Trump is a traitor

>Trump is a traitor
>women are sluts, marriage is a scam
>wages are low, rent is high
>religion is a sham, god is not real
>whites are dying out, jews have won

How does one manage to stay positive in this world?

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't. You just wait for the next happening because that brings some excitement to your life. Working 9-to-5 is a Jewish scam.

smoke weed everyminute

Believing god isn't real means the Jews have you right where they want you.

Congrats on taking the black pill. Now instead of being upset at where the train is going, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Relentless self improvement.

soon the west will save itself like it has the past 2000 years


Yep, but don't worship their fake god Yehovah or Jesus, cause then you still fall into their trap and elevate them to the "chosen people" meme.

welcome to the black pill

Just be happy that you are pure white and not some mongolian inbred like finland or hung ... oh wait

I paint landscapes and listen to classical music.
The train is moving too fast now. All we can do now is brace ourselves mentaly, and wait for the inevitable impact.

>jews have won
What are you talking about? Israel already is like 40% Arab.

If it makes you feel any better, it's not that
>wages are too low, rent is too high
it's that the value of the dollar has plummeted.

Yes, brother.

The fire rises.

>women are sluts, marriage is a scam

lol grown men crying over why they still don't have a girlfriend

Just do what your countrymen do and drink loads of alchool and then kill yourself. We need less faggots in the world.

I dont know a single couple who is happily married, everyone hates each other, and women fuck around as much as in the West

Friend of mine was happily telling me he is marrying a religious pure virgin, I started laughing and showed him facebook photos of her kissing random niggers and arabs in nightclubs. He called those fake, still married her. She looked like a fucking pig too.


As I came across your pic/painting I, by chance, was listening to a song that seems fitting to your painting & this thread, minus the;
>Trump is a traitor
>religion is a sham, god is not real
>jews have won

>dont know a single couple who is happily married

I know plenty that are. maybe you should get better friends instead of surrounding yourself with people who hate themselves and their lives.


>>whites are dying out, jews have won

There is always the FINAL SOLUTION ))


Sorry senpai, modern women are trash. If nothing else, he's right on that count.

CDC statistics suggest that ~15% of women ages 18-22 are virgins. That's awful.

What you do is find something you're really passionate about. For me it's music, but it can be anything creative or artisanal. We are so enthralled by consumption and entertainment that there is no time left to use our creative impulses. If you want to address the issues you mentioned, create art or functional objects to subvert or draw attention to whatever you want to change. If it's good enough (and you care enough) people will pay attention.

what's the difference between a slut and a sloot?

The day of the rope is soon.
Hold fast

Also this

By shilling for le pen,

>also being alpha going to grad school about to make asshole money in 2 years

>west will save itself like it has the past 2000
>what is Roman empire
>what is British empire
>what is Third Reich

your nation too young to understand that you're already doomed

Hitler was such a nice guy desu

>15% of women ages 18-22 are virgins. That's awful.
that's not awful that's normal lol. i'm sorry you weren't the 80% that got to experience some type of relationship in school but you're not helping yourself by getting upset that Julie had her first with a guy from the orchestra club.

more than likely you're going to run into more and more people who have had sex already after college.It's not some sign that they're the worst stereotypically slut you can imagine, it just means that they're a normie.

You are right buts its only one half of the pill.

The other half is chasing your dreams not anyways but because of it. To become knowledeable because every pain you feel right now is a thousand times better than not being able to feel anything anymore, when your existence ends.

Watching sjws and alt-righties slap each other around like a bunch of fags .
That's what makes me happy. That's my zen

>having read the New Testament
>not realizing all the jews are condemned to hell

Former mainline protestant detected

Nihilists... fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos.

In the grand scheme of things, our worries. our fears and our doubts won't mean a thing when everyone here won't exist in 100 years, and that's if you're lucky to live a long life . Within a thousand years, I doubt humanity would even exist since it seems like every century, we create new ways to kill ourselves and our luck may just run out by then. And eventually, every star in the universe would burn out and the universe would tear itself to pieces. No one will win in the end because everyone's real enemy is time and time cannot be stopped or reversed.

That's the true redpill

Deleted post

It's just our turn to experience the hard times. Do the best you can to make sure your child lives a better life than you did and then raise them to be tough bastards.

>How does one manage to stay positive in this world?
Robowaifus are going to be purchasable within the next two years and robotic limbs are now a thing. Once they get better I may hack off my arm to get a robotic arm

>Conservatives whites make more babies than Liberals whites

focus on the real world and not revolve your life around Sup Forums

I feel you senpai. I try the following
> have a few very good and close friends.
> try to keep ties with your family
> never stop looking for that one woman
> drink responsibly - but drink. Besides, life is too short for bad wine
> never think I am missing out on something
> good relaxing music. Classical, Jazz, calm electro
> work hard. Find a job you're really interested in.

I still get trapped sometimes. But far less often than before. Mostly I can unironically say that I am happy.