So how the hell US ended up having more commie-generating universities than we do?

So how the hell US ended up having more commie-generating universities than we do?

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we have more jews than you do

they're only pretend communists
irl communism is much closer to national socialism

they never had to experience it and live through it
and on paper it sounds good
communism allways tells you that Utopia is just one purge away, and their childish weak minds believe it

people who have had first-hand experience with communism would not like to see it again.

most marxists in the west are these champagne socialist bernie bro trust fund kiddies


True, reality is.

>Govt gets all the money
>Every one else ends up in shit.

To any commie, give him/her/xir a nokia 3200, destroy their iPhone or s8

"user why did you do that?"
"Cell phone is for communication. Everyone can have this, so you have this."
"But my other one did it just fine!"
"Yes but not everyone can have that. So you can't."

Think those cunts will be quick to turn away from the commie way.

Because the rich are richer and the middle class poorer.
Pic related, 1% of Americans holds 20% of American's wealth.

1) Bigger population
2) Fucking communist party is still the second largest over here unfortunately

Don't worry, it's all breaking down now.

I assume because you guys had to live through communism and how shitty it was, everyone here just thinks it's some magic fairy tale where everyone can have everything, like a bunch of retards

US literally has Lenin statue in Seattle. You know, Lenin the founder of Soviet Union that happened to be their enemy during cold war


user, please. Russian commies are way above america ones.
>Russian commies were taught to work hard and improve conditions of living in their country.
>america commies want free shit

nice meme

I blame the KGB.

now show the one for russia where 75% of wealth is owned by 1%

Oh fugg, that's not only one. There's 5 there :DDD:DDD

>Implying there's a limited amount of wealth in the world

they never had to live under it

But we have these levels of inequality as well.

I can only imagine the value of the scrap bronze from that statue would fetch. That is probably worth 10-15 k at least. $3 per pound of bronze up here and phosphorous bronze that is usually used for statues is worth much more than that.
If some one put a 10 k bounty for the statue they would probably double their money and rid the world of a symbol of a totalitarian regeim and ideology. You don't see Hitler statues and why anyone things it's acceptable for this garbage to be around escapes me

those fuckers dont understand how comminism works.
they find themselves vanned and on their way to gulag in a week after their precious communism kicks in cause they are "wrong communists" and all shit and kills that happened during revolution will be blamed on them.
all those happy fags trans and whatever find themselves stripped of all free shit and sent to work for greater good somewhere far far away.
nignogs and welfare leechers will be fucking labour camped too.
it was a literal paragraph in ussr constitution lenin made-"those who dont work dont eat" stating that labour is a duty of every citizen.

> Ignatiev
Russian origins lol

Its not the commies. Its the native people, Europeans and Russians who made the best of the worst situation that was communism.
If commies had their way eastern europe would be fucking kazachstan with not a single white person in sight.

you can call your mate up and tell him you're married to Alexandra Daddario and he'll think you're probably full of shit, but when he comes over for dinner and meets the piglet you fuck in lieu of a wife he'll know how fucked things truly are

Lol, true) We've experienced communism. We didn't like it. Now I see USSR flags at UC Berkley and I get totally bewildered by it. Moreover, I once tried to explain communism to a libtard. Y'know the answer? "THAT WAS NOT REAL COMMUNISM". Jesus fucking Christ

>ended up
Take Oppenheimer, he was one of the leading members of the Manhattan project and held many teaching roles at universities. Also had extensive affiliation with communist parties in America. This isnt anything new, but for what ever reason these people have become more active and education has taken a back seat to politics at Universities in recent years

Well....he's (((Russian))) not Russian

>"Communism in 20 years" was a slogan put forth by Nikita Khrushchev at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1961.
In his speech, Khrushchev promised that communism will be built "in the main" by 1980. His phrase "The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism" was the final phrase of the new Program of the CPSU adopted at the congress.

>The latter political slogan is attributed to Kremlin speechwriter Elizar Kuskov (Eлизap Кycкoв), who allegedly quipped "this slogan will survive centuries".


