Was western civilization a mistake?

Was western civilization a mistake?

Imagine for a second being born into a small village in Europe 2000 years ago.

There are only a few others your age, so you meet all of your friends during childhood and grow up beside them. You explore the woods, make games, laugh together. You never leave the lands you're born on but that's okay because all of your friends and family are assured to stay here as well.

You marry your wife at age 13. You've both known each other since you were children. You've done nothing special to get her, no game, no pick-up artistry no gymceling (you already have a healthy form due to playing outside all day). You guys got together purely because you've known eachother since birth and feel close and comfortable with eachother. You consummate your marriage to her, looking into innocent teen eyes as you orgasm, coming into her virgin pussy unprotected. She's pregnant with your son and you start working on the farm, or by fishing, or hunting or whatever your trade was in order to start providing for your family. You do this over the next several years, and by the age of 30 you have 10 kids with her all working in the same village. Work is hard but it keeps your body in good shape. There is no commute, no cubicles, no busy work. Your just do your labor and come home at night and have sex with your wife all night.

You die around age 55-60, much earlier than the modern year. But when you die you're not absolutely literally falling apart, hooked up with a bunch of machines, being pumped with tons of meds, shitting into a bag. You pass away peacefully but do so with the knowledge that all of your children will marry white people from the surrounding area as well, and that you've lived a fulfilling and happy life.

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Nowadays you don't have any of that. Civilization, Social media, college has ruined that. When you consummate your marriage with your wife she'll be like 25-30 and her body will already be used up by other men. You'll probably have 1-2 kids because of her declining fertility. She'll feel a lot less close to you because you've likely only known each other post-adolescence. You might have had to truly suffer to get her too, learning "game" and "pick-up-artistry" and sacrificing all of your free time in the gym. This is because instead of just competing with the 10 other dudes in your village, you're competing with thousands of men in the cities and universities and on Tinder and Facebook. And this is all just to get some used pussy that will never remember you as fondly as the dude that took her virginity in middle school.

Was it worth it, really? Was it worth it to be moderately well educated than our ancestors? Was it worth it to live 10+ years compared to our ancestors? Was it worth it to have 100 different oreo types to choose from, instead of just the local home grown food? Was it worth it to become "civilized"?

Sometimes I think you are right, imagine if the Romans had never crossed the Rhine, the Hun never rode from the east, what could have been.

Life in the middle ages was nasty short and brutish. You're describing rural life of early America until about the middle of the 20th century. I'm thinking life was pretty good then. Not so much in that middle ages.

Yeah but what about air conditioning?


fuck off with this proven false horseshit

And 2,000 years ago withhold have put you in the Roman Empire, when young boys were sent to live with their uncle's to "mentor" them. Your marriage was likely to be arranged and mostly for procreation, you would have pleasure sex with the boys you were "mentoring"

Pre modern people:
Work six hours a day max
Lots of holidays, real holidays where the entire community would get together in song, dance, and feasting, not this "take one day off work and get drunk by yourself" bullshit
Colorful clothing
Bountiful food including salmon, natural berries, mushrooms, and elk
Drugs nonexistent
Fresh water pours from every creek and valley into a pristine sea
Wake up with the rising of the sun and the songs of the birds
Spend the winter around a fire telling the stories of your ancestors
Parents arrange marriages for their children at ages 12-14
Virgin marriages
Naturally toned bodies from manual labor and lack of pollution in food and water
Live within a community that will always have your back
Die knowing your name will live on in the stories and songs of your community until the end of time

>the middle of the 20th century. I'm thinking life was pretty good then.

>turn 18
>get conscripted
>get sent into steamy hot jungle
>government hops you up on LSD
>inhale agent orange
>have to kill children soldiers
>fall into a pit of poo spikes
>die of infection
>hippies spit on your casket

>scientists have compared the life span of adults in contemporary hunter-gatherer tribes (excluding the infant mortality rate). It was found that once infant mortality rates were removed, life span was calculated to between 70 and 80 years, the same rate as that found in contemporary industrialised societies. The difference is that, in the latter, most individuals survive childhood (Kanazawa, 2008).

aka the shit genes got to die instead of having to live out a lifetime of failure and crying on message boards to hide the loneliness

Post modern people:
Work eight hours a day, plus a minimum of one hour unpaid commute time, plus the time to actually convert that money into food and resources
Maybe two weeks of holiday time per year, which you celebrate alone
Social events such as clubs and bars are strictly stratified by class, antisocial in nature, and generally revolve around the commodification of sex
Clothing is dark colored and utilitarian, patterns/flourishes are shunned, hats are ugly cotton sacks and rarely worn
Food is limited to corn products and factory meat, anything that's not genetically modified and doesn't come from a can generally costs an arm and a leg
A new potentially deadly drug gets invented every week and can be bought by anyone with an Internet connection. Tobacco and liquor everywhere, addiction is common
Pollutants which leak from every ditch and pipe into a brown murky sea
Lie in bed till three in the morning while the cars zip by outside your cramped apartment
When you die every scrape of your existence will be scrubbed from your home so it can be sold to highest bidder

2000 years ago was not the middle ages.

