Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #12 4/14/17
>Pres Trump meets w/I-85 Bridge First Responders 4/13/17
>Pres Trump/NATO Sec Gen Stoltenberg joint press conf 4/12/17
>Sean Spicer/Kellyanne Conway @ Newseum 4/12/17
>FM Lavrov/SoS T-Rex joint statement in Moscow 4/12/17
>Pres Trump on Mornings with Maria 4/12/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Luke AFB AZ 4/11/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ US-MEX border 4/11/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Assoc of Chiefs of Police 4/11/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:





This = reps from hard blue/red areas staying in office forever


What the hell kind of name is Steve Stevens? Is it a joke name like James Alefantis?





I have autism , what do?

Every day, the incoherence deepens: He’s going to cover “everyone,” but he’s going to push 24 million people off their health insurance.

He’s going to wipe out the debt, but his tax cuts and spending spree will add trillions to it.

He’s never going to intervene in Syria, but he just did.

He’s going to get Mexico to pay for a big, beautiful wall, but he isn’t.

China is a currency manipulator, but it isn’t.

The media is the enemy of the people, but he is on the phone with them every five minutes and can’t stop watching CNN and reading the New York Times.

He’s going to be a tightwad with taxpayers’ money, unlike Obama, but his personal travel expenses are on track to be eight times more than his predecessor’s.

He’s going to work relentlessly for the American people but he spends half his days watching cable news.

We’ve got to be “very, very tough” in foreign affairs, but when he sees dead babies on TV, he immediately calls General Mattis and lobs 59 Tomahawk missiles.

He has a secret plan to defeat ISIS, but pursues Obama’s strategy instead.

He is for the “forgotten men and women” of America, but his tax plan — which is itself changing all the time — benefits the superrich and depends on removing health insurance for the working poor.

He wants to be friends with Russia, but he doesn’t. He’s going to challenge China’s policy on Taiwan, but he isn’t.

He is against crony capitalism, but he is for it.

He’s going to keep the focus on America, but just upped the ante in Yemen and Afghanistan.

He’s a deal-maker, but he cannot make deals even with his own party.

He’s a great manager, but his White House is consumed with in-fighting and he cannot staff his own administration.

He’s a populist who stacks his cabinet with Goldman Sachs alums.

He’s going to pressure China to take on North Korea, but “after listening for ten minutes” to China’s dictator, he changes his mind.

Not blackpilling or shilling but kinda worried about Kushner/Cohn influence in the WH lads
Hopefully Bannon comes out on top in all of this mess

so...every day, the incoherence deepens: He’s going to "fail at healthcare” but Rand Paul already said he was working with him for new healthcare


He’s his tax cuts and spending spree will add trillions of debt, yet in his first months the debt went down instead of going up like with Obama

He’s going to topple Syria, yet he'll only do a strike

He’s not going to get Mexico to pay for a big, beautiful wall, but he will actually do it through tariffs

China is a currency manipulator, but they aren't anymore thanks to Trump.

The media isn't the enemy of the people, but they're always posting articles against the white working class

He's wasting the taxpaying money in golfing, yet he does it for free golfing in his own clubs AND working while he does it

He won't do anything for the middle man, yet more than 2000 bills have been introduced to congress and he's signed too much EO.

He doesn't have any political experience in foreign policy, yet somehow has managed to make almost every country bend the knee

He doesn't know how to fight ISIS, but allows the army to do their jobs

He'll only help the rich, yet his tax plan makes it so everyone who makes less than 25000 per year won't pay any taxes

He's a russian puppet, yet he supposedly is going to cause WWIII. He’s antagonizing China, but he's being manipulated by them

He's just another soulless capitalist, yet he destroyed TPP.

He's the best ISIS training tool, yet he's escalating the conflict against them everywhere

He can't control his own party, but turns out the republican party isn't the one who is desintegrating

His White House is consumed by infighting, yet this is reported by the same fake news who were dead wrong about the elections and tried to create

the "Trump Russia ties" narrative

He's a jewish puppet neocon but also a dictatorial fascist

He and Kim Jong Un are the same, yet Trump will cause WW3 because he will nuke Kim Jong Un


So...just like now?

Hahaha ...very funny picture :-)

That's a big wall of text

Stop spamming this every thread.

You are not alone

I don't think anything is actually going on


>Reporter: Sean, since the President says he's still under audit, is it safe to say he'll NEVER release his tax returns?
>Spicer: youtube.com/watch?v=CRfL7eKSzCs
They'll be spinning their wheels on this for 8 years.


