Imaging this:

Imaging this:

The leftist and ANTIFA challenge us to a debate. You have to choose 5 speakers, a dream team per se to fight those liberal scumbags, who would you choose?

Other urls found in this thread:

because I am a russian hacker I decide the venue to be middle of antarctica. I invite all lefties in the world.

To speak for me I chose the Satan 2 nuclear weapon.

>Win without the cringe of having to see them squirm in ther own retardedness

Mine would be:

Ben Shapiro
Owen from Infowars (even though Alex Jones is /ded/)
Gavin McInnes
Lauren Southern

probably just ben shapiro

They don't debate, they're not interested in talking to anybody, and they're not liberals. Their whole purpose is agitation.

I would bring Jim

>invite a jewish nationalist to debate another jewish nationalist organization

yeah that sounds really smart.


>Ben Shapiro
>David Duke
>Ghost of George Lincoln Rockwell
>Mein Fuhrer

Lauren Southren
Gavin McFag
Steven Chowder
Ben Shapiro

This. Shapiro has such great debating skills he probably doesn't need help. I don't even care that he's a jew.