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Welcome to the 'Strayan Shitpost. How white are ya?


I eat toast sandwiches

Anything bigger than A cup or taller than a 1.50 is a negress for me.

I'm white as hell but I'm like a sixteenth jewish so I don't think it counts

I just made sandwiches for my son for lunch.

Yeah, so?

Not gonna lie, former awake person here, it's hilarious watching all awake people crash and burn. But seriously we can't let awake people get the nuclear codes. Let's all get some sleep

I'm so white that my government hates me

I golf

Made out of full grain bread

I love mayo

I listen to Hopsin

I'm so white that mexicans get angry with me when I tell them I don't like spicy food

Oh sorry, go right ahead

I'm an only child, my mother is an only child, and her father is, too. I don't plan to have more than one child, either.

inb4 "It's because of you whites are dying"

Fuck off you wannabe fucking leaf with your knock off flag fucking nigger

I am posting this after collecting the money from my small buisness that I use to support my family and give back to my community

I drink lots of milk every day.

I'm so white I am the first one in my descendants to even see a black person

not that it matters too much.

You forgot your leaf

>> poor germanfag

move to Georgia at least the government isn't targeting us here yet,but it is a boring ass place with a lot of booze.

I was in court today.

With a whole gallon of whole milk.



i'm so American, i don't know WHAT race i am... but i look white

I carry a firearm....

88% according to 23andme.
It feels kind of bad knowing that despite the fact that I look 100% white (depending on your belief about brown eyes), I am in fact a genetic mongrel.

>Welcome to the 'Strayan Shitpost. How white are ya?
I'm worth five fifths of a whole person

We're actually the least white country in Europe. Not sure why we aren't getting more shit thrown at us from Pol.