So this is the power of romania ...

I'm sure it helps that Trump gives interviews were he basically ditches Bannon!

No worries, after I post the retort the autism in that guy subsides, somewhat.
He's a butthurt guy from leftypol.



Holy shit, this is brilliant.

You come to Sup Forums and never leave.


Look at fluffy (Spencerfagot from Poland), look at him and laugh


> Just got back from 8ch, I'm depressed as fuck, seems like the only way forward for WN in USA is huffing paint in your basement.
>>Everyone is kike controlled opposition
> hahaha, wtf burgers, why are they so easy to manipulate, my god

He came to shill for Spencer, got unmasked by analytics and went to 8ch to tried his hand. 8ch people are even more hardcore than people here.

Fluffly can't catch a break, everybody on the right of Hillary knows Spencer is a fag and controlled opposition

Pic related, spent half the thread doing damage control. If only he knew he single handedly buried any chance Spencer had to get any traction in this board.

He did worse than Cyan and sicced autists at his idol.

Dude wtf. You post here all day with the same copypasta. Are you stuck in a sort of time sequence or is it something else?

Ctrl C str8 from reddit


no, this thread has Bannon's blood on it's hands

It could work, but it just resets the cycle. What would stop someone from dropping out for 1 election and then coming back later, seeing as he isn't the incumbent he is back at 50%. Or what if he goes to another state, moves there and then runs there. Assuming some of these places are deep red or deep blue, it seems easy for them to just swap and become the candidate for their particular states. Just switching states constantly so it resets.

I like term limits so once they are done, they are done and can't be a senator anymore

How's everyone's evening going?

>tfw filed taxes today
>TaxAct was calculating my refund as I was filling it out
>realized I could change numbers and I get more of a refund
>Getting $10,000 back in a refund
>I'm too much of a small fry for them to care anyway


he's Romanian, give miserable faggot a break.

Someone read this plz


Unless you're only talking to the Europeans, I guess.

Poland is literally "ONE. NOTHING WRONG WITH ME" - shill version. Kind of like honey doney sweetiepie. Many such cases!

It's like 3 in the afternoon

>do my universities studies
>leave the tab open
>check from time to time the post-counter
>jump to new thread

You sure are obsessed with him

Archive it

I have co-workers who are far smaller fry that got audited for way less. If there is one agency to fear, it is the IRS's ability to take your shit.

Well it would be easy to tie the margin to a specific person, and there are residency requirements so they can't just move every 4 years, otherwise the dems would've done it already.

Term limits aren't really a solution, CA has them and no one is ever voted out because the lobbyists groom their lackeys in cycles according to the limits.

You also are forgetting the pressure that an increasing margin would create, you just couldn't get a lot of the worst senators we have now because they'd be constantly forced to fight for the middle. That's the real power of the idea.


>eternal chan cucked Fluffy from us.
They can have him though.

>Sweetieposting has transcended outside of /ptg/


why do people even make this thread anymore. just stop. drumpf has been outed as a jew shill. stop making these threads.

Wanna know a better solution? Repeal the 17th amendment and bring back State legislature appointed senators as the original framework mandated.

No person would ever be in the graces of every governor of a state for 40 years, the second a state legislature flips (and they flip more often than senators or representatives, hell, there are carmin red states with democrat governors) senator gets replaced.

Enjoy your audit and tax fraud charges.

This is a good summation of the Berkeley Protests.

>even normies are sick of their shit

Who is this bitch? I see her everywhere.

wtf I love globalism now

I made a terrible error. And it's nearly 2:30 here.

Kek want you to go into the evil's lair.

The script is garbage, but it's something.

well with your system fucks like McCain are fucked but so are guys like Sessions

at the end of the day, there isn't a system to check for morality and ensure things are perfect, things have a tendency to drift for what works better from all the bad choices we have

They finally let a Republican speak at the writers' table?

My afternoon is going fine. Chatted with a friend for an hour, and now eating a burger for lunch.

>Michigan Trump Voters Lose Faith: ‘It’s Gone So Far Now the Wrong Way’

President Trump’s base appears to be growing concerned with the direction of his administration, against the backdrop of a number of drastic policy shifts from the campaign period as well as his first few weeks in office.

As the notorious “first 100 days” mark rushes up on him, President Trump will have to perform a careful balancing act between the two evident camps in the White House: the nationalists and the globalists, between which a real reconciliation looks unlikely.

