Alright Sup Forums, when and how was she herded into marxism

Alright Sup Forums, when and how was she herded into marxism

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When she moved to Berkley.

I lived there for three years. It had the opposite effect on me, almost like an immune response.

Why do people become like this? Don't they have critical thinking patterns? Are they blank slates? I don't want to interact with this generation.

She's only 19 or 20

Pretty sure they said she's like 19. Feel kind of bad for her. Stupid kid

People don't need to be "herded" into cults. Some cults are self-organizing and self-perpetuating, without there being any central authority. Example: Sup Forums.

She looks like a rat

I hope I'm not the only one who actually finds her attractive regardless of her whole hippy shit. I'd totally marry her if I could reform her into a traditionalist wife.

Sorry. But features are not everything. She has no soul left :(

She's actually only 19 currently. It only took a year of schooling at Berkeley University to turn her into a disgusting crusty hippy indoctrinated with Marxist propaganda.

she always looks like a fucking kike

Her name is Hairy Sqautter

College? Woman's Study Course?

Soul? I've never seen one.

>beady brown eyes
>bottle blonde
she was always doomed

Hairy Squatter?

pottery :^)

>Example: Sup Forums.

good goy

It was the mary ju huana

toke on broz

>Don't they have critical thinking patterns?

her dad either didn't love her or loved her wayyy too much

Centrists and right wingers still have them.

Who is this semen sommelier?

She is the epitome of a Jew success story

When she moved to one of the democratic states

hairy pussy marxist get


Shes a woman.

This board is full of virgin faggots that dont comprehend that virgin seeking attention whoring is natural female behavior.

Marxist kike education in commiefornia.

She could be starting a family and living a furfilling life instead she is a whore getting beat up at loser protests. We really need Hitler.


>into marxism
dude what

fuck, I wanted the one with the smirking face

Where can I get the whole set?

Only if there isn't a strong community and family presence. We kept our women in line back in the day.

Mtgow is just as cancerous as feminism. Both seek to end the white race. Both are degeneracy.


She looks like a high test tranny in both to be fair.

You're an idiot.

Sources or gtfo

goddamn kike universities. the purge must begin there.

*crawls in my skin*
*one step closer*
CANADA that was
*open up my mind*
super 4 REAL
*doesn't even matters*
absolutely 100%%
*wounds will not heal*

>Nazi Scalps
>Into Archery
>Her mother

She's an Injun

Can I get a quick rundown?


>Having an original thought, or an opinion of their own

They are social creatures that do as they are told. If a TV show tells them they should fuck a Mexican in order to show they aren't racist, they will do it.


Can I get a quick rundown on this ?


10-15 a best


I don't get how people succumb to the indoctrination past the age of 15.


dad didn't love her enough, and some rasta nigger at school loved her too much

Here's the basic Geraldt.

>some rasta nigger at school loved her too much

oh, and it was probably some rasta nigger "professor"

Here's a basic Gerald

They have no identity

raaawling for 5-10

It's kind of like how in zombie movies there are always a small group of people who are immune to the virus. In my teens I was apolitical. I spent 5 years at a very liberal university, and now I watch hitler gifs on /wsg/ and cry thinking about what could have been.

>Can you bring back 100 white people's dreads

Fucking based

how does that censored nude photo play into any of this?

She's been making her dad proud.

Here's the whole Enchiladas

very disappointing

Huh? What marxism has to do with whatever SNAFU in USA?

Ow, that pic with a bow was her? Can somebody post it again?

Higher "education."

So much potential.. Destroyed.

Stop worshipping marxist thots you fucking fat cucks

In Britain, metal cutlery is banned (Get a life, Bin that knife), and so are Plates and Dishes (Know your fate, bin that plate) (Bin that dish & make a wish). We're also forced to pay for a TV licence even if we don't own a TV. If we don't pay the TV licence our houses will get raided by armed riot police.

we wuz once an Empire which ruled the world., and this is what we have become


Have you heard of Sadiq ''Shari'ah law works'' Khan, London's current mayor and Britain's future Prime Minister?

>confusing a forum for discourse with a movement

Shekels deposited shlomo

HA thanks. Take a look at this liberal asshole.


>Excuse me, you dropped one of your bladder stones

Unrelated but I wish Rick Moranis got back into acting.

I would gladly fuck her in the hole of her choosing. However, she is soiled and beyond redemption. She did porn. Poor girl, the Jew got her. Remember, with Jews you lose.

>Punching women

Why is this allowed in Burgerland? Do they not respect women there?

dreads are even more disgusting on white people than on blacks


tentacle hair nice

She was throwing bottles at people you fucking muppet

>Respecting women


That just sounds spergy

2 years ago it was spergy, now it's just a sad reality.

As per usual, Trump girls do it better.

....Could join the Avengers as Blackeye.

about 30% of people have strong resistance to manipulation. thats why the manipulators want to quell dissenting voices because they can never fool everyone

>liberal asshole

>It's another 'OP posts a picture of a celebrity and expects me to know who the fuck it is' episode

the good guys unironically lost 70 years ago. look at where this world is heading for gods sake.

>Those dry heels



Who is that


This is what happens when you abandon traditional family-oriented values.

>"modern" workaholic parents were never home, and didn't pay attention to her when they were home
>they spoil her rotten to make up for it
>as a cry for attention she turns into a hairy, dirty, disgusting, liberal whore

Let this be a warning to you.

She went from a 7/10 to a 2/10 in like a year. I actually feel bad for her, she could've been /ourgirl/

Gender studies at uni

People say she lives in Thousand Oaks which is socal. Like super affluent socal

Like the very definition of spoiled rich kid larping revolutionary


is she doing the cliched degenerate look so she can go back to her normal self someday without people realizing she did porn?

Does anyone have a link to the leftist pages saying he had it coming because of her dreads?

I need a good laugh this afternoon

we don't have women. we have jewish brainwashing victims. also, equal rights equal lefts. why won't this no punch meme die. what, do you not hit manlets either?