Intelligent Privilege, Why Do Liberals Never Discuss It

Today intelligence is all that matters to people. Being smart is what gets you social skills, wealth, and a family. There is a major cut-off devide now in IQ where if you have an IQ over 120 your life is heaven and if your IQ is below that your life will be shit. In a way we are living in brave new world but I think it's more than that. It's sort of weird how the way you are formed at birth determines your life. I also think it's weird how Liberals never discuss this despite intelligence being the sole factor in deciding your life.

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>Intelligent Privilege, Why Do Liberals Never Discuss It

because they are not intelligent?

Actually that's exactly why they would want to talk about it. I believe the fact that Liberals do have higher-IQs on average is chiefly why they do not discuss it.


>Being smart is what gets you social skills, wealth, and a family.
Explain why niggers have social skills and families, then. You got me on wealth, though.

Black people are intelligent.

>if you have an IQ over 120 your life is heaven

Not true. High IQ is correlated with mental illness and substance abuse. Being happy while being surrounded by (comparative) idiots is a challenge. I suspect the old adage "ignorance is bliss" is entirely true.

no, im smart as hell but my life is hell because i have to read your shit posts

Wrong. Having a low IQ makes you miserable and you spend all day wishing you were smarter, thinking how much easier life is if you are smarter.

>im smart as hell
No, then you wouldn't be on Sup Forums

what the fuck are you smoking? My IQ is in the 150s and I barely pulled myself through middle class. Of course, I never really cared. The job wealthy people are some of the dumbest bricks I know, just say the right things, don't mouth off to idiot professors in college, and work really fucking hard. Those that make their own way will probably be smarter than not though.
What about our system, however, makes you think its ever easy for higher IQs? Society hates and drives them down.

I promise it's not all roses. Expectations are higher and you get less sympathy for failure (a bit like being a bloke, really), and I can't overstate how frustrating it is to be surrounded by people who don't understand things that seem simple.

My IQ is 87 and my parents are really rich. They have done everything to get me into a good school and everything. I can't even get into a simple University since I can't do shit on the tests. My dad has a job lined up for me at his law firm if I just get a law degree but I can't even do that despite him donating to the school and he even pays me to study I still can't do it.

Also society tells us we're worthless trash and scum and only the high-IQ are given any credibility and time of day. We have no hope. I would give up anything for a high IQ

It's terrible having a low IQ since you can't understand what people are talking about and they have to repeat it. Also you get treated like an idiot and everyone is patronizing when you have a low IQ.

What if I told you that you can increase your IQ? Because you can, especially if you're still university-aged - young people are more neuroplastic.

Iq is definitely linked to happiness as low iq leads to poor health, low financial stability, family strife and mental problems. Extremely high iq(above 140-150) has been known to be linked to some mental problems but not necessarily low life satisfaction.
The quickest way to measure IQ and political affiliation is to compare earning power within ethnic groups. Most liberal studies attempt to point to the "professional" classes and make a finding that among the most "technical" and educated classes, they'll vote Democratic. However, if we account for straight earning power, the Republicans handily beat Democrats across every ethnic group.
Essentially, IQ has been linked to earnings (not specialized fields). The more money you make, the more likely you are to be economically conservative (though not necessarily socially conservative).

How? I thought IQ was innate brain ability and you can never increase it.

Wow maybe that's why im socially conservative but economically liberal.

>IQ of 87
>Most coherent post on this board in weeks
You turned out fine leafbro. Intelligence is not something that can be measured with some stupid test. If it's not too late sit down with your father and have a talk with him on your career. Maybe you can find another career if attorney isn't your thing.

Good looking privelidge too, never discussed

Privilege, brain plz.

Whatever you say buddy.


Average IQ seems to be the sweet spot. There seems to be a real segment of the population who can just go along with the way things are without feeling some type of way one way or another. Every day for me is a fight against my own fucked up head.

Thanks, I may just do that actually.

That as well

that is why the government/corporations should set up sperm banks stock with intelligent donors.

Everyone should have easy access to the sperm of intelligent, successful people. It will make a more equal society.

Aren't most of the Harvard/Cambridge just trust-fund kids?

140s but still hell. This isn't privileged

The short answer is just to keep working at it - learn a new language, do lots of logic and language puzzles etc. I'm not saying it's easy but it is possible. Some people have an easier time gaining muscle when they exercise than others, but nearly anyone can with enough work - your mind is basically the same.

Also on a somewhat related note, every lawyer I know, without exception, is miserable - it pays really well but involves long hours and lots of responsibility, plus it's very competitive. Unless that sounds fun to you, not going through law school might be a blessing in disguise. Once your basic needs are met job satisfaction is more important than remuneration (except for extremely shallow sociopaths, but you don't strike me as one of them).

Liberals like to think of themselves as more intelligent, that's why.


>if you have an IQ over 120 your life is heaven

Nigger my IQ is 135 and I am busting my ass off working like crazy to try to buy a house in this leafistan faggot ass country.

