Abortion isn't wrong because the fetus can't even think or feel

Abortion isn't wrong because the fetus can't even think or feel.

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fetuses don't exist and neither do you or me

Why does it matter whether or not it can think or feel?
If feeling pain/pleasure is the main motivator behind your ethical doctrine of wrong/right, does that not make you a hedon?

Guess slavery wasn't wrong either.

This leaf deserves to die painfully.

Neither can I...

ok so when a fetus can think and feel it should be illegal though right?

So can we kill all the people in comas then?

>Abortion isn't wrong because it's the only thing keeping the black population in check
Reminder that Planned Parenthood is a force for good.


so you are saying aborting communists isnt wrong because the communist can't even think or feel?

Communists aren't people, so the NAP doesn't apply to them.

Gods going to smite you and punish you if you keep committing blasphemy user


by that logic killing brown people or women isn't wrong either since they also can't feel or think

>Killing someone in a coma isn't wrong because they can't think or feel at that moment

Neither can a corpse yet murder is illegal.


>Le 60% face's only argument is that it kills niggs

How about a functional nation that is ethnically homogeneous burger.

I can only dream

It's growing into something that can. We're not talking about unfertilized chicken eggs or something.


God damn it stop giving us leafs a bad name. Baby killers are disgusting

If blacks didn't have abortions, they'd be all over the place like rabbits.
And let's face it, most are idiots.
This country would be in a stone age.

but people who support abortions cant think or feel so is it okay to abort them? I hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

If you can take it out of the mother at any point and it can't survive on its own, then it is still a part of the mother's body imo, being as it can't live without her assistance.

And if an unplanned pregnancy happens - for whatever reason - the mother should be able to stop that shit, at least in the first trimester.

It's asinine and absurd to force cunt-droppings out into the world. The whole debate is divisive and petty.

>Killing things that aren't me isn't wrong because I don't know if they can think or feel

Get out faggot

stop using best dragon to shit post you fucking leaf

But they can cry.

That would be nice.
I'd like that.

Neither can you faggot.

They can feel. Unfortunately, by being inside of the woman's uterus they're violating the NAP, and deserve a McDonalds grade X0-332 Tactical Mini-Nuke for their transgression.

Humans can't survive on their own until they can walk, and even then they have to be feral children raised by wolves or street urchins . It can't live without her assistance until several YEARS after she gives birth. Why didn't your mother abort you?

How mad are Sup Forums christcucks knowing that I made my girlfriend get an abortion of a perfectly healthy baby last year?

how can abortion be real if our children aren't real?

What race are you?

White and my gf is white, but I only make 60k a year and don't want kids until I make at least 150k a year.

Just make sure you have at least 3-4 kids and I'll forgive you

I'm not, I'm glad you aren't reproducing so you can't perpetuate your degeneracy

However, defunding Planned Parenthood IS a good idea.

Why? Because Liberals will just pick up the tab to virtue signal. In fact, PP might have more money afterwords.

I'm not degenerate I just can't afford to have kids.