Yeah, I know the history of my country) However, this statement was made exclusively to cover up the fact that communism does not work.

Our public universities and colleges produce a fuckton of communists too, and our country isn't rich like americans

According to Marx you could not get to communism without first going through advanced industrial capitalism..

Bolsheviks were literal bank robbers, not engineers.

and they wonder why schools are always getting shot up.....

i don't understand the commie hate everywhere
any logical person would learn about communism and go "well this sounds great, everybody gets a good life"

obviously, it never turned out that way, but whose to say if were attempted now with a decent leader it wouldn't be better?

what I'm trying to say is that communists aren't retarded just because they're commies, in fact, communism is really just fascism with nothing privatized, and there are lots of fascists on this board (NatSoc is basically fascism)

The true path to communism lies through capitalism and wealth. They've simply become so wealthy, that now they're ready for the next logical step.

Collapse of the soviet union was 20 years ago and wasn't a very fun time during the transition so it's still fresh in everyone's mind that it's not something try should again anytime soon.

Meanwhile retards in the west whole heartedly believe the in backwards retard romanced form of it since they've never experienced it

Someone please thermite bomb that shit

>but whose to say if were attempted now with a decent leader it wouldn't be better?

Things go ok for a while till leader rotates a couple of times, the organized crime that controls the current establisment takes hold then were worse off than today..

Indeed) Yet, what is your point?

>if were attempted now with a decent leader it wouldn't be better?
find me a person who will not buckle or give into their human flaws. Prop that person up as glorious leader.
Now find a group of people who have the same qualities and prop them up as officials.

Ok, after you find these perfect humans, make sure this true communist utopia has successions of government staffed by perfect humans.

The point is that people who took power after revolution very quickly abandoned the idea of pursuing actual communism and opted for having millions of personal serfs instead

>>"Yes but not everyone can have that. So you can't."
That's not how communism works, moron.

It´s actually quite close to the truth; at least for Stalinism. Stalinism was extremely nationalistic. It was a state run economy based on nationalism. For example, what did the soldiers scream when they charged into the enemy? For mother Russia. A communist would never ever scream that as a communist doesn't believe in nations or culture; just the class struggle.

ahoy burger way to miss the mark

i could at least respect your opinion if you believe in the abolition of all leaders, because at least then you'd be consistent

face it, unless your ideology is some flavour of anarchism, you'll have to entrust something at some point

fair speculation


This guy will explain it to you:

> For mother Russia
There was no Mother Russia, there was Motherland. Nobody used the word Russia in such context.

You don't see a pattern where that happens every fucking time? It's almost like it's an unrealistic delusion used by people to acquire power.

Everybody say "power to the people" but they don't know what people that is.

>unless your ideology is some flavour of anarchism, you'll have to entrust something at some point
Our ideology doesn't give the government the power to seize all private property and distribute everyone's labor/production/resources as they see fit. Humans are flawed and most ideologies have answers to said flaws, but communism doesn't. It's just LARPing.

>Neoliberal republics
>mob rule so it can always overturn and demand rapid change from even the most broken of systems

>government hardly has any powers to abuse in the first place


It literally works like that. In my country heating was stopped all year round because not everybody could get heating.

BC they are weak degenerates who can afford to be commiefags because of their parents that's why. if we tried that shit we would be homeless already.


>It literally works like that.

Except for party insiders.. Theoretically anyone could get a car in USSR.. But if you didn't want to wait 10-25 years for it you had to be a party member.

disenfranchised millennial trust fund babies who yearn to belong to some sort of radical group to escape their gated homed, latte sipping lives.

They believe what they are doing is purposeful yet it is a false sense of belonging because the modern left is all about out-victimizing the next (oppression olympics). They romanticize that once communism comes into full effect, they'll simply all be part of the new red party while not realising that they themselves will become disposable once their delusions of grandeur of a utopian paradise of equality does not mean they can send sassy black lady gifs on their tumblrs on their Apple (tm) Macbooks or iPhones.