If people become aware of this inequality they will exterminate

Why can't you get a good job? Why couldn't you go into a good school and come out with a good degree in say medicine. Average IQ of a doctor is 125 so why couldn't you? Not saying you are lazy I'm just wondering.

That's actually a pretty good post, one thing I will say is I heard your IQ can at most move 15 points. That should be enough to get slid through the system though. However my dad owns a law firm so I always wanted to work for him for security and everything. But thanks anyway for the post it was quite high quality.

correlation doesn't equal causation.

statistics 101.

Well Liberals do not want to be privileged. They want to be underprivileged. If they find out they have higher IQs they will most likely claim that IQ doesn't matter or the low IQ people are the real oppressors.

I work as an algo trader making around 125k a year for now.

I do have a good degree from a good school. Degrees aren't shit. Never went into medicine. Takes too long as it's too risky relative to the amount of competition they experience.

Also yes I am lazy lol, but lately I have been having to force myself. High IQ people aren't automatic academic successes. They still have to study, maybe not as much, but still. There are plenty of high IQ financial failures.

Correlation heavily implies causation.

Did you get a useless degree or what's the issue?
If so, that wouldn't contradict your intelligence - but certainly your wisdom.

Well whatever you do I hope it works out - you seem like a nice bloke and that quite often seems rarer than genius-level IQ.

A house in Canada that's mediocre costs like $1.2 million cad right now. I am aiming for upper middle, so saving up is a bitch, especially with expenses for going out. I'm waiting for the market to crash, but also saving up as much as I can to catch the dip.

>social skills
I do not comprehend

I don't know how you have trouble buying a house. That seems like you'd get a quick easy mortgage with that salary.

I see, I had heard whispers that the real estate market in Leafland had been difficult for a while. An associate of mine had to move far out into the country to find a suitable mansion.
Good luck, mapleman. You'll be fine!

>correlation doesn't equal causation.

lol sure.

Thanks man, I wish you luck as well.

LOL, Russian bro back at it again.

So many people seem to think that having a high IQ also equates to a high a mount of "drive" + automatically having interests only for the highest payed profession. All of this while
of course also being immune to laziness and or degenerate activities.

If you think this, you're wrong.

you fucking idiot. it does not.

>High IQ people aren't automatic academic successes. They still have to study, maybe not as much, but still. There are plenty of high IQ financial failures.

Some underachieving people like to blame their academic failures on their low IQ though, despite never putting much effort at school. If you're successful, they think it's all attributed to your IQ and not your personal effort.

>wanting to enslave yourself with the combined expenses of house upkeep/taxes and mortgage

No thanks. I'd rather do a downpayment of 500k and pay almost nothing monthly and have more free cash flow. Remember a house is a liability, not an asset like documentaries and movies tell you.

This market is going to crash hard, and I fucking hope these disgusting chinks and boomers lose all their money.

Yeah sure wikipedia it must be true

The areas in which there are relatively no niggers or brown people cost like 3 million for a home.

It's going to crash extremely hard, several of my profs were telling me before I graduated, including one who had 20 years experience valuing mortgage debt instruments for investment funds.

True, but strong correlation often implies either causation or a confounding variable that has a causative relationship with the observed correlated variables. Also since you can't allocate IQ or mental illness to people (and wouldn't get ethics approval even if you could), we couldn't possibly prove causation in this relationship anyway.

I majored in stats, and am really pleased to see basic statistical literacy catching on, but please don't use "correlation is not causation" to mean "correlation rules out causation".

To be fair he did admit to an IQ of 87, so no bully pls.

Can confirm, but only from personal experience.
Am in the low 130s and got bored by everything I've dabbled in (which is a lot).

>being so buttblasted you have to respond twice
Buzz off

Maybe true but by the time people realize that they are already 18 and it's too late to change anything.

You're disgusting man don't bring anti-Chinese sentiment into this.

My IQ is 127 and my life is P hard. Haven't finished college yet though so we will see. Engineering major


>see citatons.

they are all from reputable sources.

and how old are you? this is basic, first year undergrad stuff....

Fuck you chink, get the fuck out of this country.

I can only imagine what average people my age are thinking who don't work in high income fields like mine.



5'5" manlet here. I'd like to discuss height privilege.

Do you all realize you're privileged? Do you know how depressing it is to want to save the white race, but you're a 5'5" hapa?

Would that still be considered a ripple of the US crash a few years ago - or is it selfmade?

>buzz off.

What is P hard? Is your penis hard? Lol im kidding. But seriosuly what is that. I looked it up and it is some computer algorithm

>argument ad authorium
Doesn't matter about the source, correlation heavily implies causation although it's not always the case

>how old are you?

You're ugly and disgusting. Fuck off. I never asked to be born in Canada

Self made in a sense, we let these ill mannered chinks flood their millionaires into Canada buying up homes then setting egregious prices for imbecile show offs to pay and fuck up the stability of our job market.

Variance from the mean of real estate appreciation this high can only spell massive trouble, and the dirty poos and chinks will emigrate back to the shitholes their subhuman parents came from when it all crashes, leaving us to clean up the all the shit they left. The oversaturation is so bad one of my profs said he put 10% of his saving in gold, because he thought there might be a total collapse of our economy, and we'll get into ridiculous debt because of it.

