Be me

>be me
>a highly intelligent gentleman who is picky about quality and value
>often looking for a delicious new lunch spot
>try Burger King on a whim

My friends I tell you, it was one of the best meals I have had this year. The crisp vegetables mixed with the moist and hot broiled burger. The cool soda, the hot and crunchable fries, totally blew me away.

I was able to get a value meal for $5.99 and they even complimented my shirt. They don't let black people touch your food and they also have ice cream.

Head on down to Burger King today and get yourself some good mood food. You won't regret it!!

Terrible thread.

tfw burger king cashier. had a bacon king today for 3.24 with my employee discount. it was pretty good.

This is now a food thread

>British Cuisine

I had one for Easter with my mother. Extremely tasty quintessential American burger. Get one tonight, fuckers

>They don't let black people touch your food
False. They let niggers handle food all day. Mexicans, too. You know who doesn't? Chick fil A

Burger King is for niggers and immigrants. Any small burger shop is 9 million times better for a couple extra dollars


Eating fast food is one of the most degenerate things you could ever do

food products aren't food. you're eating the equivalent of canned dog food except it's been engineered for unconscious morons like you