Why doesn't Sup Forums do something productive?

Why doesn't Sup Forums do something productive?

The majority of posters here seem to condemn those that aren't contributing to humanity in some form and generally tend to blame liberals and those who follow a similar mindset. In this context, most Sup Forums posters will only complain about the problems that exist and will only blame those involved.

What you people don't seem to realise is that those who sit idly and watch the chair burn with a hose in their hand is also responsible for it being destroyed.

You have managed to get together before and spend days on sieving through thousands of emails in the pizzagate investigation, so why can't you do the most obvious thing that we need to do?

Redpill normies.

Imagine, if we could put together simple infographics that can both appeal to and inform people of any background, we'd have a much easier time at defeating (((them))).

An autistic discord where we can assemble and work on a plan of creation and deployment would work perfectly. What say you?

I welcome the fall, to bring about the rise.

None of us can begin to imagine what the fall will be.

What if it results in a worldwide internet blackout? A true police world?

What if it denies you of any sort of possibility for liberation or action?

because my short-term motivation always wins over my long-term. many productivity strategies have I tried but none work

I have a 4.0 GPA at (((college)) but I do everything last minute and when I get a job I will inevitably be fired for not doing shit

if only ADHD was real so I could get treated for it and become a productive member of society

Sup Forums is just as lazy and petty as irl people.

You're lazy and a piece of shit. If you cannot will yourself to what you want you should probably just kill yourself and save yourself 40 years of misery.

Pretty sure helping it endure is more dangerous.

> results in a worldwide internet blackout
They invested so much money in the internet. No way it will blackout, and even if, the local internet will still work.

>true police world
Doesn't police world require pretty strong organization, which is the opposite of the fall?

Darkweb for mushrooms, take them and meditate on this subject of productiveness for a good part of the trip and you'll find out what needs to be done.

I more meant a more policed internet, making it almost impossible for sites like this to exist.

People will adapt

>What if it denies you of any sort of possibility for liberation or action?
Will stop me from talking to other people / growing food / ..? What's the use of it?

>people will adapt

Yeah, slaves probably just adapted to their chains over time, doesn't make it a good thing

I wasted enough energy doing so realizing I'm not smart enough to beat jews through science or charismatic to convince bluepills, so now I just use my knowledge and wits to minimize Jewish influence on my life as much as possible, drop redpills to those who care but keep wasting my energy on myself and my hobbies and making sure nobody would fuck it up.

Mh, then why don't you take your own advice and self-improve? Make sure you have the energy to commit yourself to something and continue to live life.

This is something worth dedicating months or years to. A fight for reality.

I work 2 jobs nigger fuck you

Tell me something I can be proud of that is productive to society and if I agree with you that it is I will go out and start doing it. I have thought so much about what I can do with my life that will have any sort of meaning and I'm left with no ideas.

Adapt means to find other ways to restore organization. Not extremely hard to make these forums really.

Nothing protects them from enchaining you anyways, they still finance islamists for that purpose. Why give them time and money?

Too much effort for too little music, and it's not something you dedicate few months or years into, it's for a lifetime and if you stop for a moment you're basically starting all over. People have their own minds, I give them information I have, it's up to them to think about it or wait for happening and realize 'holy shit that racist was right', they have kids, they have obligations toward future, I don't.

as if being a wave slave abstains you from politcs

Work on making technology restorable without giant corporations present.

Non-hybrid seeds.

Technology and ideas that will help liberate people from civilization, not make dependant.

This is what will remain of civilization anyways. Not some secret technologies of making intel processors or robots

Yeah, cause that worked so well with Hitler right? We watched the world get 10x shittier since he died, when's this 'rise' supposed to happen?

Hitler was the opposite. He was the rise to fall.

> Not some secret technologies of making intel processors or robots
Or better yet some SELF-DRIVING CARS working by the wi-fi connected to the server working on windows and intel processor

my ideas are different than my actions, but that doesn't mean I can't believe in them. I'm simply too apathetic to do something, but that doesn't mean I can't talk about it. everyday I pray for death to come take me, but I also pray that the west gets its shit together. I don't know why I have to do something productive, physically. why dont you go fuck yourself, england

thank you for the advice user



I do.


We meme'd a president into office.
