
>USA to send 2 additional aircraft carriers to North Korea Carriers Ronald Reagan And Nimitz
This confirms war soon

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Oh it's nothing... I'm going to sleep


Pretty sure I remember Mattis saying he'd do this.


So weeks for them to arrive.

Wow, it's nothing. Except time for nap. Goodnight, gentlemen.

What else did Mattis say?

Nimitz farewell tour maybe

The US and China are currently attempting diplomatic actions against N Korea.

If this fails and they continue to test long range rockets, China has agreed to handle the issue on the ground.

>diplomatic actions
why do they think this will work?

It's a 100% loss if they let China put another puppet gov. in north Korea.

Dew It!!

(((President Trump))) is truly (((ourguy)))!!!

They won't be there until April 25th :(

"Nuke the gook, race war now"

It's certainly 'something' user

>CIA psyop detected

Let's get this party started before friday
Check 'Em

>I'm gonna base this post entirely on a tweet

Those aircraft carriers are not totally going to blow up in a false flag attack to get the USA in yet another pointless war.

Don't screencap this post.

When the Americans send enough ships and troops into the strike zone Kim will detonate all his nukes at once in a glorious mass murder-suicide event never before seen in history. He will wait till he can see the whites of their eyes before pushing the red button. North Korea will never fall into enemy hands and the radiation will deform the children born from the enemies irradiated loins long after Kim and best korea have been erased from the face of the earth. Hes just being a patient dictator at the moment. Waiting for the biggest possible strike zone to fill up with Americans.

lol, kim can sleep tight. they will be there in 2022.


USS Ronald Reagan is already in Sea of Japan. Home port is there. So if Nimitz is headed that way. I could be a big deal.

No way are we wasting a fifth of our carriers on a false flag. We'd blow up a frigate or something.

How it is loss? Life will be times better under chinks for average north korean.

USS Carl Vinson won't arrive until the 25th. Also USS Ronald Reagan is already there.

Lurk moar.
Everyone knows about the battlegroup that was in Japan, and the Nimitz dispatch was leaked weeks ago by some user.

Also, is there time limit for these negotiations? For all I know, these negations could take years.

It's a total loss for the US, nobody cares about Norks.

I remain skeptical about the fact that China will stay silent and agree to US bombing a neighbouring country that is a historical ally.

It would really be a severe humiliation for China with significant consequences for her in South China Sea.

Haha stupid norks

A friend was debaing on joining the Navy as a way to deal with college debt. With Trump's election and all these happenings, he is having second thoughts.


Cheers, sir.

It's another USA basement dwellers LARP as army IRL. Go to sleep fags, these threads are boring for about 2 weeks now

Fuck off sleep poster

If your friend is such a pussy just have him join the reserves or coat/national guard

It really all depends where the pieces land. Le strategic chess meme. Any party against the US attack has a week left for any strategic maneuvering they want to do.

And if the US feels cockblocked they probably won't attack.

Isn't it bed time in Pyongyang, Kim?


This pretty much confirms this is a Trump publicity stunt that actually does nothing to advance US interests

It's happening!!
Based Ted is finally going to do something.

Great banter proxy

>This confirms war soon
Not wrong, they never stack carriers except for a reason

> Habbening
> Habbening

I'll bet 2000 GBP nothing will happen in the next 7 days at all.

Wanna wager up, cucks?

Also scary as fuck thing i used to have 14 ips for norkland im down to 2. All the nodes have been shut down in the last 3 days


Hey KJU what's your name on Steam?

How'd you get that proxy?

>implying this isn't a hairbrained Trump scheme to try and scare NK

it's like you guys have never heard of a flagging leader reasserting legitimacy by sabre rattling

No. It will take two or three weeks for the other carriers to arrive.

China will be the one to grab NK, you really think they stationed 150k soldiers or more near the border to prepare for refugees? Nah, China will annex it.


That is an incredible amount of firepower.

You're not seeing the bigger picture. Russia and Iran will come to the aid of the DPRK. They must.

Russia is right now facing an existential crisis because every country that rejects the Illuminati control is being taken down like clockwork one by one.

Look at the Axis of Evil and realize what's been going on for the last 15 years.

This is it folks.

Literally no source.

This on is just hma but for ultra rares like micronesia or mayoette ya gotta join private groups or ask companies to see if they'll sell you a node or 2

>They won't be there until April 25th :(


Press Player 1

The bear will leave it's cave forever

>time for nap

If war breaks out, I will throw my feces at an old lady.

