Hmm, John Oliver seems to have a huge problem with dropping bombs on terrorists.
Hmm, John Oliver seems to have a huge problem with dropping bombs on terrorists
Pre-election Trump would have agreed with him. Really makes you think.
>pre-election Trump would have problems bombing ISIS
He wanted America OUT of Afghanistan.
He is a Commonwealthy, all Commonwealthies are idiots.
It's almost like you can want your troops out of a country and still bomb the Islamic terrorists operating in areas of the same country.
Piss off you leaf.
John oliver is a political commentator paid off by the Clinton Foundation who hides behind the excuse of being a comic whenever he is called out for being a puppet.
>cucks mad at Trump for wanting to kill ISIS members and their "innocent" families during election
>Trump drops a bomb on ISIS
>hur dur I'm a faggot and now think that Trump was against bombing ISIS a few months ago
Fuck off, you little weasel.
If I had a rake I would exterminate your kind, faggot.
Learn how to reply and/or read you fuckhead.
The only weasel here is you spreading misinformation.
>John Oliver seems to have a huge problem with dropping bombs on terrorists.
>calls other people weasels
Did you watch the video? He's literally mad that the US dropped the MOAB on ISIS.
But of course when it's Obama killing thousands of civilians with a drone program the most Oliver will say "This is a little disturbing and we should have a think about drones."
Oliver's hypocrisy doesn't justify the change in Trump's policies.
Someone is paying Oliver's salary. Trump literally had a platform that he would work for the American people, to build America, and would not serve special interests.
We're not talking about Trump we're talking about Oliver being a faggot who seemingly supports terrorism.
Little do you know you can work for the American people AND bomb ISIS at the same time. Again, piss off you faggot. He didn't change his policy on ISIS, he did tell us he was going to "Bomb the shit out of them."
>He didn't change his policy on ISIS
That's why he helped them?
We elected this Trump and got cucked
He's a fucking Brit who moved to America then cries about gun control, what a fucking bitch, he should move back here with cucked gun laws if he hates it so much.
>the change in Trump's policies.
Trump said numerous times that he would bomb the hell out of ISIS if he were elected.
stupid leafs
>blowing up a few Syrian aircraft means he's intentionally helping ISIS
It was a mistake obviously, but there was no intent to bomb ISIS.
>he's intentionally helping ISIS and bombing them at the same time
Go take your meds.
One moab for 36 fighters a whole country away from the front lines?
>Little do you know you can work for the American people AND bomb ISIS at the same time.
It is almost like Trump said " I will bomb the shit out of ISIS" during the campaign
Lmao are you retarded
during his actual presidential campaign he said the US should stay in Afghanistan because Pakistan has nukes
besides Trump has no idea what he's doing on foreign policy, he was just saying shit that people wanted to hear
his entire foreign policy is "hurr murrica number one! let's bomb ISIS because they are ebil!"
>front lines
hmmmm really makes me think, bud
It's almost like I said that in the post you replied to.
Actual death toll is rated at about 100 now.
>inb4 leafs get triggered by the accent part (it's true)
And a cave network they were using to hold weapons, fighters, and supplies
Trump is just there for fun. Stop taking him so seriously.
Yeah sounds like someone has never been to the East Coast.
>triggered ShareBlue burgers
I love it.
It's less a matter of bombing them and more a matter of being an idiot about it. We're killing people to make a point and that's the same line of thinking of every suicide bomber in the world.
Suicide bombers kill people to make a ideological point, dropping munitions onto enemy fighters disrupts activities and actively brings down the numbers of fighters as well as serving a political point.
It doesn't compare to it at all and if you're going to say this is somehow an act of state terrorism then you're fucked in the head.
poor wittle shill has enough, sad.
suicide bombers do it because they've lived lives of sin and are told by the quran that the guaranteed route to Jannah is to die in jihad.
That chart is wrong.
Mexico overtook USA in Obesity back in 2009 or so.
Consider yourself CTR'd.
>drop bombs on isis in afghanistan
>drop bombs on people fighting isis in Syria
its like he's just propping up the MIC, makes you ponder
No, it's like Greater Israel was always an inevitability.
But what are we actually accomplishing? Syria is still a civil war ridden state and unless we're on one side or another we aren't changing that.
Bombing ISIS made sense because we had locals to march in armies and take territory. We knew what we wanted and who we were fighting
Bombing Syria doesn't seem to have an end goal. Who are the terrorists here? Syria? The Rebels? Donald Trump? Who are we fighting?
>All those sources he uses
>trump literally said he would bomb the shit out of isis
>change in policies