The Beta Male Problem

>trying to single player a co-op game
Worst. Strategy. Ever.

Anybody got any bitter spinster stories they would like to share?

>A co-op game
tradcucks are so delusional

Marraige is for cucks. Alpha males are polygamous

I'm not sure why decline in marriage should be surprising at all. Men have literally no incentive to marry anymore, short of "muh white race"

I'm sterile, literally no point in marriage for me.

Kill yourself right now, perpetuator of the disease

>tradcucks unironically want millennial men to wife up whore women that they feel no love or desire for beyond sex

I literally feel no impetus to go out and find a wife. that's how jaded I am toward the opposite sex

i've had 20 female sexual partners

When was Sup Forums created again?

Are you sure you're not a fag?

Do you get depressed about it at all, or do you hold out hope for genetic/fertility technology to reach a point where you'll be able to have kids?

you must have beta genes. People with great genetic want to spread their seed around for the good of humanity.

it is weird and they can't really give a good reason either. It's always just
>ur a virgin who cant get wimminz anyways

No, I'd rather play with an AI than a women


Honestly the other burger is right. I am just repulsed by most women. They are simply light years away from how I think women should act.

22 years old virgin, and most people wrongfully assume that I have a perfectly normal sexual life. In reality, I stopped trying after high school.


older age groups tend to have a higher level of married couples!? you dont fucking say

The decline is mostly due to the fact that not being married but live together has the same rights as those who marry. If anything more problems arise when married due to divorce costs a lot of money and the spouse is entitled to half. Just living together if you separate, there is no hassle. Both have child custody issues tho.

they were stupid beta males who never accomplished anything! lifes only purpose is to spread your genes thats why the most successful countries in the world have a fertility rate of

Women really, really suck these days. All they care about is social media, reveling in drama, and getting attention. Actually spending time with them is terrible.

It's corrected for age, idiot

the offspring is less viable when reared by older parents, so just pointing out that this will hurt us, our nation, our culture, our race and our species in the long run

its not a beta male problem though. historically the beta provider strategy been one of the most reliable ways to pass on your genes. guarantee at least half of the people here have a beta provider father.

Are you retarded? Read the smaller line of text too.

More like a FFA where some players have formed clans to shit on everyone else.

Marriage lost its status when you let faggots marry each other

in absolutely no rush to pay for a wife and kids tbqh

"“I had always thought of woman,” says Mr. Tesla, “as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in these respects far superior to man. I had put her on a lofty pedestal, figuratively speaking, and ranked her in certain important attributes considerably higher than man. I worshiped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship"

"“But all this was in the past. Now the soft-voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man–in dress, voice and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind.” -Tesla

There is literally zero reason for a man to get married. A man has no legal or social insurance in marriage. All risk, no reward.

>b-but muh white babies

If you want to save the white race, then work in mass media, education, politics, or psychology. Those are fields that directly impact future generations. Raising five kids and having them be brainwashed by your ex-wife and the degenerate mass media is worthless.

you can't really fall in love with a woman knowing she's been with like 2 or 3 guys before you

hell, even 1 guy

it's just not natural and our society isn't set up for marriage anymore. I've tried and see no reason to get married

All the married men I know at work are extremely well-rounded, very good at their jobs, and seem happier. Plus imagine all the money you have as a married couple from having more income, tax breaks, etc.

Meanwhile as a single guy I'm fucking miserable and seem to be falling behind the married guys.

In my past experiences it's only been asian women that were horrible lovers. Bad luck I guess. I have a white wife now and life is good.

No. Marriage lost its status when women became "independent".

>biggest decline is silent to boomers

>people will still blame millennials

well said user

Also in a professional environment, married men are much more respected. As a single guy, I look like a teenager compared to them.

>implying its not all a show
sort of like social media, a lot of dating/ marriage is there just to impress people. They may not be miserable now, but they will be in 10 years. You made the logical choice, if you're happiness relies on making yourself a slave to a woman, then go ahead get married. If you value freedom, dont
All women are deceptive and cold hearted

If she's a slut and takes your money and your kids in the end with the assistance of the courts, there is no point to marriage in the first place.

Now, as long as you don't trip the common law marriage rules, go ahead and have kids, stay with her as long as you want, enjoy life.

The only real problem with marriage is the legal. contractual requirements - all risk, potentially no reward. You can still have it all without signing the paperwork.

Probably because you dress like a chump. Lift + tailored suit and you're golden

Better say it's a scam, not a game.

correlation is not causation

how many of the married men in your workplace are millennials

it wasn't really until the late 90s that the slut culture really took off

>>trying to single player a co-op game
>Worst. Strategy. Ever.

Depends entirely on the woman.
Woman and men alike both have this weird thing where they want to "save" the other person, likely stemming from the idea that they are shifting someone's attention from something that's ugly and that they hate to themselves, and therefore securing a place in that person's life as the best thing to ever happen to them.
A suburbanite slut who marches through the street bragging about how happy she is that she fucked so many guys is less appealing than someone with a shitty life who just wants a lover that treats them like a person.

I hope medicine will advance to the point where they can repair me. Other then that I just go about my life, although I'll admit I do sometimes feel depressed about it.

i like how you guys make these compromises on what is a rather cut and dried topic

i have literally zero interest in committing to a woman that's had sexual partners before me. period.

the only people advocating this are tradcuck LARPers who are looking for meaning in life by pretending their outmoded lifestyle choices are superior to yours

tradcuckery works only if your wife's a virgin at marriage and you have a high enough income (like 120000/year at least) so she doesn't have to work or just works part time with other mothers

this is non negotiable

I personally don't like the fact that birth rates among whites are going down and if your married to a women who wants kids then yay more white children, and if you were to fuck 20 different women and give them children you would be screwing over the child because he would have a father. That's why i find marriage important

I've had a couple girls that turned me down in high school/middle school try to add me on facebook. They're nearing 30 and childless/unmarried.

> All women are deceptive and cold hearted

at least you're not as bad as those feminists

Shit 2 or 3 I can get over, the problem is women lie about this, and if they say they've been with 2 or 3 men then it really means 10+, and if they say they're a virgin then they've been with at least 1.

>You need to get married to be in a relationship
>You need to get married to have kids


Feminist raise men that can't even get laid, strong woman raise weak sons

Women bring nothing to the table anymore besides sex.

They can't cook, they can't clean, they want to be treated like princesses. They want to settle down after riding the cock carousel

women's suffrage was the most important facto the decline and the flood of mohammeds into white countries

>women's suffrage was the most important **factor in the decline** and the flood of mohammeds into white countries
fucking weird keyboard shortcuts for posting

Fornicators and adulterers will die out. Only the wise and pure shall remain.


>thinking that's what anyone assumes

I hate this shit so much

Hmmm, that graph is suspect. They seemed to erase Gen Z and lump them with Gen Y/Millennials. It's no secret than Gen Z is more conservative than Gen Y and loathes Gen Y. By (((Pew Research Center))) just removing the Gen Z category, (((they))) are attempting to co-opt Gen Z.

played through coop world at war on two controllers