, no country would dare do such a thing

see bottom

>have launched satellites into orbit
>have conducted extensive amounts of successful icbm , hydrogen, and nuclear tests

Haha guys they can't reach USA !


white ppl vs yellow ppls. dont overestimate the gook

>wiping out the entire west coast with ease
>moving the goalposts this hard
Look at Trump's tweet again cuck

>oh this time its the americans and the south koreans
>the south koreans would lie so people do their job for them
then why would the americans lie if thats who they want to do the job ? you posted a graphic before from the george marshall institute
which is (((american)))

Yeah NK can't hit the US because NK are fucking retards. That's what he's saying. I guess this is too much for your worthless commie brain.

>ICBM reaching the US
>Same as nuclear ICBM reaching the US

NK nukes are gigantic. They are literally impossible to deploy on an ICBM. They need to develop far, far smaller versions which could take them decades.

>gets lied to and flipped on in just 3 months
>still thinks Trump will MAGA
Your blind hope is just going to make it hurt more when you come to terms with reality.

>that font rendering

hello Sup Forums

gaining support for disarming the unstable gook who shouldnt have been allowed to make and test nukes in the first place isnt being scared, its justifying your intervention.

>NK nukes are gigantic. They are literally impossible to deploy on an ICBM. They need to develop far, far smaller versions which could take them decades.
>talking without knowing a thing about the subject
The difficult part about constructing a nuke is in the enrichment process. A high school student could build a basic nuke given the materials.

he didnt flip he got manipulated by kikes, a necessary step in the redpill process

but maybe not my kiwi friend

however they also have pic related which would make trumps statement untrue


Some of us like political entertainment when we're not installing Gentoo and shitposting about phones.

This is very bad. A small child is more intelligent than this.

>Korea won't develop weapons capable of reaching the U.S.
You're the one saying they already have that.
I never even conceded to it.

>US-Korea Institute at SAIS
SAIS is a private school.
US-Korea Institute is a private group running inside of the private school run by asian-american students.

George Marshall Institute is a nonprofit that studies and reports on the technical aspects of current issues.

Surely the two are comparable in objectivity.

Indeed, why would he insult China right now? They are a currency manipulator, but why would he call them such? It'd be stupid to worsen the relations for nothing.

>A small child is more intelligent than this.

It's cringe worthy. Just look at the comment section, he should just delete this account at this point.

There's three alternatives here
1. Trump think NK nukes reaching US is a real threat. You think trump is retarded for believing this but you still support him
2. Trump is lying about his motives/intentions
3. Trump is right and you're wrong