This dude gets it.

Early 1700's to about the Antebellum period of america was the best period for maximum /comfy/. Mostly because feudalism's non-existence..

>and by the age of 30

you die.

next thread faggot


It is literally a meme that life was shorter back then

I don't know what to believe anymore

Living with a bunch of crazy people most of whom you dont like
Lack if culture
Culture completely forced upon you

and then we'd swoop in and conquer your shithole of a village

It was always pretty peaceful in europe compared to other places. Monogamy means everyone will have a woman to marry and it gives each woman a high value. In other polygamic societies the rich men hoarded all women and forced their own sons to invade neighbours to steal women and sexslaves for themselves.

Nigga you talking about being under the Pax Romana, you can sign me up for that shit.

This is a highly romanticized view of early European life. You missed out dying from a flu, and 5 of your children dying from measles or a random infection . And hey don't forget maybe having to fight in a war between rival clan. And winter is great with no heating and having to shit in a hole for 5 months out of the year is fun too

Stop being argie reeeeeeeeeeee go back to taringa

Remember the last time you needed antibiotics?

Me neither. Most people are healthy. Most people won't eat poo and cleanliness is common sense, even if there was no knowledge of microbes.

Also, keep in mind that natural medicine isn't a complex crock. There's trial and error and people had tens of thousands of years before modern medicine to figure out what works and what doesn't. IE when I get eye infections I use tea and they work fine.

this is the proper ancient thing to be "nostalgic" of, not barbaric villages

Long story short, yes.

The industrial revolution and beyond has forced humans to live in unnatural unhealthy ways. Now with the internet and social media, it's beyond fucked. Humans are just intelligent apes and this isn't going to end nicely.

>pass away peacefully
More like die a horrible death from infection which could be easily cleared up with modern antibiotics.

Well, to be fair, the average life expectancy was so low only because half of his kiddo's would have died in the first year. Shit was averaged out for all births. If you made it to 20, you likely lived to 60.

yes they constantly died from infections just like we constantly die from cancer, that's totally how it was, I'm sure you are sweating cold yourself right now fearing you have cancer

Sounds beautiful, user.

screencaped desu senpai

Stop listening to Jewish lies. Medieval Europe was great

They still got cancer plus a whole bunch of infections too.

why live?

And then what do you do when your beautiful forever-wife cucks you with Chadius?

Lots of bs.


There's still all of those things in the world today

Try reading a book sometime.

Yeah except you actually die at like 37 in that scenario ya kike


>Age-specific mortality rates have declined across the adult lifespan. A smaller fraction of adults die at 20, at 30, at 40, at 50, and so on across the lifespan. As a result, we live longer on average

>The age structure of ancient populations is a matter of great interest within anthropology and archaeology. Some think we can draw many conclusions from skeletal samples; others are more cautious in their application of models to the past. But there’s no doubt that Romans, Egyptians, and Greeks were dropping dead at age 30, 40, 50 and 60 – at much higher age-specific mortality rates than today.

>if human lifespan had really not changed in 2000 years, then 35-year-olds shouldn’t have left their skeletons very often in the Roman catacombs. Unfortunately (for them), we find those 35-year-old bodies. A rough estimate (gleaned from tomb inscriptions that give ages) is that half of Romans who lived to age 15 – and therefore escaped juvenile mortality – were dead before age 45.

The 'le same life span then and now' meme is a fucking meme

I read books... Every...Day

better to die at 37 with a fulfilling life instead of dying at 25 like we do now

>Gets large wound
>Breaks leg in the middle of a forest playing said game
>god knows how they will get you out of said forest or remote location, it will also be excruciatingly painful
>extremely small gene pool, also incest was pretty well documented in those times (Insert MUH FETISH here)
>get sick
>no meds
>have to walk to go anywhere
>have to go find a source of water or you get fucked by dehydration

yeah sounds like a lovely time

btw the best timeline was the 50's, forget about muh wars in the future, just the 50's....

>You marry your wife at age 13. You've both known each other since you were children.
what the fuck are you smoking user

No matter what time period you live in, no matter how many times you are reincarnated, The Falklands will never belong to you

I've never needed medical care so I would be fine, I have a feeling most here can not say the same though.

>Lack Of culture
>Culture forced on you

Nope the nuclear family is what lead to the destruction of the west. Large communal families are where it's at.

