Why did we elect Trudeau if he's not gonna legalize weed?

Why did we elect Trudeau if he's not gonna legalize weed?

Because Canadians are faggots and wanted a prick as their leader.

Isn't he going to afterall?

Could you please explain?


You elected him because you wanted to be asian.

Do I look like a leaf to you? You're the one who's supposed to explain himself! EXPLAIN YOURSELF, LEAF!

Because Harper killed based Jack Leyton with his cancer ray obviously

I'm from Sup Forums and I don't follow the news. Is that okay?

Could you raise your hand before you speak up?

ITT we cherish the memories of Jack Layton

I thought I've red something these days along the lines of Canada leegalizing murijuchuhana. But was probably fake news, like anything else...

fuck jack layton, he wasn't as great as they make him seem

RIP Jack. We're so sorry the cancer ray had to take you

Don't you ever say that about based Jack

Who's Jack Lantern?

Nice hair, but hes just not ready.

What's wrong with his face, though?

He was Canada's only hope for change before he was tragically taken from us by Harper's cancer ray after he flew too close to the sun in 2011.

good cheekbones

I think you leaves just didn't deserve him. Is it true?

Frankly I expected better from a substitute drama teacher

Boo. NDP worst party.

Didn't he study quantum physics?

dude literally fucked chink hookers on Spadina and had such strong yellow fever that his gook wife thought she could mayor of Toronto

fuck him and all NDP retards, let them rot in a shallow grave




only because based Jack got killed by the cancer ray

Found the snitch.

Because you're a retarded mapleleaf.

And it will stay illegal because weed is haram.

Is this a loli thread?



There is too much moe ITT

>two for the price of one

and not enough based Jack, may he rest in peace.

You really are pathetic

Who gives a shit about weed? He's destroying the fucking country. Caliphate of Canada