Should i move to europe or america?

alright guys, should i move to europe or america? im looking for comfy life and fuck with white girls and live around white people, i am so sick of this shithole. i DESERVE to be live around white people.

Germany beckons my roach friend


>i DESERVE to be live around white people
How so?


Fuck off we are full!
Start an Istanbul separatist movement or something

well first off i am smarter than the avarege roachç and i been browsing Sup Forums for years and i avare stuff like race realism and jewish question media manipolution etc, also thus being redpilled, i would support far-right candidates in my country if they don't try to shoah me.

Neither. Fix your own country you fucking roach we don't want you.

it cannot be fixed.

Oh well we still don't want you.