Being smart sucks. People rely on you too much because they are too fucking retarded to figure things out.

>120+ IQ
It isn't that great really.

I was given an IQ test when I was in elementary school and scored 126. In 6th grade I had the reading level of a post grad.

I purposely ruined my mind with drugs so I wouldn't have the thoughts anymore.

I had grand ideas but knew they could never be discovered because it would disfranchise most capitilist structures in regards to energy.

Every great mind in history that has defied (((them))) has been assasinated.

Simmer down will ya?

You have to go back. Fuck off REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

You fucks ruined the lives of every white Canadian who isn't working at a 100k plus starting job.

I'll also add that I was doing algebra in 5th grade.

I read a book everyday. Literally a book.

That would be awesome as fuck. Being the cool guy who has something people want. Being dumb sucks because you are never given any work.

That's very high. My parents have 104IQ and they are very high-IQ

No one gets 100K plus starting job.

You know that when people ride horses there are no dinosaurs around? Nobody has ever seen a dinosaur near a horse. I'm pretty sure horses killed dinosaurs

> Being smart is what gets you social skills
This is beyond retarded

Ah yes, foreign locusts.
We've had our fair share of trouble with them here - and only time will tell how their investment has hollowed our economy.

Friend, are you aware that IQ is a number in relation to your age? Your adult IQ is what counts - because normalization of differences between maturity of brain needs to take place before there can be valid comparision.

ok, dude.

How are all "non white"-Canadians exempt from this?

I was able to actually understand algebra by the time I was in 3rd grade. I wasn't able to due actual equating until 5th though.

bullshit cunt, my iq is 135-140, and I have a pathetic social life, no job and actual autism. If I were to be born with an average IQ, likely I would never have noticed how incapable I am and be a lot happier

Because it's the same thing as white privilege

Well I trade for a living, but there are 100k analyst positions at prominent hedge funds. You only get them by having experience in markets. Nobody cares about degrees anymore now that poos and chinks ruined the degree market by flooding into Canada by the millions like the cockroaches they are.

Do you count Asians and Jews as white, though?

The last time I took it I was in Highschool and barely had a 132 iq score. My teachers made fun of the fact that I was a slack off and didn't use my "intellect".

>outlier loser

Trust me it isnt. It gets really annoying after a while.

It's also a time waster. At work I have hr bugging me to do stupid shit and I feel like slapping them and saying "you know I'm a fucking scientist right? Get an intern to solve your personal problem"

They're fucking parasites who will move back to their homelands as soon as our economy crashes because of them. Which in a sense is great, since they all have to go back anyways, but they fucked over our entire economy before that.

I would kill them all if I had the manpower. I have a friend who's depressed because he just got a mortgage for a 1million dollar mediocre shitty looking home, and he works as a cop. Even my trader friends are feeling the heat from all the inflation and housing increases.

I paid for a SB IQ test 14 years ago when I was in high school. The result was 172, which is well into Mensa requirements.

I declined the Mensa registration and passed the test off as a fluke. I know I'm intelligent, but IQ is bullshit.

146 IQ checking in, born into a poor family with zero social advantages.

>living day to day is pain
>only way to get a leg up in life is to commit crime, lie, steal.
>refuse to do these things, sustain equilibrium of neither success nor failure.
At least I have something to occupy my time with.
I'm just waiting to die, then again we all are I suppose.

And smoking TOTALLY doesn't cause lung cancer. Every monkey the scientists tested with cigerettes got lung cancer but causation ain't correlation am i rite?

Smart people can say smart things and then women will like them.

Ikr. The only thing that comes with intelligence is realizing how bullshit it is.

I don't know how old you're now, so I can't tell what exactly that means.
Your teachers made fun of that fact? Shouldn't they either be worried - or more realistically - be used to it? Most people I know with above-average intelligence underperformed at school.

Blacks will call for positive discrimination when none of them get in the bank.

sure buddy

I wish i was you, I'd be so happy since I could do complex math.

My gf can't keep up when I talk about basic thermodynamics with her but she calls it -cute-

Can confirm

It's because she was a retard, drawing causal links out of their asses, like most people in this thread.

I would like that because at least someone is talking to me. It means someone needs you and you are valuable to someone even if its for something dumb

>It's sort of weird how the way you are formed at birth determines your life.
Birth traits or outside factors that react with your birth traits dictate everything you do. In a way, you have absolutely no control over your life.

Discrete math is overrated. Be dumb and happy. I wish I didn't have to spend all day analyzing data and numbers. Go outside, take a deep breath, enjoy the warm spring air and thank your lucky stars you aren't working a soul crushing job in a sterilized laborator.

Lucky. I keep looking up the 4 laws of thermodynamics and keep forgetting them because i needed them for an athiest argument.

I literally just got passing grades just so I could pass. Dodged any punishment with good wording and literally skipped my way through HS.

I believe the current infrastructure is in support of baby boomers rather than new money so I knew any new echonomic opportunities would be singed by the bud of (((them)))