Opinions on Gays and Trans

I know that there are a lot of people on pol at all times, and that most of them are fairly right wing. So I want to see exactly how far right. So how do you see Gays and Trans people, and why?

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Slide thread. They're fine. You want fucked? Look at the men who fap to this debate

>tfw i will never have an alpha rightwing Sup Forums user ravage my boipucci

Im trans and I've browsed Sup Forums for ages now

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Homos are ok-ish so long as they don't flaunt it. Trans on the other hand is a conspiracy to hurt children and sell pharmaceuticals.

Is this some kind of coordinated false flag attempt by Shareblue trying to turn Sup Forums against gays? I swear I see these threads pop up more often than "BLUMPF BTFO" threads now.

We fucked up by allowing gay marriage now they use it to sue christians

Mostly as attention whores. The why is obvious.

You wanna know why gays are so bad? I'll tell you.

Homosexuality is the result of a genetic disorder. Schizophrenia is also the result of a genetic disorder. Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, that the Government passed a law requiring you to indulge schizos in their delusions. Some homeless fuck on the street wobbles up to you one day and says he's Napoleon Bonaparte, and you have to agree despite knowing damn well that crazy bastard never once in his life conquered Egypt. But it's the law. How would you feel? What would this mean for society? How does it relate to gays? Because, despite homosexuality being a genetic disorder, everyone who is actually normal has to pretend homosexuals are good, normal people. Because it's the law. So what are gays doing about their disorder? Are they demanding Government funding for discovering a cure for their sexual abnormality? Of course not! But even the schizophrenic, who has absolutely no grasp on reality, will eventually seek treatment! How worse off are the gays, who are more deluded and confused than the mentally ill. No. The faggot rubs his abominable, unnatural sexuality in the face of society. When we otherwise wouldn't care about his sexuality, he rubs it in our faces and makes sure we know just how big of a queer he is. And lastly, what's worst than all, is the fact gays are more likely to catch sexually transmitted diseases, be raped, indulge in pedophilia, and get murdered than heterosexual people. But does this humble the gay community? Of course not! They hide their fear of AIDS by acting flamboyant, once again making sure you know they're gay, as they double-down on degeneracy.

That's why gays are bad and God will one day destroy them (by providing man with a cure for homosexuality).

They should be gassed.

Excuse me for being a dunce but what the fuck is Shareblue? and I am not trying to turn anyone against gays, chill with the conspiracy theory mate.

Majority of Sup Forums has a repressed trans fetish.

On topic of trannies, majority are self-objectifying mentally ill faggots that just want to roleplay female stereotypes. meme tier incoming but you're either born that way or you're not. You don't """""realize""""" you're trans or a faggot, you just know. You wouldn't feel the need to roleplay female stereotypes if you argue your personality was female to begin with.

That being said, sorting a tru-trans minority out of the faggots would be too much effort. Too much bullshit individualism.

It's all unethical, disgusting degeneracy that will burn in hell.

Degeneracy that leads to the destruction of the family. Maybe if gays just wanted civic parternships and only to have sex with one person, but nooo most gays have a huge amount of sexual parterns that they dont even know. Also the biggest supporters are commies and kikes so its most likely a Jewish trick to destroy whites with degeneracy.

I don't really care as long as they aren't a bunch of screeching SJW retards that interfere with my own life

I went to a bar in a gay village with my wife on the weekend. It was a great night out. People were a lot more relaxed and there was no hostile atmosphere at all, like you get in some places.

Only bad thing was that I had faggots flirting with me everytime I went in the bathroom. And likewise lesbians were flirting with my wife. Saw some trannies also, completely unconvincing. Looked like blokes with wigs on.

I don't give a fuck about them to be honest.

>more than 1000 sexual partners

Now, lets calculate:
The average dicksize is like 15cm, lets say every dude needs an average of 100 thrusts before busting his nut.
15km of dick, or 9.32 miles.

make for a good shag if they're nice a tight

As a tranny most of them are faggots and pieces of human waste.

Why do you pretend to be a woman instead of seeking help?

Nothing wrong with it in the slightest, tho I do feel that Transsexuality is often a byproduct of other mental issues, I don't mind or judge that being the result of it, but most of them do need mental help. Not to change what they've become, but to help with their root issues.

At a young age, most of us learn the square doesn't fit in the circle. Homosexuality is against nature. Its social marxism that pushes society to accept it. Some people are faggots. As long as they keep it quiet, I don't care.

Trans are either A) Suffering from a genetic disorder, or B) Suffering from a mental disorder. Some kids claiming they are trans are doing it for attention. They will keep up the charade through adulthood, and by that time the mental disorder is full blown, or they will give it up, realizing no one gives a shit about them as much as they thought the attention could get them.

Bottom line, both are fucked.

Because estrogen boosting and testosterone suppressing removed my insomnia as well as my depression. I've increased pretty much every aspect of my life since I've started.
Most "trannies" are fake sjw faggots that have munchhausen disorder and not the real condition.

>my political opposition does not share my mental illness because i disagree with them
>i set the standards of my condition

kill yourself blaire you autogynephile drag

I like being a trap. It's comfy.

they are mentally sick weirdos that are trying to pass that sickness off as normal. I believe most of them have come from broken homes and abusive situations. they fight so hard to make their weirdness accepted so they can mentally con themselves into thinking that their shit lives weren't that bad and it was the system that hurt them

No. They legitimate are liars. Most of which take meds that further fuck them up or don't take them at all.
Not Blair

Without marxist encouragement and political push it's really marginal group of fringes and people with hormonal diseases. Let them be. I mean not to criminalize homosexuality and that's that. But there is a war to win first.

don't pass, get gassed