The former appears to be supported by the campaign’s base — the people who put Trump in office. The latter appears to appeal to the President on the grounds of more positive headlines, less contentious policy issues as far as establishment media coverage is concerned, and his preternatural, New York liberal outlook.
>citation needed breitbart
It’s not all bad news for the President, but it is a warning to be heeded. Here in Michigan, Trump voters, campaigners, and low-level donors expressed concern - citing the travel ban, border control, and the power of his relatives in his administration as key areas of concern.

“We’re watching a man who can take action every single day,” Jeff, a long-standing Trump supporter, told me.

“I might take a permanent break [from Trump]!” said Cindy, a local Republican Party activists who admits to having preferred Cruz at first.

“Oh no you’re not!” her friend shot back. They laughed heartily about her irritation, but she continued still: “I look every day to see if he put that [travel] ban on. I look every day,” she said, insisting that the White House had not done enough to force through President Trump’s executive order pausing the flow of refugees and calling for extreme vetting.


Oh sweety honey pants, don't be bumble jumbled if you don't know her :^)

(she was the blue-check twitter cancer before it was cool. also she wants Trump's dick so bad it's ridiculous)

I was just kidding, I'm too much of a bitch to do it.
But you totally could just put bullshit when you file your taxes and get a crazy return.
I doubt that the chances of getting caught are even that high.

But I'm just glad to be rid of the looming stress of "gotta do my taxes" that I've lived with since New Years.

I am ready.

She replies to Trump's tweets with "Oh sweetie. Time to put on your big boy pants!" and similar comments.

Did Barron win the Egg Roll?

Well, I'm obsessed with data.analysis. It just so happened that his stealth raid (a TRS sponsored one) masked by both a leftist raid and Trump missile strike in syria generating genuine discontent provided me with just the challenge to unravel the plot and separate each signal.

You know when you get a big ball of tangled cables and nobody wants to be the one to untangle it? That's another one of my hobbies

I'm just lazing around on a Monday talking to strangers about taxes and genocide, could be better.

How are you feeling today?

That's very unlikely to happen, and in any case that only incentivizes polarization, not middle governing.



Obongo wanted to go to this state before the election to fellate himself, but his advisers told him it was already Trumpland so he headed up to Michigan. The change is incredible.

>that picture

(when I was a kid I used to love Star Wars. Now all I see it as is kike propaganda)

>Allison shows me a list on her iPhone. “I try to keep track of the guys I sleep with,” she tells me. The list has 16 names on it.
Jesus Christ these people are awful. Isn't this the school where Elliot Rodgers went on a shooting spree? And people wonder why he'd do it?

Awoo is power.

I only have a few better things to do now.

Here is the summary of that article

> written by: Raheem Kassan
> Here in Michigan, Trump voters, campaigners, and low-level donors expressed concern to this Breitbart News correspondent on the recent change in his direction

Then he cites then

> Jeff the cab driver
> Cindy a Cruz primary voter, that mentions Hijra by name and tells Trump to lay off the Freedom Caucus
> Penny, a middle-aged lady from Sterling Heighs, that took a swipe at Jared / Ivanka, uses the word "betrayed"

Gotta be honest, not buying into it. It's like they picked up the opinion of Breitbart internet crowd, made a pastiche and attributed them to the common men and women.

MI here. fuck off u nigger kike. we aren't so easily impressed by your fake news shenanners.

He will protect you.
>Though not sure how god of chaos protect.


What happened here?

>it's too late for flattery


nice knowing you, lads

I have a few things on my list todo. So pretty good.

The people in the article seem most mad that Trump hasn't erected a wall and purged illegal/refugees.

That is true. Also, checked

It's funny when they interview "Trump supporters", who then bring up liberal media talking points

>you are worse then hitler
it is too late for flattery

Here's a comment I snagged a few days ago.

>last shift

Funny how they just up, and admit they have a cycle, might as well be paid too.

>its to late for flattery


>Open up a nice tub of Bingo Sandbelt ice cream
>The tub's empty
>Deposit your own ice cream in the tub and mail it back to Barney Sauna
>No refunds

>it's true
And check them

>That's very unlikely to happen

> and in any case that only incentivizes polarization, not middle governing.

I don't agree. State level politics is different from national politics. Just look at how many blue states have republican governors or senators and vice versa.

For instance, Romney was the governor of Massachusetts but voted Obama in 2012 anyway.


>yfw Trump somehow made simpsons great again

Eh come one man. Just take the red pill

That was never his selling point to me anyway. Illegal immigration is down, economy is up. Couldn't be more smugly satisfied.

I don't need protection. I need bigger guns, for more chaos dispensing.