No you faggot Western culture will save this fucking planet if we can get it working right again.

If you want to live in this stupid faggot new-age LARPing hippies idea of the middle ages then go down to the fucking Amazon and merge with the Umbungo tribe and try not to cry when your son gets eaten by tigers or your wife gets swarmed by bees and falls to her death out of a tree because she was trying to collect honey for you because all you have to eat is shitty honey mixed with bird shit and stingers because you decided you incredible honey filtration systems were too modern for your 'ideallic' lifestyle and then the rest of your tribe dies of dysentary because medicine is for faggots.

We did not scrape through hundreds of thousands of years of war and violence and disease and famine and all other shit to come this far only to stagnate around the middle ages because "Wah balancing proper traditional values with advancing technology is hard."

You live like this you get fucking genocided by smarter people who made the right choice to advance their society to greatness rather than sit around eating berries in teepees all day because 'muh simple life'. Manifest destiny you short-sighted regressive nigger.

This is the mother of all bombs right here!


Mate I think you're right. Everything is a game nowadays, everything is so fake. It's all become so complicated because we're entangled in this web of tricks and lies to manipulate eachother. There is no real feeling of community anymore.
The only thing that comes close to that now is your family, where you can be somewhat real and honest, and even that is not something all people have, because we live in a broken and fucked up society that ultimately breaks families apart as well.
I just wish we lived in simpler times.

>past X year is always better than the present.
I'm so tired of these nostalgic faggots. Be happy to live in present and live it to the fullest extent, learn from the past, and think about the future.

this is so fucking true
last weekend i went camping on my own
it was the most fun and the most 'alive' moment of my shitty life.

Fuck you, OP.

>Living with a bunch of crazy people most of whom you dont like

You would only think about it this way as a modern.

>tfw half German half native and I think about this often

Deep down I agree with all of this, but in reality civilisation is an inevitable process and there are too many things I would miss in a primitive or Bronze Age society.
I mostly long for the early modern period in the 19th C., I suppose I'm a little biased though.

I know the feel man, I've reached the point where being alone and just doing my own thing is amongst the most fun I ever have.

The unabomber was right. Regardless of muh white race, civilization is pure fucking poison. Do you think there's a big jewish problem in a hunter-gatherer society?


>being this new
>le people only lived to 30
Meme has always been bullshit. Infant mortality rates were like 30% of all live births or something and then another 20% or whatever died before puberty. After childhood though, barring things like epidemics of diseases and famines, people lived pretty normal long lives.

What about smartphones though?

this world is fucking boring
ill buy fucking shrooms and ill live a new life in my head

Even at the minimum of human lifetime (medieval Europe) it was still only 60 or so if you ignore childhood death. Modernity is 100% bullshit (or a jewish plot if you prefer).

>You've done nothing special to get her

You appear to have no conception of how brutal life used to be.

>Was western civilization a mistake?
No. Women's suffrage was. Many men don't realise how fucking awesome Western Civilization was and could be again if women had no say in it.

It was either civilization or starvation. All of our achievements since the stone age have been due to our ever-increasing population. Do you think people invented the steam engine just for fun? No, they invented it because they needed to pump water out of deeper and deeper coal mines, since they had already burned every tree on the land. Without civilization and technology, we wouldn't still be in Eden. We would be in Hell.

If you are healthy and fit, dying is usually a fairly quick process. You might live to 50-70 feeling pretty good, declining slowly due to age, but still strong and intelligent, then you wake up feeling sick. It gets worse, and two weeks later you're dead. You only really suffer for three days.

Compare that to le first world: At 40, you're sick, you're fat, you can barely have sex. At 50, you can't get erections without expensive pills. At 60, you're taking three forms of medication and are barely alive. By 70, you've had a few close run ins with death and can't go up stairs and are often confused. By 80, you're hospitalized frequently and often spend weeks hooked up to machines.

You die at age 86 after a three month battle with cancer. You're delirious for 2 of those months because of chemo drugs.

if we didn't the kekistainies would rule the world right now

No, population would limit itself.


>Local King decides he wants to go to war because his borther got stabbed by the cousin twice removed of that other guy
>you get drafted to fight for him, cause you live on his land, so fuck you
>get into battle with whatever sahitty sword you can afford, if that even, more likely you only have some sort of pike or club or somesuch.
>enemy stabs you in the leg during battle
>but hey, you survived.
>Shit. Literally shit, it was on your enemys blade
>die painfully of infection
>but boy at least a white guy will now burn down my village and rape my daughters

western civilization wasnt a mistake you retarded romaticising faggot, sharing it with niggers of a below 80 IQ was the mistake.

With Starvation.

Turns out humans don't deal well with watching their loved ones - or other humans in general - starve to death.

