Can mandatory calorie counting thin the burger herds?

Calorie counts on restaurant menus, required in just a few cities until now, will soon be mandatory nationwide.

Starting in May, the government will make nearly all businesses that serve food — from sit-down and take-out restaurants to bowling alleys and movie theaters — to say how many calories are in their menu items.

The idea is simple enough: Make the information available, advocates say, and consumers will eat smarter and be healthier. There’s a problem, though: It might not help. Research suggests that most people don’t choose lighter meals after seeing calorie information on menus. Many consumers don’t even notice it.

Restaurants, meanwhile, have learned to game the system, highlighting their lowest-calorie options — like salads without dressing — to improve their numbers. And it’s hard to be precise about calorie counts, raising questions about how useful the data are in the first place.

But there’s reason to believe the requirements could help make Americans healthier eaters. While it might not change a diner’s mind as he or she considers a menu board, it might inspire a healthier choice later, or the diner might head to a different restaurant the next time, and that possibility is motivating restaurants to make changes.

While chains have been reluctant to touch popular menu items for fear of turning off their regulars, the new requirements have prompted them to add healthier options. Some experts say it’s industry choices, not consumer habits, that will really improve America’s weight problem. Others insist consumers will have the final say.

Restaurants “will do what they have to do, but they’re not going to compromise the brand,” said Bonnie Riggs, restaurant industry analyst for NPD Group. “People can walk into a fast-food restaurant with good intentions, and when they get there good intentions go out the window sometimes.”

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I didn't read your post but FUCK I want a burger.

What would get rid of the fatasses is putting a chemical in burgers that causes people to become sterile. Natural selection will eliminate fat people.

literally doesn't work

weight control is a very complex medical subject. probably involves lots of hard math and data that only medical scientists can comprehend.

That's gommunism - state shall not infringe citizen's right to get fat.

What a stupid proposal. Typical American approach. The purpose of eating is to get calories. A meal isn't "healthier" or less fattening because it's lower in calories. The problem is the food itself, and the people eating it.

>Make the information available, advocates say, and consumers will eat smarter and be healthier
The average American is so fat that they think eating carbohydrates is a problem and steak is a good source of fiber.

No, if someone wants to become fat then let him get fat and die who cares? I feel no sympathy for big fat ugly people, but make their life inconvenient make them pay a double fair on the bus for example and make doorways narrower and food portions smaller. We should go back to 1950's portion sizes, they would have to spend 100's of dollars in one meal to eat the same way they do now

Two words,
Liquid calories.

Food is harder to digest and a good amount of it is passed through only half digested.
I'd say the average Murican drinks over 1k calories per day.
You can eat well over 2k calories worth of food and you'd only digest somewhere in the range of 1-1.5k calories. A good portion of protein is used in maintenance.
It's all liquid sugar that is causing obesity, we could have Murica underweight in less than 2 years if beverages were made illegal.

Just eat less, you fat bastards, holy shit it's not that hard. Surely even a lazy fuck can't screw up when all that is required is to do less of something than you already are.

Fat people are fat because they deserve to be and chose to be.

Remember, it's not the burgers that really harm the public. It's the soda and fries that packs on the pounds. The rule of thumb is that if it has a nutritional facts label, it should be avoided. The biggest issue with humans as a whole is understanding what food is. For the few that are capable of using food solely as fuel they are generally very healthy people. Imagine if people were only allowed to drink a synthetic/natural nutrient shake, absorption quality aside. I guarantee that very few people would be overweight.

If you dont have common sense to realize that if you are eating a meal that is 80 percent grease, then there should be sterilization programs.

>if it has an nutrition label avoid it
So don't eat anything ever?

I think it would help, but small independent restaurants would cry their hearts out that they'd have to do a little bit of work to figure out calorie counts.

Typical American right here! XD have an upvote sir

What if I told you this: Cut out the fucking starches, breads and other high carb shit from your food? What if I told you to find the fattest juciest steak and eat it?

Drop the carbs and you will drop the weight.

That's nitpicking, of course macros and vitamins are important, but many people would be shocked how much calories they're gorging per meal. In America's case it's not about eating well but eating less.

Carbs are delicious fuck you.

calories have been on mcdonalds menus for years. will not make a difference

Or in other words: Eat the butter.

Fat people will never loose weight unless their either possess a godlike amount of willpower to torture themselves with exercise mostly meant to build muscles, not drop weight. Or by eating correctly as we evolved to do, very little to 0 carbs and real meat and fat.

Natural, unprocessed food, at least here in America, is not required to have a NFL. Think of fruits, vegetables, meats, beans, nuts...



you really need to find a day job mr. bloomberg.

nice autism you got going there

Big beautiful women should come with total calorie content listed.

You will not think so when you get Diabetes type 2 due to your own inability to appreciate anything that does not contain copious amounts of carbs.

Fruits and vegetables don't because they don't have any packaging but meat does here

Five Guys a shit. I'm heading down to McDonalds for a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, a large fries, and delicious ice cold Coca-Cola. Fuckin' pleb.