Protecting US allies and drastically lowering tensions with our main opposition including selling shit tons of coal overseas isn't in US interests?

Gonna need footage of that if it happens.

I guarantee that every Russian nuclear sub is positioned strategically around the continental United States with missile tubes loaded right now.

Nice way to Make America Great Again! Looks like soon there will be deployed a coupble of additional brigades + support of approx unit size of 70 000 souls.

but doesnt the russian federation have a rothschild bank too?

Uh guys

>China and Russia send intelligence-gathering vessels to 'chase' Trump's 'armada' to North Korean waters

>Fleet including USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier has been sent to Korea Peninsula
>Reports claim Russia and China have sent vessels to track Trump's 'armada'
>Russia has today warned US against launching a unilateral strike on North Korea

Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4418482/China-Russia-send-vessels-track-Trump-s-armada.html#ixzz4eWJCeRdI
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Is the DPRK worth it though? Russia would almost surely be benefited more by building up for another few years.

They are probably negotiating this at the moment. This looks like what the Chinese meant by adding conditions to guaranteeing NK's protection, that is, if the conditions are not met it will be a Chinese will wash their hands (renounce their alliance), effectively a green light to the US.

Three carrier groups have enough firepower to cripple all of the DPRK's air and sea capabilities in mere hours. Add some MOABs shipped to the ROK and dropped on major artillery posts along the DMZ and North Korea would be crushed.

post yfw north korea gets fucking rekt

That was instituted before Putin and he hates it.

He hates the Illuminati and the current global cartel.


Gonna need another source on this before I believe it.

but still, hes not part of the illuminati free countries.

They have NO CHOICE. No choice.

20 years ago the lost of countries opposing the Illuminati control was 7.

Today there are 3. And were about to destroy one of them. The others were all toppled in the last 15 years, the majority in the last 8 years

It's all or nothing time.

He has curtailed it massively, made the state the plurality shareholder, appointed non jews to its positions etc.

He will nationalise it fully once the resource backed currency goes live.

Doesn't he gladly bend over backwards for his Jewish and Muslim oligarchs in Russia?


It would be a bigger loss if the US claimed N Korea for itself. Why would you want us to spend billions of dolars trying to rebuild and reeducate a country full of gooks?


North Korea still sucks though. As much as I defend them from the usual
>muh existential threat

I'd rather a based country like Iran be the last stand against the great globalist Jew.

No he imprisoned, expelled, or stripped assets from many of them and forced the rest to stay out of politics and pay taxes/good wages.

Harebrained, friend. It means rabbit-brained.

Outside of Russia there are 2, TWO countries not under control.

And we're sending enough military power to rubbalize one of them as we speak.

I can totally see the US and China agreeing to giving China some of the northern clay, and letting SK take the rest of the peninsula.

China gets the materials and clay and the US gets its allies and stability.

>Not under control
Why so blue pilled, user?

>3 carrier battlegroups

And then the true fun begins a couple years later because China will keep provoking SK and Japan.

Source? I almost always see the opposite from actual Russian posters.


3, Syria counts as well even though it has been royally fucked

Do you really see SK agreeing to give up territory from a Unified Korea to anyone else?

China needs a buffer since they don't want to share a border with South Korea; South Korea doesn't want a bunch of fucking starving crazy norks living there and Japan doesn't give a shit whether the fucking gookers live or die so long as no more fucking nukes are going to go off here.
Trump is reasonable unlike Obama and Bushfuck, letting China conquer North Korea is not such a bad idea because a Chinese puppet state is less dangerous than letting the Koreans go on a full scale kimchi chimpout

The chinks will never let us buddy up to their border. It's a win for everybody to let them puppet state NK and we remove their current military.

most of the Russians posters here are shills and degenerates from 2ch. As someone with a lot of experience with the country and irl Russians I can tell you that it most certainly is not a controlled country.

You are not going to claim it.

Soko will get a trillion dollar bailout to combine the two nations, in a similar fashion to the 1997 IMF bailout--this is the winning move for US.

Assad's regime is a eunuch with the civil war that's been going on for 6 years.

They are in no position to oppose anything. And certainly not capable of providing military aid.

North Korea is the leaf poster of real life. Why do we continue to feed them?

Is there a better source than twitter?

Does severe autism limit your ability to discern sarcasm?