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>nu-pol fags need to go back to the_donald
>posts screen cap from the_donald

Hey man I hate niggers as much as the next guy but what kind of animal kills a harmless old man

You know that man probably hated Trump. I don't blame him, Trump is awful.

you are hypcritical you don't like nupol yet use their name. HAHA

You are so obvious, nobody is even talking about Trump and you bring him up. You just keep spamming that same meme over and over like we're retarded. You sound like someone who is not-so-subtly trying to promote a brand.


Nu-pol is a fucking hyperbole, leaf. It's used by people to slander those who opposes their viewpoint. Sup Forums is so easily triggered, all you have to do is accuse an user who disagrees with you "nu-pol".



no you faggot

killing people for no reason is degenerate


Gotta say when i saw the bag of cans in his hand and saying "i dont know no one by that name" and getting shot, it really made me furious.

hope that other nigger is lynched.

fuck off retard

>denies the existence of nu/pol/
bet you think flags on Sup Forums are great too dont you faggot

this is such boring news
nobody is going to start a social movement over this, nobody is on the side of the killer
its just a very obvious crime

A nigger

every thread we need to start red pilling them on niggers and how they kill whites constantly over nothing

Calling something hyperbole isn't the same as denying its existence, you fucking retard. I'm saying it's exaggerated. You should learn reading comprehension before posting your down-syndrome thought online

>implying this thread isn't more divide and conquer tactics
Fuck off Dave

You really think people deny niggers killing whites?

stfu kike

>black man raising kids
Mans a god damned American hero :^)

KYS Niggers murder whites and rape women at astronomical rates and you can't make time to F for that. Kys nu pol

this, got to give him credit for being a good american

Man, American prisons look weird

Though I think what that guy did is despicable, I don't really understand why people are eulogising this guy. You don't know anything about him. He was just a victim of a cowardly murder. Places like the_donald and subsects of Sup Forums seem just as capable of virtue signalling as anyone else.


my theory is the_donald has a lot of ex-liberals or ex-libertarians who just got tired of political correctness, so they supported trump out of rebellion

if you pay attention to their posts, lot of them agree with liberal principles like diversity and multiculturalism, they just don't like SJWs

They watched it happen, so they feel emotionally attached.

Im not syre how this is different when pol was tellingbthis cute twinky femboy "stay strong young man" after being interviewed

Are you fucking retarded?

This image brought back memories of my pilled out, clinically demented grandmother showing up to Grandparents Day at my elementary school and making a general ass of herself.


why do you dislike the flags, toothpaste?

>bet you think flags are fun
I had lots of fun back when we all had nazi flags

Insightful input, faggot.

who gives a shit, as long as they tear reddit apart then theyve done their job, autistic faggot.

new interview with fake family of Robert. Spot the handler

We were watching the locals in Ohio search for Stevie Steve and we found a periscope of Lucian. He did a freestyle to Shadilay and won us over.

>Places like the_donald and subsects of Sup Forums seem just as capable of virtue signalling as anyone else.

>look at us, look at how not racist we are

I'm not a stormtard who thinks all blacks are niggers, but this shit is embarrassing.

purge them first

Takes a real nigger to kill an innocent old man

Legit cold blooded murder

>I'm not a stormtard who thinks all blacks are niggers

Nobody accused you of thinking that, the only reason you would throw that point in there would be for a "look at how not racist I am."

So when other people make that point, it's "virtue-signalling," but it doesn't apply when you do?

that place should be nuked

The guy was based

h-h-he d-d-d-dindu :'(

obviously, have you not been paying any attention these threads at all? Most of them are filled with people who think niggers are alright people and love multiculturalism to death.

Yeah and we don't shed a tear for the thuggy niggers.
I don't particularly care about the old man but I don't think he deserved it. It's like with dylan roof, yeah he killed 9 niggers but that's 9 church niggers who're considerably higher on the acceptability scale than inner city niggers.
Gotta have your priorities straight.

It means they are extremely new to this place there have been multiple murders that have shown on video of a shooting being committed. They have no sympathy for whites only this old nigger and its obvious as fuck they are from reddit, new, and/or exleftist/exlibertarians.

It's not that so much as everyone trying to make race the #1 issue. Personally, i like pol politics because it's country first. Money first. Anti manipulation first.

Niggers are niggers and that's bad is like a 6th tier priority around here.


>implying (you)re not a jewish reptilian

i know your tricks

They literally think there's a conspiracy among white people and/or police to murder dindu nuffins, despite all the statistics speaking massively to the contrary.

look at that old blacc man sitting with dem youfs

he was a gud boy dindu nuffin


a nigger

Trayvon was raised by his father and mother right? Well look what he did. It doesn't fucking matter a single bit. I could also point out countless cases where old niggers like him have raised kids and still committed crimes. The logic nu/pol/ is using is absolutely absurd.

Now I could say everytime that these threads pop up that I don't really HATE niggers but I'd have to make the discernment that I hate American niggers and any nigger that lives in a white homeland. If niggers existed in Africa not bothering anyone i wouldn't care and I don't care about the blacks that live in Africa currently. Those who stay in Africa to make it great are fine with me this applies to every single non-white country.

hey what's wrong with ancaps?

Happens all the time and doesn't matter in the least.

I also want to add that having empathy for niggers in the US opens you up to allowing the same crime that exists today from those "thug niggers" that you all talk about constantly.

ANCAPs are extremely new to Sup Forums I didn't start seeing them until the election they are most likely from reddit trying to spread there retard ideology.

This is Sup Forums. The majority of us are the forgotten bastard children of history raised by a generation of single mothers who fuck everything up. I think the reason so many faggots are triggered is because he can be seen an elderly father figure many of them never had. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it

Nothing, the NeetSoc likes to fall into the Jewish and Communist game and consider AnCaps enemies.

But yeah... Sup Forums needs to be purged

>Trayvon was raised by both parents right?
If you unironically don't know every detail about that faggots life you haven't been here long enough

AnCaps, communists, and kikes are enemies to natsoc.

> "look at how not racist I am."

No I am racist, just not genocidally so.

That sounds about right. That's basically how we won the election, people chose T over H because
1. Clinton embodied the worst of nepotism and cronyism in washington
2. People were sick of the leftist identity politics rhetoric

Get a job and get, kiddo.

keep on sucking that kike dick you monkey nigger

I mean, NatSoc = socialist, so you already know they're gullible
They think that planned economies will work once the filthy minorities are out of the way

>natsoc sucks kike dick
>most major libertarians (the lite form of ancap) are jews

you have no idea what you're talking about

there has always been a difference between niggers and black men. Not all blacks are niggers just a disproportionate amount. /pol has always preached this because most of us understand every statistic has an outlier. #notallblacksareniggers

>inb4 gtfo nu-pol

I was here when this board actually had discussions and you could come to pol to learn new and interesting information that otherwise would have been suppressed. Pol has been a shit show since the election ended. All of the groups that raided pol to come together to hype trump are clashing now because they've lost a common goal. This shit is practically /b now



Rest in peace Ol' negro

typical D&C tactics fucking pathetic kikes


You are the IDIOT that fell on D&C.

Is he on Sup Forums?