Deli meat maybe. Again, unprocessed meat that hasn't been feed hormones or injected with pink slime shit doesn't.

Maybe if it's bought at the butcher and has no packaging, but if you buy packaged meats they have food labels. Everything has food labels, even water has it

>Getting a regular sugar coca cola instead of zero (which in itself should be consumed very rarely if ever at possible).

You are the pleb.

Calorie counting is fucking stupid. The only thing I want to know is what is in the thing I am eating. Everything else just makes you neurotic and no better at managing your weight then anybody else. I don't even weigh myself. It is all modern day neurotic bullshit. Everyone has gone insane.

Zero? ZERO?! Are you FUCKING shitting me? What kind of fucking weirdo drinks fucking coke zero?

Why should soda be drank rarely? Soda has no calories, no sugar nothing it's just bubbly water. Put so,e lemon juice in it and you've got a nice lemonade

This. Now just eat according to the strictest LCHF (

Its those humungous sodas and sweet drinks that are the problem. High fructose corn syrup for the goyim masses

>pre packaged shredded cheese
Is this a thing in Sweden? Kek I never saw this before, how can you guys be so lazy you can't shred your own cheese?

What kind of self harming pleb drinks sugar?
I'd prefer if we did not drink any of those sodas at all. And stick to regular water. Water is the best drink you can have.

We already do that here

Don't play so dumb canadianigger. Bagged shredded cheese is a thing everywhere.

I've drank at least half a gallon to a gallon of soda everyday for the past 20 years, along with 2 - 3 double meat burgers a day and I am just fine.

It's purely a convenience. But they use Potato starch in it "To prevent it from sticking together".

And yes it is a thing in Sweden. It is a alternative that even those who follow LCHF can use IF you do it rarely and do not have access to long term storage such as a fridge. It's better to shred your own.

Man, this calories meme needs to die. Your body does not metabolize all calories equally.

tl;dw: some calorice energy (eg. glucose) is turned into energy, while some (eg. fructose) can't be metabolized and goes straight into useless body fat that causes diabetes.

>schlomo happy that he can push the caffeinated jew

We have calories printed on every product and it still doesn't work.

But calories are so 1880s.

You are not thinking long term.

People can smoke cigarettes for the same amount of time and be "just fine".

People can eat carbs their entire life and be "just fine" if they have the metabolism for it. But you will never be as healthy as someone who cuts out all those carbs.

And even if you are just fine. The rest of your country is not. So much fat people.

Something is clearly wrong with how the mordern man eats. And the problem is the carbs. The solution is to not eat them.

I go for walks at least 3 times a week and have been preparing my own food from scratch most days. I think I will be fine.

I also smoke about half a pack to a pack of cigarettes a day as well as 750 ML of scotch everyday. Been doing that for over a couple decades.

I am 75kg and have been 75kg for as long as I can remember.

I never saw it before, I think Canada is the last to catch onto trends. I just saw my first self checkout a couple weeks ago

thank GOD that someone in here is sane.
Taubes not only documented how insane calorie obsession is, he also documented how government intervention into health wrecked american health (basically all government recommended diets are giving us chronic diseases). "good calories, bad calories" I consider it required redpill reading.

>using metric
This should be a crime in Anglo nations

>And the problem is the carbs. The solution is to not eat them.
the problem is self-control, not carbs or sugar, that implies the problem isn't with the person who chooses to put shit in his body.

Wanted to use units of measurement the peasants could understand.

They learnt English so they can communicate with us, they can learn to use the British imperial system as well. They've already stolen everything from the Anglos anyway

The main things that Americans need to do are stop drinking so much soda and cut down on food proportions. I used to be a typical burger for years. Then when I cut out soda, fast food, and cut down on meal proportions, I became fit. That improved basically every other part of my life, especially confidence. Exercise helps enough to be concerned with it, but it pales in comparison to cutting down on how much you eat and what you ingest. If there are any fat anons here that read thus, do what I did. You won't regret it. The addiction to soda and shitty food is rough for the first couple weeks. Then after that is past, soda and all that garbage food no longer tastes that appraling. Trust me and improve your lives. Rid yourselves of the Jews in your food.

I eat and drink whatever the fuck I want and I am fit. You probably just had shit genetics to begin with.

>>Calorie counts on restaurant menus, required in just a few cities until now, will soon be mandatory nationwide.
I'm actually very happy about this.
It's hard to be on a diet when you have no fucking clue how many calories are in what.

For people who aren't on a diet, they won't even read the numbers, but due to the sedentary nature of modern jobs, I kinda need to know how many calories I'm eating and I hate having to google search every fucking meal.

I also would like to see the ingredients listed like on packaged food and to this day I have no idea why beer bottles get away with not having nutritional info or ingredients like every other food.