Why do you think we keep throwing food and financial aid down the hole that is Africa? Because no matter how many Africans it inevitably spawns, we just cant stand the sight or knowledge of them starving.

Especially when its being (((broadcast))) on ads and campaigns across our media 24/7.

It's ingrained in the human condition. And its undeniably a part of why we have clawed our way up the technological ladder.

Trouble is. It is inherently unsustainable. Unless we're willing to genocide lesser races for their land, or better yet, spread to the stars.

>No matter what time period you live in, no matter how many times you are reincarnated, The Falklands will never belong to you
Made me laugh, have a (you)
When women's suffrage is removed, all of Europe should unite for a few years where we just build a massive fleet and then just travel around the world beating up brown people just for fun, not even trying to come up with a reason other then "because we can".


thanks for really clearly summing up some of my thoughts on what things used to be like, gj argentina i liek u. this is so spot on it hurts.

not sure if it's western civilisations fault tho, expect it's more complicated (jews)

>spread to the stars
This doesn't solve the population problem. We can't put people into space faster than they're born.

I only came to this thread for pictures of historical European warriors and shit.

Dream a little larger darling.

We need to travel around genociding all the lesser races we can, and colonizing their lands.

Leave not one alive to be the next Native Americans, or Freed Slaves. Eradicate and Populate. Don't take the easy/greedy way of trying to trade with/enslave/coexist with the locals for cheap labour. Fuck them. Straight up Darwinism. Strongest survives, weakest dies.

Whites are currently ~14% of the total human population. Can you imagine how advanced we would be if it was even 50%

We would be running hot dog stands on Mars right now.

That's not a small village because they have walls in the background, that takes a civilization since tribes don't have enough labour for walls.

>There are only a few others your age, so you meet all of your friends during childhood and grow up beside them. You explore the woods, make games, laugh together. You never leave the lands you're born on but that's okay because all of your friends and family are assured to stay here as well.
More like you get bullied 24/7 by them since they live in a savage violent culture and since they are with your parents all the time they tell your parents all the bad stuff you do and get in shit.

The point, dingus, is the population growth has spurred technological growth. Assuming that will continue, we will inevitably develop the technology to allow for that (or have a population crash when we cant).

If anything, its the undeniable destiny of humankind - of any sentient species - to reproduce and be subject to these pressures, which force the development of greater technologies, sending us always outward in search of more territory/resources.

Manifest Destiny for the Human Race

(lets leave all the niggers behind though.)

sometimes??? the fucking OP summed up what's fucking wrong with everything in his second fucking post. fuck.

not having a go at you. it';s just SO FUCKING ACCURATE IT HURTS

We're at 8% actually.
And who knows how many of this 8% are shit gene waste of air beta.

Farm life was shit in America. WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK

oh man, this one is probably the most hillarious one

Old Icelandic Law and Justice was literally just beeing social and manipulating for example.

Like, Imagne your sorry ass lived back then and was as inet at beeing a functioning socialite as it is today. You would have been so much more fucked.

Tday we have laws that at least in theory will protect you the same as Chad. Back then, Chad would have convinced the other members of the thing that you are really a fucking dickwad and totally did steal his cows, even if theres no evidence for it, but fuck, who collects evidence in a pre-industrial society? All that protects you is your worth for the society, and the perception thereof is skewed a lot by how other people see you.

Seriously, read a fucking history book, human society beeing chokefull of "who likes who" isnt anything new

>This doesn't solve the population problem.
Niggers on Mars. They can't even make Africa work and they had 20.0000 years

stop crying

And 9 of the 10 children you brought to the world die in a matter of months, the crops fail for a season and your wife dies from hunger. Then all of a sudden you get a toothache and drop dead at the ripe old age of 32.

Stop romanticizing the past, you nigger.


You are so short sighted.


Criminally underrated, thank you for the hearty chuckle

If 9 out of 10 children died then the population would drop by 50% every generation dingus.

>Drugs nonexistent

don't take my fucking ganja you nigger. unless you mean pharma "drugs" in which case, u cool

A superior society with a more advanced and hard working people will subjugate your shitty individualist society.

It's easy to fall prey to the decadence of a pleasant and simple life as your people may have, but you will be destroyed by a people who have sacrificed their personal joy for the success of the state.

>video games

You're seriously one to talk mate.


I mean, you could move to Liberia or India

>Europe 2000 years ago
So basically modern-day Argentina?


truth >>truth >>truth >>please spread when dead

truth >>

umm im a low class american i basically cant go to the doctor

Not sure if the idea of marrying other races was an issue on their mind. Since you'd pretty much live your entire life without having so much as seen a different color with only those on the border of Western civilization seeing otherwise.

And in that case, it might have been more important to you that your children marry Christians rather than whites.