>americans think that BMI is a decent measure of how "fat" you are
>americans think that calorie counting (instead of learning to eat proper nutrition) is going to have any positive effect on their health

no. people dont give a shit. mcdonalds already has all the calories right there, nobody cares.

its no surprise to anyone with 2 brain cells that eating 2 double cheeseburgers, a large fries, and a coke is too many calories for one meal

also a lot of fatasses get even more fat because they eat high calorie 'snacks' between their meals, those snacks already have calorie #s on it

if you want to lower weight, make a tax break for not being overweight

many fast food salads are filled with inferior iceberg lettucr instead of superior spinach

Need some funkys now


how do they measure fatness in the 3rd world?

body fat percentage

People know what nutritious food is, and even if they don't...

Anyone with a brain or even without one can make a basic meal plan that will result in them eating food rather than bullshit.

Pic fuckin related.

No. They've been forced to do that here in Philly for a while now, people are still fat.

What would help is if the government actually looked out for us instead of the corporations. Ban/limit transfats in fastfood and put more regulations in so our meat isn't filled with hormones, like the rest of western world has already done.

I doubt you drink 4+ sodas per day, eat large amounts of fried food often, have midnight snack runs to fast food places, or other degenerate shit that true burgers do. That's the level of burger I'm talking about cutting out. Not some pussy shit.

That's exactly what I do though.

How the fuck are you getting 900 calories out of spinach and eggs? That's like 12 eggs + Spinach

>British imperial system
>learning that crap

Nah, pass.

American here. Just got back from Walmart where I grabbed about 6 lbs of Easter candy for 50% off (I call it Jewish Easter, lol). I'm eating that now. For lunch I'm eating a 48 pack of pizza rolls and I've been chugging full sugar energy drinks all morning.

Anyways, why are Europeans always so jealous of our easy access to cheap, calorie rich foods? Is it because they're poor?

Im pretty sure this was mandated by the Affordable Care Act. I remember liberals literally arguing that this will lower the cost of healthcare.


I dreamt of burgers last night

I was at a restaurant that had holograms of the different meals, so you could see what a dish looked like cooked. I was really adamant about having the burger.

I wonder why restaurants don't include pictures of food in their menu

>calorie rich
but nutrient-poor

Its the food equivilent of this shit. Instead of fixing the underlying reasons why society is so dysfunctional governments think they are just going to shame everybody into behaving

This. Fat tax now! Hit capitalist degenerates most precise place! Their wallets.


Yes, it will help if people know how many calories they're consuming. This lack of information from restaurants has always annoyed me.

I bet insurance companies would love to track how many calories you consume too. I bet this will become more of a thing in the near future. I know that grocery stores already sell your info to them if you're signed up for a customer rewards program.

Bloomberg used to piss me off, but I think it's for the best. There needs to be a way to incentivize healthy choices of diet, or we all pay for the poor health.

That's also the thing about universal health coverage that no one wants to talk about. If we're going to cover everyone, then people should make reasonable concessions. Nobody needs a fucking 32+ oz cup of sugar water in one sitting.


what app is that?

Five Guys certainly isn't "shit", but it isn't anything to write home about either.

As someone who doesn't eat out much but has to find nutritional information on the internet before I eat anywhere, I appreciate this.

>Implying fatness is genetic

American education everyone.

i have a dicka

I work in a bakery for a grocery store, and this shit is only resulting in inferior products. Since now EVERYTHING has to be measured for it's nutritional content, we've done away with proof and bake bagels and gone to frozen pre-baked thaw and serve shit that tastes like ass.

It's a massive pain in the rear on the producer side of the equation. Thanks, Michelle Obama.


Size is

Some counties in NY already have this; Nassau and Suffolk for instance. There are just as many fatties in Long Island as upstate.

Fuck off. I'm not really a fast food eater but you shouldn't tell people how much food to eat. Its their body, let them do what they want.

I'll make y a deal. I won't tell you how to love your life, and you do the same for me.

If you can't count calories you're too stupid for this world.

And if you say
>muh friend eatz a lot en he dusnt gayn weiiitz!!1!1!!11!
You're too stupid as well.

People don't defy the laws of physics.

Calories in < calories out and you lose weight.

1lbs = 3500 calories, 500 calories deficit a day will lead to 1lbs loss a week.

No excuses.

If you have a legit medical reason seek advice from your doctor (THIS IS R A R E)

No excuses fat fucks.

I guess you don't respect me?

This TDEE if you want to lose weight. Now to cut pure body fat and gain muscle, then high protein low carb with medium fat is the way to go

Fat vs big boned.

Stop making excuses.

But calories are so 1880s

>he doesn't count his energy intake in joules

Every restaurant I've gone to has had calorie counts next to the food items. Doesn't stop my fat ass from eating it all.

I eat 1000 calories a day, but those are mostly comprised of peanuts and chocolate. I'm a 137 lb stick.

I feel like you could ballpark it and no one would know.

That's awesome. I hate having to try to find it myself.

>these digits
>this leafpost
if you're being genuine, I assume you're misreading this as soda water rather than the liquid HFCS jew
Coca-Cola has 170cal+37g of sugar/20 oz iirc, not googling that shit
>I am pic related

it's worlds better than McShitter tho.

Kuma's master race reporting